My Ukraine Travels (updated 18/1/18)

Cheers Everyone,

On 8 December, 2017, the ex-boyfiend and I journeyed from Oregon, U.S.A., to Kyiv, Ukraine. We were in Ukraine until 30 January, 2018. I lived with Masha - my Ukrainian girlfriend - and the ex-boyfiend stayed at a hotel after he got kicked out of Masha's home for being just a little too rude and pervy. This is my blog about my time in Ukraine. Unlike my swing last summer through the Balkans where I was moving from city to city, I remained in Kyiv the whole time. After our time in Ukraine, all three of us flew to Yerevan, Armenia.

The entries in this blog are in reverse chronological order so the most recent entries are at the beginning...

For easy reference, here is a table of contents...

Kyiv, Ukraine – 18 January, 2018 – Reflecting on Kyiv
Kiev, Ukraine – 10 January, 2018 – Christmas Sex Toys and My Pee Fetish
Kiev, Ukraine – 2 January, 2018 – Christmas, the Underground and Eats & Masha's Mum and the Boyfiend's Ejaculation
Kiev, Ukraine – 26 December, 2017 – There's Something About Masha
Kiev, Ukraine – 20 December, 2017 – My Marriage to The Boyfiend Is Not Happening
Kiev, Ukraine – 17 December, 2017 – First Impressions of Ukraine & Boyfiend Behaving Badly
Kiev, Ukraine – 13 December, 2017 – From Oregon to Ukraine & What's On My Sexual Horizon

Kyiv, Ukraine – 18 January, 2018 – Reflecting on Kyiv

Now that I've been in Kyiv for about 40 days I have kind of a fair feel for the city. And, yes, it is Kyiv and not Kiev. Kyiv is what Ukraine calls this city and Kiev is Russia's name so Kyiv it is. The city centre is incredible with all its' old buildings, monuments and statutes. But as I move outward from the centre that is where I find the real Kyiv people are.

So, go to city centre at least once to see all the old stuff. And that's where the best restaurants are too. I marvel at all the statutes, whether they stand alone or are on top of a building. But I wonder how many people know the stories behind the statutes. And, no, there are no more statutes of Vladimir Lenin still standing out here as the Ukrainians demolished all of them. But Lenin never liked statutes of him anyway. He once said something like, “Statutes are for pigeons.”

My sense is not many people actually live in the city centre. But I'm finding that as I move on out – kind of like in the pattern of a concentric circle – there are more concrete block style housing units and less big business and government buildings. And while those housing units closer to city centre can be sort of new, the ones out on the fringes are mostly horrid looking.

It amazes me that in all my time here I have yet to see a stand-alone house. I'm sure there must be some of those houses for the oligarchs and probably there are regular houses out in the suburbs or in Ukraine's small towns – but not in Kyiv. Apparently, this phenomenon has its' roots in the communist times. Back when Stalin was around he wanted people to live like it was a commune so he hoarded everybody into dormitory-like places that had no sense of privacy. Most of those concrete blocks are gone. The ones around now are from the 1950s and they look just as blah but at least they have separate rooms for each family. Another reason for this apartment way-of-life is that the old Soviet Union paid some of the rent and utilities and it cost the government less if everybody lived in these units.

My girlfriend Masha lives on the outskirts of Kyiv. From the outside her concrete block looks like a total dump. And the stairwell is dimly lit, the elevator creaks and there is loose wiring everywhere. But the inside of her unit is quite modern and we have a wonderful view out her bedroom window to the woods and a frozen pond where there are many times guys out ice-fishing. However, I have been inside the units of some other people in Masha's bloc and it's like living in a third-world country.

The view out Masha's window...

There are a few people living in Kyiv with a whole bunch of money. After that there seems to be a substantial middle class who drive modern cars and live comfortably (though not so much compared to standards like in the United States and much of Melborne). Then there are some very poor people. Every day on my way to the metro I walk by many destitute people who are trying to sell a spare belt or perhaps a cup of shelled walnuts. Several hours later I see the same people and they've been sitting in the freezing cold all day and they still have that belt and those walnuts. And Masha tells me that appearances can be deceiving and that most of the hot women dressed so smartly don't own much more than the clothes on their backs.

I'm finding that most everybody is Kyiv is very courteous and calm. People out in the real part of Kyiv just seem to be going about their lives. And even when it is snowing there are still lots of chil_dren at the playgrounds, mums pushing strollers and dog walkers. And there isn't that incessant horn-honking like in the Balkans. Yes the war in eastern Ukraine is heating up and there are protests and push-back from the police in the city centre over proposed legislation to recognize the legitimacy of regions of Ukraine controlled by Russian separatists. But, like I say, all is serene out here on the fringes of Kyiv.

One thing that mystifies me about Kyiv is all of the security. Go into most any hotel, supermarket or McDonald's restaurant and you'll see loads of private security people watching everybody like a hawk. But I've never seen the least bit of evidence that there is any shoplifting or riff-raff going on. I think it is just a vestige of the old Soviet Union. On the other hand, the police are barely visible unless you're a protester. Before I came to Kyiv I had read that the police are always stopping foreigners to ask for their passports but that's total nonsense. The only stopping I've seen the police do is of a wayward motorist or a public dr_unk.

One place there aren't security people is out at the open markets. And there is no need for it. There are all kinds of items out there in the open for the taking but everybody pays. And the vendors are honest too. Since most of the vendors and me can't communicate in words I hold out my stash of notes like a hand of spread cards and they pluck out what I owe them and show me what they've taken. I've never once thought I'd been taken advantage of except by one guy who sold me some fresh squeezed pomegranate juice.

At the open markets even the dogs, cats and birds are well-behaved. You'd think that the homeless and hungry dogs and cats would snatch all those pieces of meat and fish that are just lying on the table but they never do. Or that the crows and pigeons would swoop down and fly off with a claw-full of seeds or nuts but I've never seen it. My favorite dog is the one who always hangs out in front of this meat market and barks like he's trying to place an order. I once bought him some sausage but then I was admonished by the lady owner who took it back and said I was only encouraging him.

Sure, Ukraine has its' problems with corruption. All of the old Soviet countries are bogged down by that. And the conflicts with Russia are unsettling too. But I find that at least western Ukraine is very progressive and westward leaning. Last year the European Union allowed Ukrainians for the first time to travel visa-free in the EU and many people took advantage of it. And English schools are very popular here too as people want to broaden their horizons. Ukraine is a big country and it's hard to turn that big ship around but it's slowly happening.

