The Public Encounter

There’s nothing I like more than the male form. I don’t particularly have a type as long as they look after their body and are in generally good health. I have a very high sex drive and think about sex almost every waking moment. This particular day I was extra horny. It was the day after Father’s Day. I had spent the afternoon at a restaurant my parents, feeding off the visual banquet of guys who were there and taking in all the bulging muscles, crotches and bubble butts that past me in tight denim jeans. It was quite an effort trying to retain conversation while attempting to eat. There were a few times, while looking around that I saw some guys doing exactly what I was doing. I swear, even the Waiter seemed to be spending extra time standing beside me taking my order, his crotch at my eye level. It took every fibre in my being not to tear open his pants and blow him right there at the table. I was getting hornier with each moment I was there and stepping into the bathroom, with it smelling of piss and sweat, was almost too much to bare. I wanted and NEEDED to have sex.

I returned home, sadly alone. I was exhausted and a little tipsy but it I knew it was going to be difficult to relax. What’s a guy supposed to do? I stripped out of my clothes and stretched out on the bed. I always did have a wild imagination and I high sex drive so I replayed the hot guys from the restaurant and started playing with my cock. Any other time, I would have made them form an orderly queue and got them to fuck me one at a time. I was in the mood to be covered in cum. I’m one of few guys who’ve never needed lube to grease up. As soon as I am hard it seeps out so I got straight into it. I also love to edge and have been known to do it for hours (often without realising) because I get caught up in my imagination. I had been so horny throughout the day that I came close several times to blowing a load but I eased back enjoying the sensation my cock was giving me. Before too long my cock was red raw and the sun was creeping through the curtains so I rolled over and tried to get some shut eye.

About three hours later, I was awoken by noise outside my window and as I walked towards it I began to get hard again. My cock really needed some attention. But it was a sunny day and I needed to get some shopping done. So I downed a can of Red Bull threw on some clothes and heading out.

It was 10am when I arrived at the shopping centre and as I walked through I couldn’t help but notice all the hot guys everywhere. Short ones, tall ones, beefy ones, skinny ones, young skater boy types, Tradesmen, suit and tie types. Everywhere I looked there were all these beautiful guys. I was lucky I was wearing a hoodie and jeans because I was able I conceal my hard-on. In fact, I was certain if the wind changed direction, I was sure I was going to shoot all down the front of my jeans.

I decided to head to my favourite coffee shop. I liked this particular coffee shop because it sat at the bottom of some stairs which lead up to a gym and just off a corridor that lead to the public toilet facilities. I would always sit at the same table because it had the perfect view of both these areas. The gym and the toilet facilities were not “cruise areas” but you were always guaranteed to see a lot of hot guys coming and going.

As I was slipping my Latte and going through my phone, one particular guy caught my eye. Walking from the toilets, he was holding a gym bag, wearing blue running shorts and a loose fitting singlet. My eyes zoned in on his crotch. I didn’t get any eye contact with him because I could not take my eyes off his crotch which had a slight wet patch at the front. I was instantly hard. He was walking towards the coffee shop so I kept my glance low so not to get caught. Not daring to stare any further, I kept my head down but could sense he had stopped at the counter of the coffee shop and I could hear him order a protein shake. His voice was deep. Sexy. I couldn’t resist any further and wanted to see what he looked like so I glanced around and peered up to take a look at his face. My dick was throbbing in my pants and my heart was pounding in my chest. To my shock, he was standing right behind my chair. He could see over my shoulder and he looked down at my phone. THEN I realised he could see I had a Tumblr page open which showed naked guys in various different positions fucking each other. He raised an eye brow and stepped back clearly aware of how embarrassed I was. It was at this moment that the server had returned with his order. He paid for his shake, walked off and disappeared.

I sat there for serval moments more (mainly to allow my hard-on to subside) before I pulled out the list of things I was looking to buy. I finished off my Latte and headed off. My eyes continued to dart around the shopping centre as I walked around. Each guy was better than the one before. I wanted to fuck or be fucked by each and every one of them. They say to never go shopping when you’re hungry. I should know better to shop while I’m horny because one day I will be arrested for indecent exposure!

