The Real Sultan of India
There have been countless Babur Khans in India since the 12th century and still exist and will continue to exist. It all started when the strong beef eating foreign musalman men with big circumcised cocks made inroads into the Indian subcontinent in the 8th century and got the taste of hindu women which was very refreshing and different. On the other hand hindu girls got the flavor of real foreign manhood, stamina and hard circumcised cock of the beef eaters, soon muslim cock became popular in the hearts of hindu girls and the gossips spread like wildfire. The musalmans got even more motivated and didn’t stop, they wanted an even bigger and widespread occupation which started in the 12 century. To the delight of hindu girls the musalmans gave them attention they craved for. Beautiful soft brahmin and rajput girls were enjoyed by strong musalmans. If you read the history you will find that many muslim kings had not one but multiple hindu wives and other women in the harems. Many hindu kings married off their beautiful Royal hindu daughters and sisters to musalmans to avoid war or to form alliances because they knew hindu women can calm down fierce musalmans. Babur is like an emperor who wants more and because of his superior sex power he doesn’t seem to tire and his sons are like princes with whom every girl wants to sleep. Any hindu girl whom Babur or his sons lay eyes on, in the next instance she is in bed with him. Its too arousing for a hindu girl, the idea of a muslim stud touching her sexy body and that hard circumcised cock, she cannot say no.
5 年 前