Remembering during the Corona Virus Shutdown

This is a short post, and not even particularly sexy or titillating. However, it is important to me to record this memory because I have for quite a while thought that my interest in transgender women was initially aroused only when I was in my late 30's.

Since I have a health issues, asthma and middle-age in my case, which put me in the high-risk category to have serious complications if I catch the Virus, I've been pretty much hiding from the world, reading books, and thinking about how the world has been turned topsy-turvy in the last 4 weeks. I remembered this incident which occurred decades ago, when I was in college, and it stunned me to realize that I really did have Trans thoughts when I was much younger.

I was probably 18 or 19, and I didn't have a steady girlfriend or really a best male friend, instead I just was one of a group of twenty or thirty people of both sexes who hung out in the same places to drink beer smoke cigarettes, and talk about life, love, academics, sports, sex and politics. One of those people was Bill B., who was a good-looking young man, a former high school football player, a B student, and a bit of an iconoclast who showed a certain disdain for the rules. It was a period when the terms beatnik and hippy were both still being bandied about to describe the slightly odd folks, and while Bill didn't quite fit that stereotype, he wasn't the usual button-down shirt, tweed jacket, khakis and Weejuns guy, either.

One evening Bill and I were drinking with two or three other members of the group, and he said that he'd had a really weird experience; he had gone to one of the bars near the main gate of the Ohio State on High Street, and been picked-up by an attractive girl who took him back to her apartment. They started making-out, it became very intense, and then the girl told him that she was a crossdresser, and not a woman. The thought that he had been kissing a man instantly revolted him, and he got up and left her apartment immediately, and walked back to his fraternity house, where he'd laid awake all night wondering about his own sexuality, and why the crossdresser had been attracted to him.

The discussion droned on for a while, and the other fellows chimed in on how disgusting it must have been, and how they would've wanted to wash their mouths with Listerine, et cetera, et cetera. I can't remember if I expressed such thoughts at the time, but if I did it would've been in self-protection and self-denial mode, because I remember that I felt sexual arousal and a sense of empathy and affection for the girl. I didn't have the nerve to ask Bill where the girl lived, or any details of her appearance, but I wanted to know that. I never did find the right moment to ask him.

I remember now that I had erotic fantasies about the girl, and what might occur if I met her for quite a while afterwards. Subsequently I think that my conscious mind just sublimated the fantasies and the memories, but they remained. I saw Bill at a couple of reunions later, but never raised the subject, and am not sure that seeing him evoked the memory. He died young from some sort of cancer.

It seems oddly upsetting to me that I've been crossdressing for twenty-five years and didn't put two and two together until now. I wonder whether I would've met the girl if I'd had the courage to ask Bill more about how to contact her, and actively pursued her companionship. Finding one person at Ohio State is not exactly an easy thing to do, and she might not even have been a student. Plenty of non-students hang out in the bars on North High on the weekends, looking to be predators or victims.

