最后出现于 3 年 前
4368 天 在 XRMXX 上
2.3K 个人资料浏览次数
19 个订阅者
10 条评论
男性, 异性恋者
Welcome, friend!
Spend a little time working on your page first instead of beating off to other peoples content!!!!
Thank you for your invitation
More than 100 days here. You have covered your profile.
Do not contribute or share anything.
You seem a / a "Lamer"
Look at Wikipedia => http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamer
Read my advice:
Increase your profile data. Example: Read mine
So you will have more chance of friendship.
In your profile writes:
What do you like
Search for
that offer
What are your terms
Then return to request friendship.
I speak with respect.
I also went up to reflect Lamer...
Health and luck to you and yours.
From Spain