The Inflation Game part 7

Lisa, now completely worked up and so wet from the attention shown to her holes, uttered, "hit up my asshole with the plug now!". Oh fuck, certainly!", I gleamed back at her, while looking into those sparkling blue eyes, which shot back at me through her furrowed brow. "Give it to me bitch!!" Lisa ordered, as she slid the dong out of her dripping, splayed open snatch and flung it right across the room, causing it to slap against the opposite wall above Rebecca's bed, finally landing among the piles of clothing that littered that mattress. "Fuck!", I responded, "I'm kinda surprised it didn't just stick to the wall!". "Not today at least!", Lisa returned, as both of us giggled. From her freakishly bent position she grasped the hose of the butt plug, sitting next to her, and whipped the contraption into my eager left hand. I removed my other hand's two fingers from within Lisa's now pliant sphincter, and grabbed onto the bulb that hung suspended from the hose extending from the rear portion of the plug. "Oh my god", I uttered as I manouvered the business end of the butt plug deep into her inviting asshole. "Oh yeah", "that's the ticket!", Lisa loudly declared, "pump it bitch!", she demanded from me, as she grasped onto her ass with both hands and opened it wide.

I kept my left hand firmly grasped onto the end of the plug which sat snuggly up against the wrinkled ring of Lisa's lucious pink asshole. "Here it comes baby!", I told her as I squeezed the first burst of air from the bulb into the waiting plug in her ass! "Don't stop now!", Lisa pleaded as her sphincter spasmed with delight. My entire length of my raging cock, still suffocating from within the confines of my jeans, was at this point, soaking in a sea of pre cum. It could actually hear the squishing sounds this produced every time that my cock throbbed in excitement. The wet stain visible on the right side of my groin was almost the size of a side plate! "Here it comes!", I repeated as I gave the bulb a indeterminate number of quick successive squeezes! "Enough!", Lisa screamed, "Jesus Mary and Joseph!", she added as her hips gyrated to readjust for the additional strain the swollen plug presented. "What's the matter, bitch?!", I growled at her straining face, "Not so demanding now are you?", I added with a laugh.

"Fuck you bitch!", Lisa laughed. As she did so, she took in a large breath of air, held it in and, while her tight abdominal muscles tensed, pushed on the stretched out plug so that her entire pussy and ass swelled outward, attempting to purge the toy from her ass! "Aaah!", Lisa cried with a hiss, as she suddenly relaxed again, making the massive air filled plug return to it's original position. At that exact moment, I twisted the air release valve housed onto the end of the bulb. With a "hiss!" And a fart, the plug shrank back down and was immediately ejected from Lisa's strained asshole!! "Oh, fuck!", I uttered as my cock spasmed within it's drowning position. As the plug dropped down to hang from the end of its hose, I slammed my entire face into the wet, sloppy mess that covered Lisa's entire crotch. I madly began sucking as much of the slime into mouth. Once I had taken in as much of the slop as I could manage, I flew up and over to Lisa's gaping sexy mouth, and allowed the entire mess to drop down as I made contact with her lips. The sheer quantity of her secretions added to my own saliva, caused Lisa to jerk her body out of the position she had so easily maintained up to then. Pulling my mouth away from hers, she pushed at me as she twisted her doll like head to the side and let out a series of coughs. "Yeah!", 'cough', 'cough', "that's how it's done!". Grabbing the plug from my hand, Lisa reached around me and replaced it back into her loosening asshole, "Now," she turned to me and said, "You're gonna love this!". Having not a clue what lay ahead I replied, "I'm pretty sure I will!"
发布者 meenrween
7 年 前