I was heading to a shoe store to buy myself a new pair of running shoes. I had a long list of things to get and if I didn’t get some focus I was never going to get through it. I entered the store and headed straight for the shoe section. They had a variety of other sporting goods spread through the store but I didn’t have time to browse. I just wanted to get in and out and move on. I went through the shoe racks and found a pair that I liked. I found a seat and tried them on. As I was bent down tying the shoes up, a man walked past with legs like tree trunks and as I glanced up, my jaw dropped. It was the hot guy in the blue running shorts! This gave me the opportunity to check out his ass. DAMN! What an ass! As he walked I could see the straps from the jockstrap he was wearing peeking out the bottom of his shorts. I don’t know if he saw me but I took advantage of the view and just stared as he wandered through the store. I quickly got back into my shoes and stood up and heading in the direction he was walking but again, he disappeared. I began to wonder if he was onto me or just prick teasing. At that point, I didn’t really care because he was giving me plenty to store in the wank bank for later.

I myself needed to get a pair of casual shorts to hang around in the house in so I walked over to the rack of shorts in the same store. The rack was divided in half with the T-Shirts hanging above a lower rack were the shorts were hanging. As I was going through the rack of shorts, I detected movement in the next aisle where someone stopped almost opposite me and was going through the T-Shirts. I stood up and peered through the gaps in the T-Shirts and saw the same guy in the running shorts again! Was this a coincidence? Was this guy following me? I stood there holding my breath and taking in his square jaw, crewcut short dark hair and piercing green eyes. In a blink of an eye, we were face to face and a smirk came across his face. He didn’t say a word but the smirk said everything! He was cruising me! He motioned with his eyes to look down at his crotch – which I did in a flash and saw his uncut cock hanging from his running shorts. It must’ve of been 8 inches (soft!). So, while he was on one side and I was on the other side of this rack of clothes, I slowly reached for his cock. At first touch, he closed his eyes and his face lit up with a smile. My cock, still confined inside my jeans, was hard a leaking. As he looked down at my crotch he saw a wet patch forming and immediately grabbed It firmly continuing to encourage me to jerk on his cock. As his foreskin slide and folded over the head of his cock it began to glisten and shine. After a few quick motions he shot his load covering my hand and landing on the carpet of the store in shiny white globs of cum. I was shaking with excitement and before I had a chance to gather myself together he was gone. It all happened so quickly that I hadn’t realised that one of male store attendants was standing at the end of my aisle, with a look of shock of his face, in full sports work attire and name badge with a noticeable bulge in his pants staring at me. Had it been another time and place, I would’ve done for “Brad” what I just did for this random hunky stranger. I raced out of the store leaving both the shoes and the shorts I had picked out.

At this stage of my time at the shopping centre, I knew I was not going to get through my shopping list and there was a brand new vibrating butt plug still in it’s box waiting for me at home. I was beyond horny by this moment and needed to get home for a wank. I could feel cum churning around in my balls. I could barely hide the pre-cum that was seeping through the front of my jeans with my hoddie and I was paranoid that people would begin to notice. I headed for the nearest exit to try and get a cab home.

There were no cabs around so I sat on a nearby step. I could feel my hard cock sliding against my stomach and it was feeling real good. “Damn it, where are the cabs?” I thought to myself. I lit a cigarette and tried to think about anything but cock. Suddenly, I notice a beautiful Silver Mustang pull up in front of me. The tinted windows made it hard to see in but as the passenger window rolls down, I hear a deep voice say “Get in”. Who me? I motion. “Get In” the voice says again. I stand and move closer to the window. It’s blue running shorts guy!!! No need to ask me again. The brand new vibrating butt plug at home can wait!

For some reason, in spite of my nerves, I had no fear getting into the car with a complete stranger. It’s not something I would normally do and I am further put at ease straight away as he greets me with a kiss on the lips like he’s known me for ages. We travel in the car for a short period and he says nothing. This man is gorgeous, I think to myself. Like he read my mind, he turns to me and smiles. “So, where are we going?” I finally say. “Somewhere more private” he replies reaching out and placing his hands on my crotch. “Are you up for some fun?” he asks. “Sure” I say enthusiastically. His hand remains on my crotch for some time until we reach a set of lights and he daringly undoes my zipper , reaches in and pulls out my cock. My cock has remained hard since I got in the car and is so covered in pre-cum. He stares at my hard dick for a second then quickly bent down his head for a quick swipe with his tongue. “Mmmmm, you taste good” he chuckled.

