至 rodent1 : a bit? -- Partly type-casting and french latin lver macho,,.. but also his 'spoilt-bad-boy' character from early on and moreover in all roles I saw him in , like couple of dozens ... Shé lovely,
like most slim half-jewish smart slim french 'femme frivole folles '<3
- EST EST BELLE MERCI CHÉRIE BEAUCOUP des bisooouuuxxxxxx - Professeur Pierre-Poète
like most slim half-jewish smart slim french 'femme frivole folles '<3
- EST EST BELLE MERCI CHÉRIE BEAUCOUP des bisooouuuxxxxxx - Professeur Pierre-Poète
回答 原始评论
rodent1 4 年 前
Pour la peau d'un flic (1983). Sylvia Kristel discusses Alain Delon's 'auditioning' process in her autobiography; he was a bit of a sexist scumbag, to be frank.