How to out a small dick loser
Cuckolding is my life and I love it.
How To Out Your Husband As A Cuckold
“Outing” is one of those fascinating topics that I have learned about through interaction on the blog. It still amazes me just how many guys want to be “outed.” When I think about outing, there are essentially two kinds of outing that we have talked about: (1) being outed by your female partner, or (2) self-outing. To me, the difference is when you are outed by your partner it’s clear it’s about his erection size, while self-outing on nude beaches or in showers or locker rooms, guys are typically in a soft state which leaves some doubt as to the real penis size since there are “growers and showers.” Thus for Steve, while self-outing has little appeal, I know being outed by me is much more exciting and powerful for him.
I have known Steve has wanted to be “outed” for some time now, and while I wasn’t opposed to it at all, I really hadn’t had the opportunity… until recently. But that has all changed now, because he has been outed!
7 年 前