The longer I spent in the car with him, the safer I felt which I thought was strange but as we made a turn into an underground parking area the nerves and excitement returned. It was your average run of the mill parking garage under what looked like an apartment block. As I was getting out of the car, he raced around from his side and pushed me into a dark corner of the garage and practically torn my jeans open and took my cock down to the base in one gulp. Damn! I could feel his rough stubble on my smooth balls as he sucked for dear life. The way he sucked at the head of my cock I thought it was about to explode. It was hot in this garage and it wasn’t too long before sweat was running down my back. Then he swung me around and buried his face in my arse. This guy was as hungry for sex as I was. He slurped at the sweat in the crack of my ass and squeezed my cheeks firmly. “You are one sexy guy” he said as he growled into my ass. I never thought of myself as sexy but hey, I was not going stop him doing what he was doing. He reached around to my hard slick cock and began jerking me off. It sent shivers down my spine and I knew it was not going to be long before I would cum. His tongue felt amazing and he used long strokes from my balls to my hole and quick darting pokes as deep as he could go. This guy had skills and could detect I was going ready to shoot off. The muscles in the back of my legs tighten up, my knees began to shake and my arse cheeks tremble and tensed up all the while he was jerking my cock and eating my ass. As I began to grunt with pleasure and my eyes rolled back in their sockets, he scooted round and his mouth clamped down on my cock. Cum surged up my shaft into his wet mouth. FUCK! The suction on his mouth made my toes curl as he swallowed. There was so much cum it began to overflow from the sides of his mouth. As I looked down at his face, with his mouth still attached to my hard cock, his eyes were watering. My cock was beginning to soften and he loosened the grip and tongue bathed the remnants of cum. He was a happy man and so was I. He snaked his way up the wall that I had been leaning against and we were now face to face with each other. Cum was dripping from his mouth, down his neck and over his chest. With his hands gripping my arse cheeks, he kissed me again and I got a taste of my own cum from his lips. It tasted even better than usual. He slid a finger in the crack of my arse and said “By the way … my name is Richard”. “Nice to meet you Dick” I laughed. My pants and underwear were still around my ankles and he helped me pull them back up. His blue running shorts had a noticeable bulge I couldn’t help but grab and we stood there kissing some more. Then he slapped my ass and said “Ready for round two?” as he grabbed his gym bag from the boot of his car, took me by the hand and lead me to the elevator of the building. I guess I didn’t need to reply.

As we entered the elevator, I saw my reflection in the mirror and was horrified by how messy I looked. I get my fair share of guys who find me attractive but I certainly wasn’t looking my best at this point. My hair was wet and I smelled of sweat and cum. But Richard couldn’t keep his hands off me. We kissed and grinded against each other until we reach his floor.

He led me through the front door of his apartment. He lived on the 9th floor of a ten storey building and had an almost panoramic view of the city. As he walked in front of me I couldn’t help but notice how fit his body looked. His thick thighs, firm arse, wide back and bulging biceps were amazing. Although I love the cock a good arse is always worth a second glace. To me a sign of a good arse is how far up the cheeks rise to, forming that crease in the lower back. That’s always a sign that you’re in for a good time and that the boy has bubble. The kind you could bounce balls off and I had plains to do just that at some point. Based on the afternoon so far, Richard was kind of aggressive. A take charge kind of guy that also had a gentle side. I like that in a guy. I wouldn’t say I was submissive or passive but there are times that call for that and I was happy to go along with things.

As I watched Richard moved through the apartment, taking clothes off as he went along. I followed his lead and did the same thing until we reached the bathroom. He took my hand and pulled me under the shower and turned it on. The chill of the cold water forced us closer and our hardening cocks rubbed against each other. I met my match with this guy. Not only was he sexy as fuck but he was as horny as I am. While we remained hard for the entire time we were in the shower we just washed each other down playfully, making sure we didn’t miss any nook or cranny. Watching him wash his cock was one of the most riveting things to see. His foreskin could be stretched a good inch from the head of his cock which I might add, was quite thick in and of itself. As we rinsed off the soapy water he would rub his hard uncut cock against my stomach and the foreskin would slide over the head and back. I always have loved uncut cocks! I think we were both using this time in the shower to gather ourselves from the two encounters we had already while gathering strength for more to come. I needed to have a cock inside me and I wanted at least one go at his arse.

