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Kama Sutra Guru
5642 天 在 XRMXX 上
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503 条评论
MILF LOVER, 男性, 异性恋者
Your Mom’s Ass, 地球


I know that the idea that tattoos are stupid may come as a huge shock to many of you. Especially to those of you who have invested so much of your time and energy trying to be cool. Oh, how you’ve labored long and hard to come up with that tattoo idea that tells a story. A story of individualism and character. That tattoo that shows you don’t follow the crowd. That tattoo that shows the world how interesting you are. That tattoo that shouts to the world just how much self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem you have. Ironically, it is these very reasons that tattoos are simply just a dumb idea. Here’s why.

“I just want to be different….like all my friends.”

First of all, if you’re looking at the tattoo epidemic as a way to express your individualism, then it is obvious to me that you don’t know the meaning of the word. How can you truly show any type of individualism by taking part in a movement that encompasses thousands, if not millions, of people? At this point, no matter how hard you try, you cannot get a tattoo that someone doesn’t already have. The idea that somehow scarring your flesh with some insipid symbol or demonic imagery will say to people you’re a free thinker is truly misguided. The issue lies with your own personal self-esteem. If you’re a person who feels a desire to tattoo himself, you’re one of two types of people. The first group is drawn to tattooing because of a lack of self-respect and a love for themselves and for who they are, which causes these feelings to manifest. “ If I had a cool tattoo, maybe then girls will notice me .” Or “ If I get a tattoo, guys will think I’m sexy .” Once the root of the action is realized as being that of a desperate ploy for attention due to not appreciating themselves for who they are, and that they are placing that needed feeling of acceptance in the hands of others, the true motivations become clear.

Another personality type is the person who thinks way too much of themselves. The idea that someone may not notice them is unacceptable. They’re awesome. A demi-god among us. This sad delusional state almost always manifests in over adornment. Be it tattoos, gold jewelry or outlandish silly outfits. However, all of this is just the wrapping to a package of arrogance, self-centeredness and an inflating feeling of self-importance commonly known as being a douchbag.

“I got this tattoo because it means something to me.”

Whether, it’s a memorial to a dead relative or friend, a shape or text that symbolizes something or a representation of life experience, these are the most saddest and most pretentious of all tattoos. It would seem from the stories told by tattoo enthusiasts that these types of people have trouble remembering the events of their life. Simply unable to remember who has died and what they’ve done in their lives without a visual reference. These types always seem to want to have the most painful and heart wrenching memories inscribed into their flesh. It’s never “ This is when I got my PHD.” Or “ This is when I started my own business.” It’s always “ This is to remind me that my mom died .” Or “ My dad use to beat me senseless and this toy was my only refuge from the abuse .” Please. You got that tattoo because it makes you feel like you have a story to tell and you desperately hope someone will ask you to tell it. Then you can appear all deep and introspective when in essence, you’re just desperate for attention. After all, with tattoos you can feel like you’re actually interesting. It’s easier to appear interesting than to actually be interesting.

“Forget you, man. You’re just a hater.”

Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.
carolynforest 1 年 前
hi can we be friends :smile:
Jizzbomber666 2 年 前
Leeza Jones
XSlatina 3 年 前
Exactly. Just look what Slut Momo did to herself. Sad. 
smithvagi 3 年 前
Please add me.
lararr 4 年 前
Can we be friends?
Spielzeugjunge 4 年 前
Let us be friend hairy granny Monika german queen of spades 