Bad Girl Amy

"So what are you doing next weekend?" Jennifer asked Amy as they sat together on the edge of Amy's bed.

"Nothing, my step-father grounded me for staying out too late on Friday," Amy replied. "I missed my 11 o'clock curfew by 10 minutes and now I am grounded for a month."

"Wow, he is strict." Jennifer said.

"Tell me about, he is way stricter than my real dad ever was even though he was a douche. And get this, not only did he ground me he spanked me too, and he made my mom and little sister watch so I would feel more shame. He got Sarah out of bed so she could see how bad I was."

"Oh my god, he spanked you?" Jennifer asked in disbelief. "I can't believe it. We're seniors, we'll be graduating next month. I don't think I have been spanked since I was three or four. Did it hurt?"

"Kind of, his hands are pretty big and he is really strong. I looked in the mirror later and my ass was all red, I had to sleep on my stomach that night," Amy said with a little laugh. "But you know what? I also kind of liked it."

"Amy, you perv!" Jennifer gasped. "So what did you like about it?" Jennifer asked interested.

"I don't know for sure, maybe it was the humiliation of having my mom and Sarah watch him do it to me, or maybe because he put me over his knee and pulled my pants down. He left my panties on, but they didn't cover much."

"He pulled your pants down?"

"Yeah, I was really embarrassed. That was the night I was out with Steve and that's why I was late. We had gone to his parents' camp on the lake and we must have had sex like five times. We were running late and I didn't get a chance to clean up like I wanted, so I know he could see a spot on my panties and I am pretty sure he could smell me."


"Yeah, I was still really wet when I got dressed at the camp and when he spanked me my ass started to heat up, then I could feel my pussy start to heat up too, I am pretty sure I could smell myself. Not a bad smell like if you haven't had a shower in a few days but that good sex smell, you know what I mean Jen?"

"Yes I know what you mean," Jennifer replied subconsciously licking her lips and now very interested in Amy's story. "You really are a perv Amy, you were getting off from being spanked by you step-dad."

"I was but it's not like I am attracted to him. It was the whole thing, knowing that he was right to punish me because I had been a little slut, and knowing he was looking at my ass, putting his hands on it, putting his hand just inches from my pussy, knowing my mom and sister were watching, and finally knowing I must have been turning him on just a little. Maybe more than a little."

"Do you think?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," Amy said, "a couple times it hurt real bad and I pushed down on his leg as he hit me. I swear I could feel his cock through his jeans press into my stomach."

"Oh my god, was it hard?"

"It felt pretty hard pressing into my stomach, but it was difficult to tell. He didn't seem turned on though, he just told me to go to bed and the next time I broke his rules he would use his belt."

"Wow, that would really hurt!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"I know but I am kind of curious to find out what it would feel like," Amy laughed.

"Really? Amy I think I am getting kind of horny hearing about this, I must be as big a perv as you."

"Well you are a perv Jenny, but I know, I am getting turned on again telling you about it."

"I've got an idea," Jennifer said. "Do you want to find out what the belt feels like?"

"Are you going to spank me?"

"No, but I have an idea. You wait here and I will be right back."

Before Amy could say anything Jennifer jumped up and left Amy's bedroom and headed down the hall. Amy heard her descend the stairs and wondered what she was up to but she had a faint idea and decided to stay put like Jennifer had asked.

Jennifer made her way downstairs and found Mr. Jackson sitting at the kitchen table reading the Sunday paper. He was a tall good looking man about 45 and it was clear why Amy's mom had married him last year after her first husband ran off.

"Hi Mr. Jackson," Jennifer said. "Is Amy's mom around?"

"No," he said looking up from his paper, "she and Sarah went to the mall, they should be back in a couple of hours."

"Oh," Jennifer said, "I was really hoping to talk to her sooner."

"Is it important?"

"Well I guess I can tell you Mr. Jackson, it's about Amy. I just don't want her to get into any more trouble, I know she's grounded already."

"Well I think you had better tell me Jennifer, what is it."

"Okay, but promise you wont be mad an her," Jennifer said.

"I am never mad with Amy, I am just stern with her for her own good. I love her and her mother and Sarah very much and would never do anything to hurt them."

"Well alright," Jennifer grinned. "I know Amy got grounded for staying out too late on Friday, but it was only because she and Steve got stuck out at camp and she couldn't get back in time. But now she tells me she is going to sneak out to be with Steve tonight. I told her not to risk it because if she gets caught you will ground her until we go away to college and she won't be able to go the shore with me this summer and I'll be all alone. I wanted Mrs. Jackson to talk to her, to keep her from sneaking out. Please Mr. Jackson don't ground Amy for the whole summer."

Mr. Jackson set his paper on the table and stood up. "I think you had better come with me Jennifer, we'll go talk to Amy together. You were right to come to me."

Mr. Jackson and Jennifer walked balk upstairs and entered Amy's room. Amy was laying on the bed looking at her phone when they came in.

"So Amy," Mr. Jackson said, "do you have something you want to tell me?"

"No," she said looking at Jennifer who was standing behind Mr. Jackson with a slight grin on her face.

"Well Jennifer has told me all about it."

