最后出现于 3 年 前
5190 天 在 XRMXX 上
2.3K 个人资料浏览次数
75 个订阅者
0 条评论
I have reached the limit for the number of friends which are allowed here.
- No idea why there should be a limit to that, but thats how it is and nothing to do about that.
So unfortunately I no longer can accept all the friend requests which I really would like to.
I now choose to accept only requests from profiles with some personal content.
I am sorry if I thereby missed you.
Visit anytime and often, let me know you stopped by...
SassyBri ~
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
_xxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks xxxxxxxxxx
__xxxxxxxxxxxx For xx xxxxxxxxx
____xxxxxxxxxx The xxxxxxxxx
_______xxxxxx Invite xxxxx
Drop by our profiles for lots of interracial favorites! Including: The website with my husband's Erotic Stories, my blogs, view our favorites, and see our photo collections! Have fun, be safe, and enjoy yourself!
Pretty bad, man...
Благодарю за приглашение. Всегда буду рада видеть твои комментарии на своей страничке. Приятных впечатлений. С любовью.
Твоя Muza.
are you going to upload some pix?