My plan during this Ukraine trip was to stay in one place and just kind of soak up the day-to-day comings and goings and I think that for the most part I've succeeded. There are a few places around here that I'd like to go to. There's a tour that goes to Chernobyl and there's even a tourist hotel in Chernobyl. But since they only let the clean-up crew there work 5 hours a day due to the contamination that tells me all I need to know and I think I'll just go to the Chernobyl museum in Kyiv instead.

So I'm just going to chill – in more ways than one – for my remaining 12 days here. The ex-boyfiend is away in other part of the country during these coming days and that's a good thing because he's high maintenance (aren't we all?). And Masha has finished her last day of work and gotten her travel visa paperwork all fixed up so I'll be enjoying quiet time with her. So life is good till the end of the month and then it's off to Armenia on 30 January for Masha, the ex-bf and me.

Kiev, Ukraine – 10 January, 2018 – Christmas Sex Toys and My Pee Fetish

Well, the Christmas season is finally winding down out here in Ukraine. It's pretty much just like the Christmas that I'm used to – Santa, celebrations, presents and Christmas carols (mostly American ones). But it is not quite as commericial and hectic as it is in the West and that's a good thing.

My mum continued on with her tradition of giving me a sex toy for Christmas. This time around it was a remote-operated vibrator. Actually, the gift was for both my girlfriend Masha and me and we opened it on Christmas Eve. So far, like I write about below, Masha has gotten her fingers on the remote and my pussy's gotten the grip on the vibe.

Mum and dad have been giving me sex toys for Christmas ever since I turned 15 years old. Back then – on Christmas Day 2006 – there was a bigger than usual present for me sitting underneath the tree. I frantically unwrapped it and then just kind of quizically looked at it because I couldn't figure out what it was. My parents laughed and told me, “It's a sybian machine!” Then I asked mum and dad what I should do with it. Mum said, “I'll show you”. And with that dad plugged it in the electrical socket and mum hopped on top and put the stick in her pussy and started to ride it. Then my parents had me ride it and in no time I became almost totally addicted to it.

It got to be where I was spending hours riding the sybian and neglecting other things that were important. So dad finally laid down the law and told me that 30 minutes a day was the limit and that was only after I had done my chores and homework. So I obeyed and it probably added to the sybian's lifetime as it's still working better than ever and it's in my parents' living room at home plastered with Grateful Dead stickers. Mum rides it lots of times – mostly when she's watching the telly with her girlfriends or dad - and that keeps it properly lubricated.

The thing about this remote-controlled vibe is that it's going to add suspense to my orgasms and also make it much easier to play with myself when I'm out in public. It runs on 2 double A batteries and the remote can operate from up to 40 meters away even though it only says 30 meters on the box. On Christmas Eve after Masha and me opened our gift we hustled out to a park to try it. We brought along Masha's adorable little brown poodle who is named in a Russian name that translates into “Cinnamon” because of her fur color. She's highly energetic and friendly and so cute in her doggy outfit with her tail ball sticking out of the hole in her jacket. When I'm with Cinnamon nobody but the most hardened person can possibly pass by without stopping to fuss over her or at least smile and lots of people stop to chat (as best we can with the language barrier).

So we get to the park and there are lots of people strolling about. I sneak the vibe into my pussy and Masha takes a seat on the bench across the way. Then bunches of people pass by me and many of them fuss all over Cinnamon and Masha's buzzing my vibe with the remote and I'm really bouncing up and down - not from having orgasms but from the suspense and shock of not knowing exactly when Masha's going to buzz me. One guy asked me if I was okay and I just told him the holiday season always makes me jittery.

On Christmas Day Masha's parents came by to spend the morning with us and then we went out to a Sunday service at a quaint neighborhood orthodox church. I was raised in the Catholic tradition so going to church always makes me horny. So I put the vibe in me just for that reason but there's no way I'm masturbating or orgasming in church because I have my scruples. But I had no idea that Masha had the remote in her purse and she kept buzzing me with her parents right beside us and that sent me jolting against the pew. And she's looking at me like she's torturing me and now I'm thinking I've created a mad scientist in her with that remote.

And, like I say, this vibe is going to make it much easier for me to have orgasms in public. I like to sit in restarants and discreetly play with myself but I've been having some trouble with the discreet part. Ideally, I like to be in full view of people but I don't want them actually seeing what I'm doing. My attire these days does help. Even though it is cold I almost never wear panties. I wear a very short skirt, knee high black boots and stockings that extend to just above my boot tops. Then I cover my short skirt with a fur coat that falls just below my skirt but still shows plenty of my legs. Dressed that way, all I really need to do to get at my pussy is to momentarily hike up my fur coat.

So I've been going to restaurants or into the public library and trying to sit on this suction dildo that I have. The problem, though, is that it keeps losing its' suction. I don't think it sticks good to wood, which is what most of the chairs are made of. God it was embarrassing one time when I was at this trendy place and the suction dildo slipped out of me and then bounced onto the floor (though I don't think anybody saw it). But now that I have this remote vibe I can sneak it inside of me and push the buttons on the remote and make myself orgasm in front of people without them having a clue about what I'm doing. As soon as I upload this blog entry I'm going to city centre to get my thrills that way.

Another thing I like about wearing this type of outfit is that it makes it very easy to pee outside. All I have to do is squat down and pull my coat around my knees and wizz while I pretend I'm fidgeting with my boots. I really don't mind if my skirt gets a little wet but I do try to keep it dry. I'm a health nut so I always try to drink at least 4 litres of water a day and that makes me have to pee a lot and even more since I'm pregnant. I hate to use a toilet since it wastes water. I hardly ever pee on the pavement because, well, it is just not civilized. So I usually water a tree or bush to do my little part to help it grow big and green. I thank Masha for my outfits as she works in a women's clothing store and gets a discount and so it costs me practically nothing to buy since things are already really cheap out here anyway.

Speaking of Masha and pee, I'm making real progress with that. As you know, I have this pee fetish. I don't really know where it comes from. I try not to question why or judge those things too much. Rather, I just accept it and try to enjoy it. But my best guess is that this fetish is rooted in my time a few years ago at this women's commune in the Australian outback outside of the city of Alice Springs (as I write this I see the irony of that name lol). Anyway, all of us girls had lots of masturbation parties around the campfire and then we'd all pee into the fire to put it out.

