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5050 天 在 XRMXX 上
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149 个订阅者
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Enjoy and feel free to comment and favorite my contents
Dear friend you've been refused because your friend request has been rejected for any of the reasons listed below:
1) Profile completely empty.
2) Profile completely empty while being registered for a long time.
3) Profile with only video and photo favorites.
4) Profile with videos and photos not of my interest.
5) Pics and Videos on profile taken from the Net and posted as your OWN.
6) Gallery private and not free for friends
PS I don't like cock in avatar ... better a nice pussy or female ass ---
I conclude by saying that I'd like to be friends with everyone, but if you fall into one of these four categories I am sorry, but I'll be happy to accept it when you have something to share. and PLEASE STOP ADDING ME until you fix the issue