I grabbed a robe off the back of the door and Richard wrapped himself in a towel and we headed into the kitchen. As I sat at the bench he rummaged through a draw and threw me some take-away menus. “Pick something out and I’ll order something in”. We picked out some Chinese food and while he made the call, I headed to the balcony and lit up a cigarette. As I looked out at the view, Richard came up behind me and put his arms around my waist, slipping his hand under the robe and gripped my cock. It wasn’t hard but it began to twitch. “I’m not finished with this yet” Richard commented. I slipped my hand behind me and under his towel and said “Me either”.

After the Chinese food had arrived we sat down in the lounge and ate. Richard had put on some background music and we watched as it got darker outside. It was a little early to be eating dinner but we had both used up so much energy during the course of the day we needed something to sustain us – besides cum.

“You didn’t tell me your name” Richard suddenly said. “It’s Michael” I replied. “Michael, Micky, Miguel …. Mikey! I’ll call you Mikey”. “And how old are you Mikey?” he continued. “29. I just turned 29 this year” I replied. “Jesus!” he said. “What?” I asked. I tried to gage his surprise. I figured he and I were close in age but his reaction implied otherwise. “Well …. I turn 43 in a few days”. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised because he really didn’t look a day over 35. We were sitting opposite ends of the lounge. I was still in the robe and he in the towel with his legs stretched out in my lap. He learned forward, still holding his plate of food and creating an opening in the towel to present his hard cock. “Does that put you off?”. My glare went straight for his protruding cock. “HELL NO” I said. He placed his plate down on the coffee table and leaned towards me, sliding his hands up my thighs and under the robe. He then began licking and sucking at my balls. My cock was hard in an instant so I sat back and enjoyed it for a while. It was then my turn to be aggressive so I pushed him back on the lounge and skirted up so I was sitting on his chest, force feeding him my cock while gripping and pulling at his cock. The slurping noise coming from Richard turned me on even more and I pumped my cock in his mouth with quicker and stronger force. I swiftly changed positions, turning myself around so I can take his cock into my mouth and positioned myself so he could eat my arse. His mouth was magic. He spread my cheeks and buried his face so far into my arse I knew it was time. He had done such a good job with his tongue that his cock slide easily into my arse. My cock was bouncing between his stomach and mine creating strings of pre-cum on both of us. His deep grunting moans echoed around the room. I was riding his cock good and proper and I could feel his balls slap against my cheeks. The motion of my hips matched the pumping motion of his cock. He reached for my cock and began jerking me off as I reached for his nipples and began tweaking them. I hadn’t been fucked this well for a while and I was getting real close to the edge. Then he did something I’ve never had done to me before. As I continued to ride his cock, keeping the same rhythm, he used both his thumbs to rub the underside of my cockhead in quick succession. My cock was leaking so much pre-cum that it felt like two tongues lapping at my cock while I had an arse full of uncut cock. That was it. I was tipped over the edge and I began to cum. The first surge of cum landed on Richards face and looked like I signed my name on it. More cum splashed on his mouth and chin. The rest pooled on his chest in between his nipples matting down his chest hair. Considering I had only cum a little more than an hour ago, I was surprised how much cum came out. The motion of my hips did not slow down though and by the look on Richard’s face, I knew he was about to cum too. He roughly pulled out of my arse and I could feel it splash against my cheeks and over my back. He was still jerking his load out as I leant down and starting kissing him. Lapping at the cum I had shot on his face and sharing it with him. His breathes were short and fast and there was sweat pouring from his forehead. My cock began to go limp but he held his grip to make sure he had gotten every last drop out of it. Then lifting he scooped up as much of my cum from his chest and licked it off his hand, going from one finger to the next. Seeing him eat my cum with a smile on his face was priceless. It was obvious we had a very compatible chemistry going on. “How was that for you Mikey? Not bad for an old dog, right?”. I just smiled and slumped into his hairy chest and tweaking his nipples again. I could feel his cum dripping down my back and into the crack of my butt. Richard’s hand ran down my back and over my cheeks before his slide his cum slicked finger deep in my hole. It went in easy and felt good in there. With circular motions he caressed my hole while he plunged his tongue in my mouth. Damn Richard was a good kisser and he was pushing all the right buttons for me. With no energy to continue, we fell asleep in each other’s arms right there on the lounge.