But I digress, so back to Masha. I'm in charge of keeping the area around her vagina really bare. I just love pubes but to me Masha is one of those rare girls who looks better completely bare down there. I think it has to do with her still being a virgin and so innocent and I want her to be as bare as a baby. So, the other day Masha is sitting on the ledge of the tub and I'm grooming her and she says she has to pee. So I tell her to pee and she starts to get up and walk to the toilet. I grab her legs and put my face in front of her pussy and say, “No, pee here. In my mouth and all over my face.” Masha's known for quite some time that I love to watch her pee but this was a big step since I never had the courage before to ask her to pee on me lest she think I'm a pervert. Masha says “No, I can't do that” but I say, “Yes, you can. Just relax and let go.” At first a little pee dribbles out of her and then it gushes out all over my face and hair and in my mouth and it drips down to my breasts too. Oh, God, it felt like heaven and it turns out that Masha loves to pee on me and almost every morning she gives me a pee shower after we do our yoga and eat breakfast.

What's kind of weird though is that while I can't get enough of Masha peeing on me and though I really did enjoy peeing all over the ex-boyfiend's face and in his mouth, I just didn't like it when the ex-bf peed on my face or in my mouth. If he peed on my clitoris or on my breasts that was good but not in my mouth or on my face. Just like with a guy cumming on my face or in my mouth I just don't like it. I think it's disrespectful but I may be wrong. But I don't question all that stuff too much. As the saying goes, “It is what it is.” Yeah, though, I think it is all about showing disrespect. For example, I very much enjoy sucking on a man's cock but I don't want to get face-fucked with it. Same with anal – put it in my bum but don't get off on trying to hurt me that way.

Sorry for being so chatty in this blog entry. Sometimes I get this way. What can I say except that it's a woman's prerogative. I know all of you wanted me to write about foreign currency conversion but this entry is too long as it is so that will have to wait. I was thinking of getting out of Kiev and exploring some of Ukraine's other cities before Masha, the ex-boyfiend and me take off for Armenia on the 30th of January. The ex-boyfiend's going to do that but I've decided to stay put. I'm enjoying just staying with Masha while she gets her travel visa stuff all sorted out and it's not really a good time to travel anyway. It's kind of cold and there really are only 6 or so hours of true daylight and I hate the thought of getting into a new city after dark and fumbling around to find the hotel. I can always hit Ukraine's other cities on the rebound as it's the only way out of the old Soviet bloc. So, until later, Happy New Year to everybody!

Kiev, Ukraine – 2 January, 2018 – Christmas, the Underground and Eats & Masha's Mum and the Ex-Boyfiend's Ejaculation

Happy Holidays to one and all!

Christmas is in full swing here in Kiev. Actually, since Ukraine follows the Julian Calendar it's been going on for quite some time as it lasts from 6 December 2017 through 19 January 2018. But the really big Christmas Day is 7 January 2018, which is what most of us in the West celebrate on 25 December.

Last week Masha's mum came to visit and she stayed 3 whole days with us. Masha' mum is in her late 40s but she doesn't look a day over 35 years old and she's so hot. I know it is normal for mums and their daughters to resemble each other but I swear Masha's mum and Masha look like twins separated by just a few years in appearance.

Santa is really out and about. There's always a jolly Santa dressed in red who hangs out on the main square right along side the old lady with the pet monkey and that Santa pimps himself out for pictures. Then there are the Santas in the malls. This one Santa I saw the other day in the mall was a little different. He was wearing a purple suit and he was really scrawny. He wasn't jolly either. Instead, he was pretty mean looking as he banged his staff hard on the ground and ordered a Santa's helper to bring him the next k_id to sit on his lap for a picture. The k_ids didn't seem to mind though and the mums got their pictures and everybody went away happy.

Like I wrote in an earlier blog entry, Masha's mum is from Siberia and she pretty much only speaks Russian and doesn't speak English at all. Also, Masha's mum is totally religious and if she ever knew that Masha is a lesbian or that we are sleeping together she'd go crazy. So while Masha's mum was staying with us I slept on the sofa in the living room and Masha's mum slept in the bed that my ex-boyfiend fucked all those girls in. Oh, if she had a clue about that she'd go bonkers.

I didn't take part in the New Year's Eve celebrations out at city centre because I'm not much into being around a bunch of dr_unk people. I'd rather spend a quiet night with Masha and see the fireworks from our balcony. But yesterday morning on New Year's Day I walked around Kiev and surveyed the wreckage from the night before. It must have been quite a scene as there was all kinds of broken glass and litter everywhere. The only sound I heard was an accordion player who looked and played like he was in a stupor. And there were lots of young people nursing hangovers at the coffee kiosks. And judging from all the hard liquor I see being purchased at the stores I think that half of the Ukrainians are in the midst of a month long bender.

Masha's mum is a really nice lady and we had some fun conversations with Masha doing the translating. I also saw Masha's mum naked a few times when she came out of the shower and I want her so bad! I know it's not right in some people's eyes but I've been jilling off about having sex with Masha and her mum at the same time and even – dare say – watching Masha and her mum having sex. I would never – ever – tell Masha this because she would think that I'm a pervert.

Masha and me are really enjoying our lovemaking together along with some kinks that we're exploring.
Perhaps what Masha and me are really getting into the most is me blindfolding her and eating and fingering her pussy and bum hole while she lies back and listens to classical music through her headphones. Masha is such an innocent flower. She's never even used a dildo or vibrator – just fingers and tongues so far. So I want to be gentle with her.

Like I wrote though, the big Christmas day isn't even here yet and yesterday Masha and I went out to buy some presents. Most all of the time we were literally underground because one thing about Kiev is that there's a lot happening in its' bowels. It's very common for there to be underground pedestrian walkways that are used to cross the streets. Most times these passage ways contain all manner of stores and some very upscale malls. Some passage ways go right down the center of a street for a kilometer or two and it's hard to find my way out and I'm sure they were designed with that in mind.

I can't quite say I want to be gentle with the ex-boyfiend though. I'm still a little teed off with him for disrespecting Masha's hospitality. But I go over to his hotel room almost every day just to check in on him and he's making great strides in becoming a man again instead of a self-absorbed out of control horn dog.

Since we've had our falling out the ex-boyfiend has been fasting on water and tangerines. He said it gives him peace and self-control. One thing I know for sure is that it's really getting him in shape. Now I don't think he has even a tiny bit of fat on him and he's really buff. But after seeing how he fucked all those girls and how he treated them I am still a long way from having sexual intercourse with him (even if he is wearing a condom).

The metro is almost entirely underground too. Extremely long escalator rides – maybe 3 minutes – will take you down to the station. And the stations are all works of art with beautiful murals and ornate lighting fixtures. Back in the 1970s the old Soviet Union began shoveling boat loads of money to Ukraine to build these stations and tunnels and there are day-long tours through the entire metro system for those who appreciate such things. Say what you will about the commies but they knew how to build a metro system.

