Not long after visiting Blue Sea (for the second time), I called Body Concept to make another appointment and ‘Happy’ answered the phone. New Girl arrived apparently, and she was eager for me to try her out. OK, I was game as anyone else. ‘Happy’ answered the door to the suite (remember, this is in an office building) and was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, decidedly unerotic clothing, but I figured she was playing the Mamma San role and was not into getting dressed and ready for customers. I had the same room as before, but this time the AC was cranking and it was pretty chilly in there.… 阅读更多内容
NJ Amps: Jewel Spa (2nd Visit)
I was dying to see Tina, her hot body and yummy pussy again, so I put in a call to Blue Sea for a massage. Unfortunately Tina was not working that day (and I forgot what her days she did work there due to rotation, and if you don’t know what that means…the ladies go from one spot to the other). I went anyway, the extreme heat and humidity of the summer was wearing me down, and I felt that even a good massage would help at this point. An entirely different Mamma San opened the door for me this time, but I figured they would remember ****** from my last visit. Once I handed over the $50 house… 阅读更多内容
NJ AMPs: Body Concept (JC)
Addicted to AMPs: Body Concept & Wellness (aka Body Concept Asian Massage aka 5 Corners Spa) (Jersey City - First Visit) This relatively new AMP surfaced practically overnight with web presence announcing that they were open 24/7. Located on the second floor of an office building not far from Blue Sea, I decided to give them a call and check it out. This one was stranger than the norm. My first call was to arrange if someone was available, and set the time. I then flew over by car and followed instructions given to me to call back when I get there. I texted them that I was there, and rec… 阅读更多内容
NJ AMPs: Blue Sea (JC - 1st Visit)
This AMP is located in Jersey City on Summit Avenue, near to the 5 corners area and Newark Avenue, another major shopping area that used to primarily be a Filipino haven rivaling a similar one in Elmhurst, Queens. Like everywhere else, Indians have moved in, and bought out quite a few of the Filipino restaurants and markets, and replaced them with Indian restaurants that all seem to fail. Seems like although the Filipinos like cheap, family friendly restaurants (I can’t stomach most of the salty food personally), Indians don’t really go all that much, and often cook at home. I’ve seen places r… 阅读更多内容
NJ AMPs: Jewel Spa (JC - 4th Visit)
After my wasteful time at Mia Spa, I decided to stop back at Jewel Spa back in the heights, and coincidentally, not far from my home. At this point, I’m becoming seasoned, so off comes the wedding ring, where looser fitting clothes, and no jacking off for a day or so beforehand, and you’ll be good and ready. This is where I met crazy Sophia. Everyone wishes for a provider like her. She was about 30-35 or so, 5’5”, about 110, 120 and had tattoos, C cup breasts, but very playful, talkative, and liked groping even during the massage session. Sophia was impressed with my limited knowledge of Ch… 阅读更多内容
NJ AMPs: Mia Spa (JC)
Addicted to AMPs: Mia Spa (Jersey City) This AMP used to advertise Asian and Latin providers, and is located on the very, very busy intersection of Newark avenue near JFK boulevard. There’s a lot of heavy foot traffic due to the many shops and restaurants around (the damn bus stops right in front of this place). It was a sultry early spring morning, and I decided to check this place out. I called, and a woman answered, and I made the appointment for ten minutes after that. When I got to Mia Spa, I had to ring the bell on the side of the door (hoping I wouldn’t be noticed by the many… 阅读更多内容
NJ AMPs: Jewel Spa (JC - 2 & 3rd Visits)
Addicted to AMPs: Jewel Spa (Jersey City - Second Visit) A few weeks after my first visit to Jewel Spa in Jersey City, and I called but I got a guy on the phone. Pappa San, is what most MP frequenters call them. And I made an appointment for thirty minutes from the time I called. Making the second visit a little strange, he greeted me at the (secret) door, and asked if I had been there before, where I worked, did I live in New Jersey… I guess all this to separate the cops from actual MP clients. He seemed nice enough, and I handed him the house fee ($60). I got totally naked in the ro… 阅读更多内容
NJ AMPs: Jewel Spa (Jersey City - 1st Visit)
Since ‘The Man’ had many sites removed or blocked on the Internet last April, it has been tough as hell to locate good reviews for many MPs. Using good old research, I was able to put a little list together, and have slowly been (ahem) testing them out for you. Our first test run (since my heyday of visiting Times Square MPs in the 70s through the early 90s), was Jewel Spa located in the Jersey City Heights area. This place is an AMP lover’s dream in terms of location. It’s not actually located inside the house which it is addressed at, but rather, entry is through a gated (usually open… 阅读更多内容