"I don't know what you mean. Jennifer what did you do?"

"I'm sorry Amy," Jennifer blurted out before Mr. Jackson broke in.

"Don't be mad, she was looking out for you. She doesn't want to see punished anymore than I do. But she also told me the real reason you were late the other night. You didn't tell me you were out at the lake with Steve. And now you are planning to sneak off with him tonight. Jennifer was right, if I had caught you I would have grounded you for the entire summer. You don't want that do you Amy?"

"No Sir," Amy replied demurely.

"Well I won't extend your current grounding but you will have to be punished. I told you what would happen the second time didn't I?"

"Yes Sir, you said I would get the belt."

"That's right," Mr. Jackson said pulling his wide leather belt from his jeans. "Now stand up and face away from me Amy."

Amy did as she was told.

"Now pull down your pants and bend over onto the bed."

"I think I had better go Mr. Jackson," Jennifer said from the doorway, "this seems like family business."

"No Jennifer you stay. It will be humiliating for Amy to know her friend is seeing her like this, and that is half the punishment."

Jennifer smiled once Mr. Jackson turned back toward Amy and moved in closer for a better view. Amy had pulled her pants down to her ankles and was starting to bend over when Mr. Jackson stopped her.

"I had you leave your panties on when I used my hand but you need to pull them down for the belt."

Amy complied and leaned forward onto the bed, her bare ass sticking high in the air. Jennifer could just make out the faint outline of several faded red hand-prints. Jennifer also couldn't help but notice Amy's puffy labia protruding out from below her ass. Jennifer felt exhilarated and could only image what was going through Amy's mind.

"Alright young lady I am going to give you 20 and I want you to count out each one."

No sooner had the 'Yes Sir' left Amy's lips when down came the belt. "One!" Amy cried.



Already two distinct red marks two inches wide and covering the width of Amy's ass had formed. Jennifer didn't know how she could take it, and it had only just started.

SMACK, the third one came down even harder and Amy struggled to call out the count. Six more came down and Amy's ass was now on fire and her head was swimming. She was calling out the number but was not conscious of where she was in the count or really where she was at all. The feeling was so much more intense than the hand spanking had been. Already she could feel heat building in her vagina and her clit was tingling as if it had an electric current applied to it.

Jennifer's breathing had slowed and she wasn't sure if she even was breathing now. Hearing the crack of the belt on Amy's flesh and watching each new lick leave a new area blazing red was driving her wild. She knew how bad it must hurt but she wanted more than anything to trade places with Amy at that point.

More blows landed and Amy now counted 15, sobbing in between each number uttered but holding on. Number 16 came low across the bottom of Amy's ass and 17 was actually on the top of her back thighs. This new spot was very tender and Amy screamed as it landed, barely calling out the number before the next one came. Number 18 was not as hard as the other but landed perfectly at that spot where Amy's labia, now incredibly swollen, pushed out from below her ass. Amy grunted low and breathed hard sucking in air as she called out the number.

Jennifer saw where the last blow had landed and wondered if it was accidental. Mr. Jackson was almost nonchalant and didn't seem to be paying any particular attention to where or how he landed his blows, but they all seemed so well placed. Number 19 landed exactly where 18 had but this time with twice the force. Amy screamed and thrashed on the bed, her knees buckled and her ass dropped down.

"Amy, I didn't hear what number that was," Mr. Jackson said as he pulled the belt back.

"19 Sir," Amy sobbed as she struggled to raise her ass. The belt came down one last time and Amy called out 20 and collapsed onto the bed.

"Okay Amy, you took your punishment well. Did you learn you lesson?"

"Yes Sir, I am sorry, I won't sneak out," Amy managed to say between her gasps and sobs.

"You let your mother know what happened as soon as she gets home," Mr. Jackson said as he left the room.

As soon as the door was shut Jennifer moved to the bed and laid down next to Amy. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"I think so," Amy said. "Oh my god Jenny, that was so intense. What does my ass look like?"

"It's really red, I don't think you are going to be able to sit for a while. Can I touch it?"

"Okay but be careful."

Jennifer leaned back and placed her hand on Amy's ass. Amy shuddered but found Jennifer's touch cooling. "Holy shit Amy, your ass is on fire, it feels so hot." As Jennifer continued to look over Amy's welted ass she cried out. "Amy there is a huge wet spot on the bed, did you do that?"

"I must have," Amy said, "I think I came with the last couple of blows, I couldn't control myself."

"That is so fucking hot. Amy I've got to tell you, I got really turned on watching your ass get spanked like that. I didn't cum but I am really wet. How do we get your step-dad to spank me?"

Amy laughed, "I don't know, but I am sure we can think of something. Jenny can you get the aloe off my dresser and rub it on my ass?"

"Sure, anything for a friend like you."

发布者 35whelen
7 年 前
35whelen 出版商 4 年 前
I would use only my hand on you if that’s what you want 
gosteve32 7 年 前
Well written, looking forward to the aloe rub!
littlegirllost 7 年 前
great story, thanks for posting
Hotspacewoman 7 年 前
That's a hot scenario. I wish I had a friend like Jennifer haha.