But I'll never say “never” if the ex-boyfiend changes his ways. A few days ago I was over at his place asking him about whether he's still having sex with other girls. The ex-boyfiend went over to the dresser drawer and pulled out a Bible and put his hand on it and said, “I swear to you, Pam, may God strike me down right now if I lie and tell you that I've not had sex with any girls since I got kicked out of Masha's home. But it's true that I haven't fucked any girls and I haven't even jacked off since then either. So help me God!”

Ummm...I waited for a thunderbolt to strike the ex-boyfiend down but one never came. Still, any man can lie through his lips. But cumshots never lie. If the ex-boyfiend was indeed telling the truth then his next cumshot would be an epic one so I decided to put his declaration to the test.

Most of the metro cars were also built in the 1970s but they are very clean for their age and they race along the tracks and you never have to wait more than five minutes for the next train to arrive. And peddlers abound on the trains too. They get on the train at one station and depart at the next station and in the meantime they walk up and down the aisle hawking their wears. I've seen peddlers selling everything from tweasers to toys to religeous calendars to incense. The most popular peddlers are the three old ladies dressed in traditional Ukrainian dress and they cheerfully sing Christmas carols and get lots of notes in their bags from the metro riders.

What really gets the ex-boyfiend off is a hard pegging coupled with a handjob and dirty talk. So I told the perv to take off all his clothes while I grabbed my strap-on cock from my knapsack. Then I led him by his hardening cock into the toilet room and ordered him to stand next to the sink counter facing the mirror. While he assumed the position I forcefully stuck my fake cock up his anus and wrapped one of my hands around his very hard cock and I began to wank it while we looked at each other in the mirror.

I pressed my mouth against the ex-boyfiend's ear and demanded, “How many girls have you fucked in the last couple of weeks? Or is it just guys taking your cock up their arse. Tell me the truth you dirty sex-addicted fucker!” The ex-bf pleaded, “None, honest, but keep fucking me though. You're the only girl I let do this to me.”

Each evening when I meet Masha at the metro station after she gets off work we go to one of the nearby outdoor markets to buy our dinner. Vendors (mostly women) have prepared some awesome Ukrainian delicacies. Now I know why so many women were buying loads of veggies during the summer season – to can them for the winter. It sure beats the grocery store stuff. So we buy a little of this and a little of that. Half the time we don't even know what we are buying except it's all vegetarian and that's important to me. For the more stout among you, there are picked apples, pickled sausage and all kinds of fish still flopping around in plastic tubs of brine. Here's a picture of my supper from last night which set me back about one-half Euro:


Well, in my 3+ months with the ex-bf I've come to know about how much cum he shoots when he's been regularly fucking me or somebody else and I intended for him to prove to me that he was telling the truth by making him cum buckets so I kept reaming him good just how he likes it and adjusting the pressure of my right hand on his cock and balls to prolong the stimulation.

At least I tried to prolong the ex-bf's stimulation. I'm usually good at that but this time he must have been so horny since after only several minutes he started ejaculating. His first shot went at least a meter and splattered the mirror. His second shot went just as far except it looped up and landed on the sink faucet. Then I pointed his cock at the bathroom counter and like a machine gun he totally soaked it with several more shots. I put all my fingers on one of his sperm puddles to test the thickness of it and it was as sticky and rich as anything he's produced and I made him lick my fingers clean. I've never seen the ex-bf – or any man – shoot off like that and sure enough he has been living the celibate lifestyle for these last couple of weeks. I'm not sure what this bodes for the future but it's certainly a feather in his cap.

Well, I've made some pretty big changes in my travel plans. I've convinced Masha to leave her job after the holiday season ends. I've booked a flight to Yerevan, Armenia, to depart on 30 January and Masha and the ex-boyfiend are joining me. Then we'll be off to the Republic of Georgia and perhaps Kazakhstan too before returning to Ukraine. Also, it's not forged in cement yet, but I think that the ex-boyfiend and me will do a little traveling around some of the other parts of Ukraine before our flight to Armenia. Most likely, Masha won't be joining us for those travels as she has plenty of paperwork and errands she needs to run before she can pick up roots and leave the country. It's our hope to visit many of the old Soviet countries in the coming months – at least the ones not run by thugs like Turkmenistan and Russia are.

Kiev, Ukraine – 26 December, 2017 – There's Something About Masha

There's something about Masha that has me spell-bound. She's my Ukrainian girlfriend whom I'm living with while in Kiev. Actually, Masha isn't Ukrainian. She's a Russian girl. Her family moved here from the Siberian port city of Vladivostok. She's a very serene girl and I know she doesn't mean to but she's stirred up something fierce in me.

Now I'm knowing how she got to my (ex) boyfiend. How she made him lose all self-control until we had to banish him out of Masha's home and into his own hotel room. Now - in Masha's absence - he's recovering and he's practically turned into a monk. I visited with him last night and he realizes that Masha's presence took a grip on him and he says it was scary.

Masha is a beautiful virgin with hardly any sexual experience. Before I met her this summer in Romania, she'd done just some light petting with another girl a few years ago. I have so many desires for her. Wanton ones. Ones I'm afraid to tell her about for the fear that she'll think I'm perverted. But I'm very slowly pushing through.

Although Masha is not fluid in speaking English she can carry on a conversation. But she can't read English in this Roman alphabet so I can be open here about what I want and what we've done...

We watch porno. I turned Masha onto XRMXX and she has her own page here though it is all blocked out. Her favorites are mostly girly/girly soft porn kissing and oral sex. The other night we were surfing around and came upon a video of girls hazing the sorority newcomers. Stuff like sitting on the newcomers faces, fucking them with strap-ons and that sort of thing. Masha kept replaying it. She kept telling me it was funny – but I made a note to me that something in that video besides it being funny strikes her fancy.

After watching the video we got into a naked girl pillow flight. I won and as I got on top of Masha and held her down by the weight of my breasts and my hands around her wrists I saw a look of submission in her eyes. It was like she was saying, “Go ahead and take me and do what you want to me.” Oh, what I wanted to do to Masha at that moment was so nasty that I'm too ashamed to say but you can imagine and it wouldn't be far off if it's what you guys want to do to a girl when you have her in your grip.

Over the weekend we took the metro to the Kiev city centre. The metro was totally packed. Everybody was pressing against each other. Masha and me were facing each other with our arms around our waists. I slowly moved one of my hands under Masha's dress and pushed her panties aside and started fingering her pussy. Then she did the same to me. Now here we were...two girls in a crowded metro car finger fucking while looking deep into each other's eyes.