When I woke up, Richard was in the kitchen cleaning up some dishes and going through the fridge. I looked out the window. It was still dark so I knew I hadn’t spent the night. I don’t know how long I had slept for and as much fun as I was having, I suddenly felt guilty and thought I better make plans to move. Richard was still wearing the towel from the shower we had early and I was naked except for a blanket he had placed over me while I slept. I looked around the lounge room trying to find my clothes. At that point, Richard was heading towards me with two bottles of Corona. He handed one to me. “Hello sleepy head” he said handing me a beer. “How long was I asleep?”. “Not long”. I took a swig of beer while still looking around for my clothes. ”Um, where are my clothes?”. “I threw them in the washing machine. I hope you don’t mind. After the “fun” we had, they looked a little messy”. “Did you want to leave? I mean, did you want to stay here tonight?” he stammered. It was so endearing, the look on his face. “I hadn’t thought about it” I replied. “I was thinking you’d want me to go”. “No, no, no. I’m having a blast – no pun intended” he said. In the 12 or so hours we had spent together Richard seemed to display equal measures of strength and kindness. I was really enjoying myself with him but I didn’t want to outstay my welcome. And most guys after an encounter like this just want you to fuck off home. The sex had been some of the best I’ve had so I didn’t mind hanging around if I was going to get more of it. Besides, I knew if I went home, I would only end up “road testing” the new vibrating butt plug and jerking off thinking about what Richard and I had done.

After drinking a few more beers and chatting on the lounge, nature was calling and I headed to the bathroom. “I just need to take a piss” I announced. Richard’s eye widened. “Oh yeah?”. He followed me in the bathroom as I opened the robe I put on again. Richard came up behind me and at first just peered over my shoulder. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and with one hand, took hold of my cock and began playing with it. I get a little pee shy when there are others around and although I have dabbled with “piss play” and get turned on by it, I have found that most guys are turned off. But clearly, this was turning Richard on. He continued to play with my cock. I began to get hard and was unable to piss. So with a firm grip still on my hard dick, he dragged me into the shower, sat down on the tiled floor and looked up at me. He was still jerking my cock while the pressure to piss got stronger. Then he placed his mouth over the head of my dick and began to suck just like it was a straw. This was both pleasurable and eased me up enough to start the release of piss that was building up. Then it all came gushing out with such pressure I thought it might blow a hole in the back of his head. Richard’s tongue just swirled around and he clamped down and sucked me some more. The intense feeling I was getting from doing something so “kinky” was turning us both on and Richard began jerking off. Then suddenly, in mid-stream, he gripped down on my cock and forced the flow of piss to stop. “I have an idea” he said. And he got on all fours and pointed his arse up in the air. I didn’t need any further instructions and pushed my cock into his arse. The feeling of a full bladder and the tight grip his arse had on my dick is something everyone needs to try! Richard began rocking slowly back and forth and soon I was relaxed enough to let the flow begin again. I was piss fucking him! For those who haven’t done this before, it’s a very different feeling to “normal” butt fucking and I remained hard the entire time. I began to get a tingling in my balls and the flow slowed and a different sensation took over. To my surprise, I was about to cum again. Like, straight after the piss stopped. I have never felt something so incredible in my life. I pumped my load into Richard’s hole. At the same time, I could feel intermittent gripping feeling from his arse lips which indicated to me that Richard was shooting off too. His grunting and moaning further confirmed this. As I pulled out my dick, I sat back and watched Richard’s hole wink at me. I couldn’t resist and dove right in to lap at the piss and cum that was oozing out. That is a tasty concoction, which I also recommend everyone try! Richard rolled over and lean against the shower wall while I sat back on my heals still hard as a rock. “Jesus Mikey! What are you doing to me?” he said. “You’re turning me into a dirty old man!” he chuckled. “But I LOVE IT” he added. We both rinsed off in the shower and moved back to the lounge for a breather.