In any case, it now seems to me that I clearly was exhibiting an attraction to transgender women when I was just a teen-ager. I wonder if would I have become fascinated by the girl if I'd met her, and suspect that the answer would have been affirmative. I also suspect, actually I'm relatively sure, that the realization that I myself am a transgender person would have come to me almost twenty years sooner.
发布者 StarrSluttCD
4 年 前
StarrSluttCD 出版商 1 年 前
vecchiopompa : Thanks for the comments.  Like you, I feel the "time passes" aging process too!  "Too soon old and too late smart" should be the epitaph on many tombstones! 
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vecchiopompa 1 年 前
The coronavirus has been sex-devastating for me. Nice story, I was trans, only in private, years ago and I have many good memories,,,,, I really liked wearing thongs, stay-up stockings or with garter belts, even now I'm attracted to all of this, here on XH I visit transgender profiles a lot, I love them! ,,,,,,, then time passes and now I'm a 68 year old.....
Jami-DFW 1 年 前
Societal conditioning and societal norms are very powerful things to overcome.  I liked how you phrased it as self-denial and self-protections, because that is exactly what it is.  Believing our beliefs before we have an experience to the contrary.  That is, we don't know what we don't know.  We believe what we are taught based on someone else's beliefs!  And what makes it tough is that most ALL of society buys into it!  Heck, I even once, when told I was a good cocksucker, denied being a cocksucker to myself WHILE I was sucking cock!  Then had to laugh at myself for my knee-jerk reaction.  I now believe we are born with our sexual orientation because I can't otherwise explain going against everything I was taught, trained and conditioned to believe.  I like sex with men and no one ever taught me that was OK -- quite the contrary!  Yet, after years of self-denial and self-protection, I ended up this way anyway!  And old aphorism says, "it's much easier to ride the horse in the direction it's going".  But darned, if we sure don't try!  That's that self-denial and self-protection.  Life's much easier when we stop doing that sh*t. But, yeah, there's still some self-protection going on because I sure can't broadcast it to everyone I know.  Maybe someday.  Maybe not.  I'm OK either way.  I like to fantasize about "The Road Not Taken" too and wonder if I had discovered this at an earlier age.  And how my life would have been so different.  But, it's only nice to fantasize about because there's nothing I can do about it now.  About the time I become fully realized is probably about the time I pass.  I'm a long ways away, but still a worthwhile endeavor to head that direction.  Thanks for sharing those valuable insights!
StarrSluttCD 出版商 2 年 前
iamagoodlicker : thank you for the kind comments.  I enjoyed reading your thoughtful profile.   I think everyone has "What If ? ? ?" moments, and I was pushed into one of those reveries when I read you comments about your first kiss with a boy.   When I was  that age I was totally clueless about gender dysphoria.  And, even during my teens and twenties, about the only thing I knew about transgender people was from reading about the lawsuits between SRS transsexual Renee Richards and the Tennis Association about her participation in the US Open tournament.  If only I knew when I was 12 what I knew when I was 35 how different would life have been, and of course I'll never know, which I guess was the point of this blog entry.  While I can guess and hypothesize about my potential reactions and life choices, I'll never know.    I've read and  reread Roberts  Frost's "The Road Not Taken"  many times, of course.   
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iamagoodlicker 2 年 前
Thank you for sharing this; I like how you present your perspective now and then and try to connect the two. In my young life, I have had a plethora of experiences that have made me wonder - or try to remember - what I was thinking at the time. The most prevalent one is that at 14, my Mom, sisters, and friends of both helped dress me as a girl for a costume contest. Afterwards, a boy a couple of years older started talking to me and I was upset because I thought he thought I was a girl. When he told me he knew I was a boy, he suddenly became appealing to me and I wanted him to talk to me, to like me. We ended up walking to the playground and we kissed on a bench. I didnt know what I was doing but what he was doing sure felt good. Then, or now, I dont look at males and think, wow he is attractive but I do say that when I see a woman. At times, I wish I could be both. It always confuses me, who am I? I stopped worrying about that. Now, I do what makes me happy, which is being a kind human, reading lots, exercising and making friends with those who are equally kind...and making them feel good. I like sex, I like giving pleasure.  I am the ultimate bottom in this regard.  I'm open-minded about all things, and wish everyone could be too. 
Leomoore 3 年 前
A lost opportunity?  Who knows, but interesting memory.
DirtyDianaDal 4 年 前
bluehen46 : Thank you! :heart: And not yet. :wink:
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bluehen46 4 年 前
DirtyDianaDal : Well who knows. If the right girl came along but as i said very straight interested in men and trans women. No if i met daisy taylor she could fuck me and i would swallow her. . Hell i would be her bitch if she wanted me to.. Bye the way I like your pics. Even make it to delaware? 
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DirtyDianaDal 4 年 前
bluehen46 : While I respect this and would never force anyone or want anyone to do something they aren’t comfortable with, I think people who won’t give bottoming a try are passing up on something really enjoyable in life. I believe most of the time the turnoff is fear - either of possible pain or of their own sexuality. Everyone would have more fun if we dropped the labels. If you like being topped, does that make you bisexual? And if it does, so what? It seems there are a lot more guys that are bisexual - at least to some extent - than are willing to admit to themselves… and because of that, they take chances with strangers at adult bookstores rather than the safety of a trusted friend’s house. And as for the pain - absolutely, if your first experience is a huge cock slammed up your ass with no lube - it’s going to hurt, you’re not going to like it, and that will likely put a permanent damper on the activity for you. But if you take your time, go slow, and size up with toys or a training kit and lube, practicing before the main event - a guy can have a great experience! A woman’s G-Spot orgasm is the rough equivalent of a guy’s prostate orgasm (P-Spot)… and that’s how you access the prostate. :wink:
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StarrSluttCD 出版商 4 年 前
bluehen46 : The incident happened 45 years ago.   Almost nobody had any knowledge whatsoever about transgenderism.  My friend had a bit of a poetic, artistic side, which was probably why the girl felt attracted to him, and probably felt safe.  For all I know, he may have had a sexual epiphany when he got older.  I know that he died when he was around 50, but I lost contact with him after we grduated from college. 
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bluehen46 4 年 前
I am straight but as questing of crossdressing and transgender women as i am I might just have said and seen what happened. now fairly she probably should have told him as people end up in serious trouble with those "surprises" it seems many men have a "bi-seuxal" side they are not at terms with some are higher than others. For example i doubt i would bottom ever. 
StarrSluttCD 出版商 4 年 前
Cigarman56 : Hi, sorry, didn't get the ? responses.  Send me a PM if you have a question.  I answer everything, even when the world isn't shut housebound!  
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StarrSluttCD 出版商 4 年 前
playmax223 : :heart:  thanki you! 
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playmax223 4 年 前
StarrSluttCD : I'll send a DM
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prairieFreak13 4 年 前
StarrSluttCD : you are spot on as the Brits safe!~kisses~Bri
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Cigarman56 4 年 前
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StarrSluttCD 出版商 4 年 前
playmax223 : I am sorry, btw for saying thomas instead of Samuel L. Jackson.   A case of mind-scramble induced by drinking too much good Polish potato wodka as I cower in terror of the virus. I would love to take a look at  your photo with him, too.  After that who knows? 
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StarrSluttCD 出版商 4 年 前
prairieFreak13 : thank  you, sister.  we are all searching for answers about the how, when, where, why and what of being fucked-up sissies, aren't we? 
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playmax223 4 年 前
LMAO Well...I have a picture with him if you want to see for yourself
StarrSluttCD 出版商 4 年 前
Cigarman56 :  thank  you!  being TG means you are incurably fucked-up and introspective, don't you know?
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playmax223 4 年 前
This event is giving us a lot of opportunities to retrospection, isn't it lol
Cigarman56 4 年 前
Great reflections and insights ?
prairieFreak13 4 年 前
*hugs* nice post~kisses~Bri