When we exited the metro station it was shocking to see the sun. In my whole time here in Ukraine I'd seen it for maybe 15 full minutes. And here it was in the middle of a clear blue sky and all the snow was starting to melt. Even in the beautiful weather we probably shouldn't have been outside because we both have colds. But Masha says it's okay because everybody always has a cold in Ukraine. And I say just drink plenty of water and the cold will wash away.

So while Masha and me walk all around city centre we're buying bottle after bottle of water. And of course that leads to peeing. We find little alley-ways and squat down and take wizzes onto the snow to help melt it. This is really turning me on. Watching girls urinate is one of my most powerful fetishes and I've been kind of slow to tell Masha this and I know she's not being sexual about it but seeing hot steamy pee coming out of her vagina sends me over the edge and I have to masturbate. So we find an abandoned building and I pull up my dress and play with myself as Masha stands guard.

We must have peed out 10 bottles of water during that afternoon. To make it easier we went into a toilet to remove our panties. We weren't doing our peeing blatent like in some of those videos where the girls piss in broad view of everybody passing by. But a few times we hunched down right on Khreshchatyk Street – the main pedestrian zone in Kiev – and peed right in the middle of the walkway. Nothing sexual mind you. At least not for Masha. But now I kind of think it was turning Masha on. I'm sure hoping it's the beginning of some watersports because I'd love for my girlfriend to pee in my mouth!

Oh, fuck, I think I'm falling in love. Gone are the hectic travel days. Instead, when I'm not taking a stroll down some Kiev neighborhood I'm lounging about at Masha's home in my bathrobe awaiting her return from her job at a woman's clothing store. When we're together we do lots of girly stuff like shopping and cooking. But every night it ends with cuddling and kissing and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

The subject of marriage has come up. Not as in Masha and me getting married. At least not directly. But we've talked about how marriage between two women is now legal in Australia and I detect a gleam in Masha's eyes. I know that we have something special between us and I know she longs to live in the western world. So, who knows. There's something about Masha that makes me think I want to marry her and have her for all of eternity.

Kiev, Ukraine – 20 December, 2017 – My Marriage to The Boyfiend Is Not Happening

Today I was going to write about how to make sure that you can access your cash while in a foreign country. But right now it would be best to write about my decision to break off my marriage engagement to the boyfiend. That should please some of the guys who PM me and say that if I keep writing about travel and continue to upload non-porn travel pics then I should get off XRMXX and just do it on Facebook. But travel and sex are my two greatest passions and I like how I can combine them on this site. Besides, I'm maybe the last person in the developed world without a Facebook account or any other social media account except this one. So, I'll continue to write about travel but just not today.

Last night I made the decision to call off the engagement to my boyfiend. Some of the reasons for that decision are in the blog entry right below this one so I won't repeat those details here. Instead I'll go through what has happened during the last few days and my thought process through all of it.

After Masha and I banished the boyfiend out of Masha's home and into a separate hotel room I did not see him for a few days until he turned up at Masha's doorstep. He was there to deliver the money that Masha had requested so she could buy new panties to replace the ones that the boyfiend had wanked off onto.

So I open the door and the boyfiend says, “I don't know why Masha has to buy new panties. Just wash them and that will take care of it.”

I told the boyfiend that there's no way she would ever wear those panties again knowing that his sperm had been all over them.

Then the boyfiend replies, “That sounds kind of silly but, okay, I'll go out and buy her new panties.”

I tell the boyfiend that Masha will buy her own panties and to just fork over the money and he hands it to me. Then I tell him, “It didn't have to be this way. What you did wrong was steal her panties and conceal it. I talked to Masha about it and she would have gladly put her soiled panties on your bedroom door knob each day after she came home from work and maybe she would even rub her pussy across them too for good measure and you could keep them and wank off into them all you want just so long as you gave her money to replace them.”

The boyfiend says, “Oh, now you tell me. Well if I'm paying for Masha's new panties then at least give me her used ones back.”

I said, “I can't. Masha told me to throw them in the dumpster bin and so I did.”

That's when the boyfiend went nuts and he starting whining like a baby and then he sullenly stomped through the snow back to his hotel room.

Watching him do that made me realize that the boyfiend is in many ways like a petulant teenager occupying a mature man's body.

For me though the thing that pushed me over the edge was not that the boyfiend had stolen Masha's panties, that he was being juvenile or even that he had wanked off under our breakfast table. Instead it was that he was bringing home a different woman each night to fuck.

Don't get me wrong. If those women are consenting (and I have no reason to think they aren't) the boyfiend can live his life any way that he wants to. I do not want to change him. He's not going to change anyway. He's 43 years old and he's been living that lifestyle most all his adult life.

And it's not even so much that he's fucking different women. It's that the boyfiend is doing it just hours after meeting them. He's told me on several occasions that he really gets off on this instant sexual encounter type of thing and he doesn't even want to know the girl's name or even see her again after he's done with her. It's a very demeaning way to treat other human beings. It's very creepy.

Call me old-fashioned but I think it's proper to get to know a girl for at least a day or two before having sex with her (although I do agree there are times to not wait that long). But, Holy Moly, at least know the girl's name! It's also really upsetting when he pretty much does it right in my face. Up until we came to Ukraine the boyfiend wasn't behaving like this nearly as much and he almost always had sex with the girls at their homes. I don't know if it is because of Masha or for some other reason but it's almost like he's trying to make some kind of point and I don't know what it is.

Another thing that troubles me is that the boyfiend doesn't use condoms. We've talked about condoms and he detests them. He told me that he's only used a condom once and that was just to see how it felt. The boyfiend says that using a condom is like drinking a non-alcoholic beer or a decaffinated coffee. He says, “What stupid sense does that make?” Well, it makes quite a bit of sense if he's living that lifestyle and we're talking about STD.

But during these last few days at least I've gotten over being mad at the boyfiend. So, like I say, last night I decided - with a cool head - I don't want to marry him and I went over to his hotel room to tell him that.

The boyfiend was quite relaxed and extremely sweet last night and it didn't even look like he was about to go out looking for girls. Instead, he was watching the episode of Gilligans Island on Youtube where The Professor is teaching a parrot to fly to the mainland and parrot out the location of the castaways so they could get rescued. (Ginger or Mary Ann? I choose Mary Ann).

I asked the boyfiend to turn off the video because I had something important to tell him.

The boyfiend paused the video and said, “What is it, my little kangaroo?” (that's his nickname for me and I think it's cute).