This encounter was turning out to be a day living out all my sexual fantasies in one go with the one person! The more time I was spending with Richard, the stranger things began to feel. Not in a bad way. Richard was very attentive, sweet and accommodating. Not just sexually just generally. And as we continued to relax as the night went on everything was very comfortable. We sat round, finished off the Chinese food and drank beer while watching a movie on the lounge. He picked the movie “Jarhead” with Jake Gyllenhaal which happened to be one of my favorites and we snuggled together under the blanket on the lounge. We had been pretty much naked for most of the afternoon and I thought we would settle in and eventually fall asleep but there was one more surprise Richard had in mind.

As the credits rolled, Richard took me by the hand and for the first time, lead me to his bedroom. His apartment was very well decorated and his bedroom was no different. His bed was HUGE with a black leather headboard. He sat me down at the end of the bed after undressing me. He was lightly touching my nipples when he asked “Do you trust me?”. I didn’t know how to respond to that. “Do you trust me?” he asked again. From a chest of draws behind him, he pulled out what looked like a black mask. It was a black satin blindfold. “What did you have in mind?” I asked. He put the blindfold on me and leant me back on the bed. The room was already fairly dark to begin with but now I could not see a thing. I could sense he was rustling with something above my head where the pillows were perched on the bed. He slowly maneuvered my arms above my head and I felt something being wrapped around my wrists. After everything we had been through this day, I was not scared but turned on. After I was secured to the bed, Richard, with only the tip of his tongue began to lick and suck at my nipples before moving down my stomach towards my crotch. I was fully expecting him to begin blowing me again but instead he began to massage my balls. He fondled and rolled my balls around in the palms of his hands. My cock was not yet hard but it began to throb. Not knowing what he would do next was really turning me on. Then suddenly it stopped and I could sense him moving around the round to a bedside table. It sounded to me like he had pulled the draw right out and had poured the contents on the bed beside me. I had no idea what was coming next. I felt his hands on near my crotch again than a cool gel being rubbed on to my balls. Be began massaging my balls again. After all the sex we had that afternoon my balls were already arching but this was a nice tingling sensation and my cock began to get hard again. Every now and then, I felt a slick wet finger probe at my asshole. Whatever lotion or lube he was using had some heat to it but it didn’t burn. Just tingle wildly. I really didn’t think I had enough in me to cum again but that didn’t stop my dick from standing at full attention. Richard was silent and the room was quiet. I can be very ticklish but I was so relaxed and comfortable that I was able to just lie back and take it. Then I felt something engulf my hard dick. I felt like I was plunging into a bowl of warm jelly … but different. I figured it was a Fleshlight or something. With circular plunging motions he forced in down on my dick. Up and down. Up and down. Then sensation was turning me on and I involuntarily arched my back. Then I felt pressure on my chest and I could tell Richard had moved round to sit on me, probably to hold me down. Still blindfolded, he pushed back so his firm arse was centimetres from my face. I could smell him close to me but wasn’t in a position to reach him. He was teasing me. While continuing to jerk me off with the Fleshlight and my hands tied, he wanted me to beg for him to sit on my face. “Bring it closer” I said. He did but just when I was about to sink my face into his ass, he pulled away. He did this a few times before he finally let me have it and I went to town, chowing down on his succulent man hole. Every now and then, he pushed back his balls and cock so I was able to take them in my mouth before he’d move back and plant his butt on my face. Being helpless like that and not being able to use my hands to grab him made it all the more exciting. As his hand motions got quicker and with my face in his arse, I knew I would in fact, cum again. Richard could sense this and pulled off the Fleshlight, plunged his mouth on my dick and sucked the cum right out me. Turning around and slipping the blindfold off me, he looked down at me and let the cum run out of his mouth and into my open mouth. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. It was so hot. With him still sitting on my chest and my hands tied, I motioned for him to stick his cock into my mouth and let me return the favour. “No need” he said. “I’ll save that for another time”. He untied me and he pulled the covers over us, nestled in each others arms. He fell asleep with his arm resting on my arse while I could still taste my cum and his arse on my lips.

