22% 个人资料已填
最后出现于 9 年 前
4103 天 在 XRMXX 上
634 个人资料浏览次数
0 个订阅者
22 条评论
Jim, 男性, 异性恋者
英语, 其他


I'm mostly just here to make a favorites list. I've used this site for many years, and I'm sick of losing track of videos I like. I'll add pretty much anyone if they seem real (have a big favorites list or some actual contributions). I'm not really here for other people though, so don't be surprised if I only check my messages once a month.

Edit 03/30/2014: I'm making my favorites list available to friends only. This is due to a likely unfounded paranoia that someone is using my account (and all accounts with a large favorite list) to search for copywrited material to delete. If you are on my friends list, please understand I add videos for the following reasons (only 1 has to apply and these are in no particular order).

1.They turn me on
2.They're funny
3.They're gross or weird
4.They're rare or hard to find
5.I want to watch them later but I got interrupted, so and I haven't even seen them yet

I'll leave it up to you to decide which favorite videos are which.

So, if you happen to come across my profile and you like my favorites list for pictures, send me a friend request or just say hi as a comment on my profile. If I add you and a video on my favorites list offends you, don't be a dick about it and try to get it deleted. There's enough of that nonsense on here already and your efforts will be wasted since people tend to download videos and repost them from other accounts. All you're doing if you report one and it gets deleted is you make me spend a little more time finding the same video that's already all over the internet. Plus, if I figure out that you're reporting videos using my list, obviously you're off my friends list because I can't trust you. That said, I might start posting stuff I've seen on other free websites that isn't on here if I can figure out how and somehow start to care enough.

Oh, and apologies ahead of time to the otherwise nice people here if this makes me seem unfriendly, but to you scammers and people who don't come out with it right away when you're trying to sell something like website subscriptions or webcam time: eat a dick. Eat my mishapen from jerking off too much, poorly shaved, 9" long white boy dick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hisWjTnTStk

Note to people I've met on webcam while mooching free shows off their tokens to cam girls: you people are fucking awesome. As thanks, I might start a free webcam of me jerking off to other webcams and/or videos some time in the future when I get a decent webcam instead of the crummy one that came with my computer. If you're only into women like me and don't want to see my slightly overweight, married, middle aged, pasty Irish-American ass jerking it, well, then all I can do is thank you for supporting my porn habit.
loginloginlogin 10 年 前
thnx 4 the add enjoy the page!

朋友 6

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