Then I told the boyfiend that I didn't want to marry him because our views on how open our marriage should be are too different. After that I took off my Afghan-beeded ankle bracelet that he had given to me as an engagement ring and I presented it back to him.

The boyfiend then said, “No, no, you keep it whether we get married or not. But just chill and give yourself at least until New Year's before making your final decision.” I did agree to do that though I know I'm not going to change my mind.

Then we cuddled and watched the rest of the Gilligan's Island episode and after that I went back to Masha's home- crying all the way (Instead of going to the mainland, the parrot kept flying back to the island and telling the castaways where they were. It ended with The Skipper hitting Gilligan over the head with his cap after Gilligan kept asking the parrot, “Polly want a cracker?”).

I still think that the boyfiend and me are going to continue traveling together. We've already purchased our airline seats to Georgia and Armenia. And of course we have our baby to be, who is baking in my oven.

Every day I get more glad and exciting about being a mum and I can't wait. I do hope the boyfiend will embrace the role as our baby's dad. I don't mean in money terms. I've come into an inheritance so that doesn't mean anything to me. But just for him to be around would be awesome. I do want full custody of our baby during the early years though. I don't imagine the boyfiend will have a problem with that as there's nothing like a newborn to cramp his style.

Sometimes I feel kind of silly writing this for who knows who to read and maybe I come across as a drama queen. But it's good therapy. And since my parents come to my XRMXX page every day it keep them in the loop (Hi, mum & dad!). And the boyfiend stops by too to see where he stands when he's not busy watching Gilligan's Island. So, that's where things are at right now. I do promise in my next blog entry to write about some practical travel tips and about Masha and me too. Bye for now. Peace.

Kiev, Ukraine – 17 December, 2017 – First Impressions of Ukraine & Boyfiend Behaving Badly

Having spent our entire time in Ukraine's capital city – Kiev – I can't really make any kind of comment about Ukraine as a whole. And we really haven't explored Kiev much either. But at this point a few things do make an impression on me.

The war that's been going on with Russia over Crimea is taking place in the eastern part of Ukraine and Kiev is in the western portion so things are pretty peaceful around here. That is, except for some protests going on against the President having to do with some anti-corruption agencies that he seems to want to dispose of. On our first night here there were around 25,000 people in city centre protesting the arrest of an anti-corruption leader. I get the feeling that most of the people in Kiev are either tired of the old Soviet bloc corrupt ways and are leaning westward or they just want the government to leave them alone.

While in Ukraine, the boyfiend and me had been living with my lesbian girlfriend Masha at her home. But after a series of problems my boyfiend has been banished and now he's living in a hotel around the corner from us.

Compared to other eastern European countries, I find Kiev is quite clean. The people here seem well acquinted with the concept of a trash container. Unlike other countries around here, there are hardly any stray dogs or cats either. Although there may still be a few particles of radiation floating around from the Chernobyl nuclear accident that occurred not too far from here, the air is very fresh. Also, there are lots of large parks.

For about the first week of our time in Ukraine and up until just yesterday, Masha and me were sleeping in the same bed in her room and the boyfiend had his own room. The difficulties pretty much started right away. The boyfiend just loves his “hunt for cunt” and he's back at it with a vengeance now. He's discovered a club not too far from Masha's home and so far he's brought home 5 different girls to fuck.

The metro system is awesome. There are 3 lines that go to each part of Kiev. For a mere 23 Aussie cents (18 U.S. cents, 15 Euro cents, 13 pence) you can go anywhere even if you have to transfer to another line. The trains are quite fast too. They can get crowded though – especially during rush hour - so there's plenty of opportunity for the pervs to rub up against somebody. It's very easy for an English speaker to understand how to ride the metro as all the signs and diagrams are also written in English. But when you hear the announcement that “The doors are closing” you better take heed because they slam shut. The only downside is that large luggage (like our backpacks) aren't allowed.

The boyfiend bringing all those girls home...that's cool and I'm down with that. The problem comes from all the noise. He usually doesn't get back with his “catch” until maybe 22:00 and by then Masha and me are either in bed having sex or perhaps even asleep. But all holy hell breaks loose as the boyfiend and most of the girls have been incredibly loud about things and his bedposts keep banging into the thin wall that separates us. It is all so very disruptive to Masha and me.

People actually work here too. I've seen many men wearing suits and ties. That's a pronounced difference from some of the other eastern European countries where the only work that seemed to be going on was hoisting a can of beer or smoking a cigarette (there's smoking out here too but I've noticed a lot more vaping and it's not done in public buildings). Like the rest of Europe – and unlike the United States – people are out and about until late into the night. I feel completely safe walking around late at night.

The bigger issue though is the boyfiend's desire to have sex with Masha. Perhaps it is that she's so hot and she's a blonde (most Ukrainian girls are brunettes). But it is more likely that she's a lesbian and a virgin with men and like most of us he wants what he can't have. And Masha has been friendly with him. She's not one of those angry man-hating dykes. She's very pleasant to be around and he's become smitten by her and has misread her kindness.

As for the Ukrainian women, when I really step back and observe it seems that on the whole they aren't any more or less beautiful than in the other eastern European countries. But they've definitely stepped up their game in how they dress. Some very hot styles even in winter with the boots, scarfs and overcoats. And the women here, for the most part, take great pride in their appearance. And there are some real stunners out here!

I've mostly been busy with Masha but the boyfiend's opinion is that the women initiate a lot of eye contact but on first blush it isn't really a friendly look like you might see in the States. But he says they are much more open once you get past that exterior. Even though many of the girls speak limited English he's finding it “easy-pickings” so far. That might be, though, because he's from America and lots of the girls would like to go out there.

After a few days the boyfiend had taken to sexual innuendo when talking with Masha and has made some barely-veiled advances. Masha has politely declined but I could tell he was wearing on her. Then Masha noticed her panties kept missing from her dirty clothes hamper and she asked me if I knew anything about it. I didn't know anything then but I had a strong suspicion and went into the boyfiend's room while he was out chasing skirts. I rummaged around and found 4 pairs of Masha's dirty panties with his dried spunk all over them. I brought them back to Masha and she said that was disgusting and had me toss them in the outdoor trash container.

Everything is really, really cheap out here – even cheaper than in the rest of eastern Europe. A decent pizza costs about 2 USD or Euro. Your money will go a long way. On our first night we stayed in a quality hotel for 30 USD. Also, I'm pleasantly surprised to find many fresh fruit stands along with the meat and fish markets and pastry shops. I can't imagine who can eat all the stuff that I see for sale. I don't know where it comes from this time of year but it is practically free.

