Time to get real about the real reasons for segreg
Let's be real. What was the true reason for segregation in the south? The answer is obvious. Not only was it to keep blacks out of the economic mainstream, the main reason was to keep black men away from white women. Since the days of slavery, the white male was well aware of the fact that black men where better hung, and had better stamina. In the deep recesses of his mind, the white male's greatest fear was the possibility that white women may actually be curious about the sexuality of black men, and could possibly be attracted to them and try to satisfy that curiosity. This is why there was the separation of blacks and whites. In reality, the institution of segregation was not only oppressive to blacks, but to white women as well. If it was found out that a white woman was attracted to, or was involved sexually with a black man, she would be scorned, degraded, harassed and be considered an out cast. The white male obviously felt that white women were his property, as he felt that blacks were his property during the days of slavery. But fortunately times have changed! In today's world, a woman has the right to choose. She can date, marry, or have sex with anyone she chooses. It is her right to be a slut if she wants to, and if she happens to have a preference for BBC, well the white boi's will just have to deal with that and get over it. In today's world, anyone can just log on and watch an endless steam of videos with beautiful white woman having sex with black men, and I happen to think that that is a good thing. Progress has been made!
8 年 前
Sad all this information was removed from public libraries in the 1960s .