There is news today.Chineese men are now enjoying breast milk more then ever.Some agencies are providing young moms who give there milk,u can call them and suck it out with pleasure,or u can take the pumped out milk and drink.Apparently apart from the pleasure of playing and sucking breast full of milk,its got lot of nutrition value ? I feel all traditional and old societies in the world knew so much more in human behavior.They stayed happy without the help of machines. Even in our rural areas mothers feed babies till 6-8 yrs,used to be possible as they had k**s evey 2 yrs. Maybe some… 阅读更多内容
language prob
hi,love the site & its collection.Am from India & use engish % Hindi only.How do i find out if the language is English.some time title says otherwise one has to play without enjoying.… 阅读更多内容
13 年 前