So, you see, things were building up. And everything came to a head yesterday morning when the boyfiend showed up at our breakfast table wearing nothing but jockey shorts that barely covered a huge erection. It was no accident as he had obviously been priming the pump before coming to breakfast. It was all so terribly awkward and embarrassing for both Masha and me. But it got worse when the boyfiend went over to Masha and leaned forward to reach the orange juice and his covered cock rubbed against Masha's shoulder. She pretended not to notice. But a few minutes later it was impossible not to notice that he was wanking off under the table because we noticed all the contorted expressions on his face and the sperm he left on the table leg.

So now that the boyfiend and I have been here for a week we are kind of getting the lay of the land and we'll (well at least I) will be out seeing the sights. Hopefully, the weather will hold up. It's only snowed or rained one day but it is almost always dreary and it's only fully light from around 8:30 to 15:30. But there's not much I can do about that.

After breakfast the boyfiend went back in his room and Masha got dressed for work. But before Masha left she told me in no uncertain terms that the boyfiend had to go. I couldn't have agreed more and I went into his room and read him the riot act and told him that what he was doing with Masha was sexual harassment bordering on sexual assault and that a 43 year old man doesn't get a second chance. With that I helped him pack his bag and we located a hotel not too far away for him to stay until further notice.

In the end I think it's a win for all of us. Masha gets her home back and we get to live in peace and quiet. The boyfiend still gets to bring home all the girls he wants and those girls probably appreciate the privacy of a hotel room. And since the boyfiend doesn't start his “hunt for cunt” until evening I can still get fucked by him in the afternoon in his hotel room. The only thing about that is that Masha insists that I clean up really good and get every last drop of cum out of me before we have our own sex.

Kiev, Ukraine – 13 December, 2017 – From Oregon to Ukraine & What's On My Sexual Horizon

Just a few days ago the boyfiend and me were talking and we agreed that this whole United States trip wasn't working out. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy it in the States but it is just too familiar. It's very much like Australia – at least compared to places we've recently been to. And the whole reason the boyfiend (he's a U.S. citizen) started traveling in the first place was to see different parts of the world. So we decided then and there to get back on the road and give Ukraine a go. The only unfortunate part of our decision is that it means that our wedding will have to be postponed.

These last few months have been sort of a sexual awakening for me – or at least an escalation of new sexual experiences. Up until just a few months ago I'd only had sexual intercourse 2 times. And I'm not just saying 2 men. I'm saying 2 whole times. But now that I'm with the boyfiend we fuck 2 to 5 times a day and with lots of anal sex too. And, of course, I joined XRMXX and now I realize more than ever that I'm among many horny people out there from all parts of the world – I never quite realized the extent of that before.

No dilly-dallying around either about getting from coastal Oregon, where we were hanging out, to Ukraine. We took a bus from the Oregon coast to Eugene, Oregon. Then a train from Eugene to the Oakland/San Francisco airport. Then a flight to Stockholm, Sweden, and another plane from Stockholm to Kiev, Ukraine. It took us 48 hours and the cost was about $550 USD each.

I'm just loving exploring my anus by getting fucked by the boyfiend back there and my masturbations now usually include one hand rubbing my clitoris with some fingers up my bum at the same time. At first, the boyfiend could only get less than half his cock in my butt and he pretty much had to stay stationary. But now I can take his full 8.5 inches in me. And now the boyfiend is actually fucking me with strokes. I do enjoy it when he fucks me hard just as long as it's not a stabbing motion. Still, though, no true anal orgasms but the ones I'm having from anal sex are so much more intense than the ones I get from vaginal sex.

We spent a few hours laying over in Eugene, Oregon. It's a uni town and kind of a hippy haven from way back. The boyfiend and I saw lots of older people in their 70s wearing tie dye T-shirts and since weed is legal in Oregon there are pot stores on just about every corner. The stuff is very expensive though. Better to grow your own. I did enjoy spending all my time in Oregon along the coast but if I had it to do all over again I'd want to have spent at least half of it in Eugene.

I was very impressed with the Amtrak train that we took from Eugene to the Oakland/San Francisco airport. On the way up to Oregon we had taken the Greyhound bus. If comfort is what you want, then take the train. It beats the bus and plane hands-down. Plenty of leg room, a nice lounge and meal cars. You can roll out a sleeping bag and sleep on the lounge floor. It's cheap too because it's owned by the government and the taxpayers pay for it. Too bad though that our trip happened at night because our route has spectacular mountain scenery and we couldn't see it. The only downsides to the train are that the cafe guy is always on the megaphone hawking his meals and the train is really slow (15 hours).

Besides anal sex, another activity that I'm enjoying for the first time is pegging the boyfiend. For those of you who aren't familiar with that term it is when a girl fucks a guy up his arse with a strap-on dildo. I'm sort of familiar with pegging because I've had strap-on sex with maybe a dozen girls. But it is kind of a different dynamic with a man. I get this feeling of power that is really intoxicating. Not that I'm a mean bitch with him. It's just that I like having control over him.

After laying over for several hours at the Oakland/San Francisco airport we took off for Stockholm in late afternoon. Our Norwegian Air Shuttle flight was pretty much packed. I had booked an aisle seat. But it turned out that the seat was in disrepair and they had me move to another aisle seat and I had to sit with 2 little boys who kept needing to get up every 10 minutes and push past me to walk down the aisle. The boyfriend meanwhile had his own aisle seat and when I woke up the next morning there was a Swedish girl sleeping with her head on his shoulder. The boyfiend told me she had given him a blowjob but I know him well enough to know he's lying.

Like with giving handjobs to men, the pegging is all about giving my boyfriend pleasure. You go through my favorites and I doubt you'll find any videos there of “ruined orgasms”. At first I was just fucking him kind of slow because I know that anal sex can hurt. But the boyfriend is bisexual and he's been around the block a few times in that way and he wants it hard up his butt hole so that's the way I've been doing him. I spank his bum hard and call him my bitch while I spear his rear.

Our connection time for the flight from Stockholm to Kiev was a little tight – 3 hours – but was definitely doable assuming our plane didn't arrive late to Stockholm. Well, the plane did arrive on time but with a hitch. About 1 hour before landing, the captain asked if there was anybody on the plane who was a doctor or nurse and flight attendents started scurrying to the very back of the plane. Just before landing the captain also announced that we were to remain in our seats until a medical emergency was taken care of. Then when we landed a couple of doctors came aboard and rushed to the back of the plane. Everybody on the plane remained seated except for the Swedish girl sitting next to my boyfiend. She was freaking out saying she had to retrieve something from the back of the plane and one of the flight attendents had to practically strap her to her seat. Finally, after an hour, we heard the screams of a baby as it was being carried off the plane and the captain announced a baby had been born and that now we could proceed to exit. Everybody cheered though I'm not sure if it was because of the birth or because we all just wanted to get out of there.