Then next morning, I woke to the sound of the shower running. The door was ajar and I could hear grunting coming from the bathroom. He was clearly jerking off. I looked over at the clock and it was 5:27am and still dark outside. It was a Sunday morning. Way too early for me to get out of bed. Suddenly the light from the bathroom filled the room and I could see the outline of Richard standing in the doorway. As my eyes adjusted I could see him fully dress in what looked like a uniform. “I’m sorry, do you need to go to work?” I said. Richard stepped closer and towered over me. Suddenly, all I could see was a name badge that read: Officer Richard Pounder. He was a Police Officer! I sat up in shock and Richard started laughing. He looked tall, strong and sexy as fuck in his Police uniform. “I’ve got something for you” he said as he threw something in my direction. I caught it with both hands. It was the jockstrap he was wearing when we met. “There’s an extra special surprise inside. Keep ‘em, there yours” he added. As I took a closer look, I noticed he had inscribed them with his name and phone number AND left me a hefty load of his cum which I hungrily gobbled up while he stood right there in front of me. Richard chuckled. “You little piggy” he laughed. I got up from the bed and walked towards him. “As much as I could do it all over again, I do have to get to work. Stay some more if you like and just pull the door closed on the way out”. I was surprised he was so casual about letting me stay and not forcing me to get changed and leave. He hugged into me, kissed me of the forehead, then gave me a passionate kiss on the lips before he turned towards the door. “Hey, I had a really good time. I hope we can do this again soon. You’ve got my number” Richard said. “Yeah I do too” I said, holding up the cum filled jockstrap. The door closed behind him and I was left alone for the first time in the last 19 hours. I fulfilled more sexual fantasies in that time and even achieved ones I didn’t even know that I had. Richard, by far, was the best fuck I ever had in my 29 years. It was fulfilling in so many different ways and I knew it was going to be difficult to forget this day. I stayed a little longer at Richard’s, gather my clothes (which he had neatly laid out at the end of the bed) and had a shower. Before leaving, I tided the apartment up, re-did the bed and left my number on the fridge. As I left his building, I realised now where I was. I was only three blocks away from my own apartment which meant there was a high chance of this happening all over again. That thought made my dick hard.

A few days later, knowing it was his Birthday, I decided to give Richard a call. He hadn’t called and I hadn’t stopped thinking about him since I had saw him leave that day. I was horny all the time (as usual) but I just wasn’t getting anything from playing with my dick. The vibrating butt plug never left the box and all I really wanted was to be with Richard. When he answered the phone he was still at work but he genuinely sounded happy to hear from me. He told me he was finishing his shift at 11pm so he asked me to meet him down at the station. The Police Station was in the same suburb we shared so I was able throw a few things into a backpack and walk down. With my hands firmly tucked in my pockets, I played with my balls as I walked so I was rock hard by the time Richard came out of the station. He walked assertively towards me, put his arms around my waste and lifted me up off the ground. I was worried that his mates might see us but he wasn’t. Apparently, after our encounter he told all his mates about me and as I looked over his shoulders I could see a bunch of guys standing up against the window of the station cheering him on! I was so embarrassed. “This is going to be the best birthday ever” Richard said. “One you’ll never forget” I added. From the Police Station, we went to a local restaurant and had a proper meal and a few drinks. It felt like we never had any time apart and we have a great time laughing and joking about the days in between. Then he asked me to go home with him. “Now, why would you ask me to do THAT?” I joked. “I want to do naughty things with you all night” he joked back.

As we arrived back to Richard’s and get into the elevator it all starts and we are kissing and rubbing our crotches together. We can wait to get fucking and sucking. In all the haste, my backpack slips off my shoulder and some of the contents fall out. Richard’s eyes pop out when he notices a gift box with a bow on it. “Oooohhh presents!” he says. “It’s Just a little something” I begin “And it comes with batteries” I add. “Then let’s get cracking!” Richard chuckles as he pushes me through the apartment and tugging at my jeans. “I’m not getting any younger here” he adds. We fall through the door with laughter and I know it’s going to be another cum filled night.

8 年 前
daytondave 1 年 前
Very hot straight to favorites 
T0MT 7 年 前
You’re a very good writer! Hot story. Well written. A big turn on from beginning to end!
pifad 7 年 前
That's was absolutely wonderful!! Takes me back to my days in the military. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment you shared
hungryguy1 8 年 前
So good! Rob
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