最后出现于 3 年 前
Porn Lover
3084 天 在 XRMXX 上
9.7K 个人资料浏览次数
740 个订阅者
130 条评论
i am a gurl looking for other gurls, girls, cds, sissies, ts, tg or any other names people call us now days. I feel to get as many as I can so we are strong from the hatred people in this world. <br />I am a male to female transgender woman. Sorry I don't have a real picture yet. I guess you can tell I am a lil shy. My thing is to give and receive pleasure, my favorites are mainly prostate massage and I am learning to give pleasure and giving myself pleasure as well. Later I will reveal myself and become verify just want to lose more pounds till then.
...Susie Gurl