This pegging stuff brings me to the topic of proper ways for me to give men (other than my boyfiend) pleasure. Up to now, that has pretty much been the handjob. That's because when I'm with a guy who I want to give sexual pleasure to, sometimes that doesn't mean I want his cock inside my vagina or in my mouth. I just think that's usually a bit too personal. So the handjob is just right. And pegging seems to be right up my alley in that way too. I'm thinking hard about combining pegging with a handjob and having that kind of sex with other men. And prostrate massages too. The boyfiend likes when I finger his arse but I'm not an anal massage expert like my mum is. But I finally got the Skype thing working and yesterday I watched mum give me some pointers while she stimulated dad's prostrate.

We did make the connection to Ukraine but it wasn't easy. The airline – Ukrainian International Airlines – had wanted us to check in online but we didn't know that because their e-mail about that was sent when we were traveling. So, they had us run all over the airport to pay some additional baggage fee and to leave our bags at some special counter because they were backpacks with loose ends that could get caught on the baggage belts. But we made it to boarding with just a few minutes to spare.

Our flight to Ukraine was on a really small plane with 3 seats on each side of a very narrow aisle. The flight was a short one. Only 2 hours. But you'd think we were flying to Mars. Everybody was ordering all kinds of stuff to eat and drink and the flight attendents were rolling some cart down the aisle and clogging it up as they pushed duty-free hard alcohol on us. And everybody, it seemed, had the sudden urge to use the toilet so they had to squeeze past the attendents. But I did enjoy the company. Mostly Ukrainians on board and it finally hit me that I'm back to my eastern Euro stomping grounds.

Now that I'm pregnant I've been wondering what effect that will have on my high sex drive. I'm noticing that it is getting harder to keep an even keel and sometimes my hormones just kind of go into a rage. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it is scary. A week ago was the worse (or the best depending on your POV). The boyfiend was trying to watch a bunch of football games and all I wanted to do was fuck and so I kept hopping on his lap and blocking his view of the telly. After awhile he got kind of mad and told me to go sit in the corner and masturbate so that's what I did. I felt kind of bad – like I was sexually abusing him.

At the Kiev airport we got a cheap bus to the city centre railway station. On this first night we didn't want to bother my girlfriend Masha to pick us up so we booked a room at a hotel which we though was close to the rail station. We started haggling with the cabbies and they kept telling us that the hotel was 25 kilometers away. We thought they were trying to rip us off again but sure enough they were right. Still the fare was more than it should have been at Ukrainian rates but after 48 hours of travel all we wanted to do was arrive at our destination which we finally did – Hotel Bratislava.

The good news now is I've got a live-in Ukrainian girlfriend so I'll have another ready source of sexual pleasure. Like I said, her name is Masha. Actually, that's not her real first name. But I'm going to call my girlfriend Masha in my writings so I can protect her privacy. I met Masha last September in Bucharest, Romania, while she was on holiday from Kiev, Ukraine. Masha is about my age and a full-on lesbian and a virgin with guys. She's a little taller than me and slender with long blonde hair and an extremely tight butt. Her breasts are a little smaller than mine - 34 B cup. In Bucharest we hit it off right away and my only regret is that I hardly saw the lovely city at all as I spent most all my time in bed with Masha. She is the main reason the boyfiend and I decided to come to Ukraine. He thinks he's going to get into her pussy but I told him to forget about it because she's not into that and I need her more than he does anyway.

Whew, what a 48 hours! After we unpacked the boyfiend and me walked around the neighborhood a bit and we realized that we are exactly where we want to be. It is kind of cold though. It snowed that first night and in the morning everything iced over. I'm thinking the odds of me breaking my neck or back from a fall this winter are about 50/50. But I'll take that bet as I've always wanted to spend a winter in a really cold place.
发布者 Aussie_Pam
7 年 前
Sex toys for Christmas? Yeah a former gf of mine and I did that, well actually we had two piles under the was the nice pile, and one naughty....the naughty was totally XXX gifts (including lingerie that is extremely sexy) toys and other things (hers), my naughty pile was mostly MC and Visa cards that I could use for site memberships and videos (usually lesbian, girls masturbating and some really evil ones that cannot be described here...) It was fun for the three years we were together....wishing I had a FWB (friend with benefits) that could replicate those times...
Thanks for sharing. It reads like expedia with an erotic note
Xrenchik 6 年 前
Aussie_Pam : Моя подруга просит поссать ей в рот, на лицо и в пизду - ей нравится.
回答 显示原始评论
COOL! :smile:
marshall01 7 年 前
Loved reading this.  Will have to read it again more slowly, really enjoyable, thank you so much
Aussie_Pam 出版商 7 年 前
You may very well be right. I was thinking about that contradiction all day. And perhaps my experience with my ex-bf is coloring my view on guys peeing on girl's faces. I guess it comes down to why a guy would pee on a girl's face. If it is to humiliate her then I don't like that but if the girl wants it then I think that's cool. I mean, I want my girlfriend to pee on my face so you're probably right here.
CapnHawk 7 年 前
Great reading, Pam. Happy New Year!
TheCrow23 7 年 前
This is great.
Corteen 7 年 前
thank you ... great art of writing :smile:
pavelotski 7 年 前
i always love to read your entries. Happy to see that the drama is somewhat abating - i would go for Mary Ann too.
nickandnicole1 7 年 前
Thanks for the update.. keep posting:smile:
Wow. Read from cover to cover. Brilliant stuff, take care. A real eye opener, and makes my modest perving very ordinary.
nickandnicole1 7 年 前
You are precious.
nickandnicole1 7 年 前
Unsafe sex with multiple partners- absolute nono. Good decision.
meenrween 7 年 前
Fantastic baby!! You're such a great writer!!! Xoxo
nickandnicole1 7 年 前
JoeyB 7 年 前
well I understand she wanted him out after his seeming disrespect for masha and you. if you keep being his afternoon release hun, please stay safe. he should be covering while with all his new conquests or with you. youre protecting you and a little one now. be careful please.
nickandnicole1 7 年 前
Thanks for sharing Pam, enjoy your blog always..
JoeyB 7 年 前
damn girl you are one busy lady! thanxx for sharing. cant wait to hear more about masha xx