Being used as a strap on slut. This is a true stor

I have been offering myself for strap on use by women for about ten years. I am on a few adult personal sites. I have had a few encounters. Six to be exact but each time it was a different woman. They were all internet strangers. I don't think any of them ever told me their name and only one offered anything in return before walking out and never hearing from them again.
Since every one of them just used me like a cheap slut for an easy piece of ass for a one time pump and dump and the fact that I would let just about any woman who wanted to use me like that again.
I guess the title "Strap-On Slut" fits me.

I am always looking for more like it so ladies let me know if you are interested.
However, You'd think I would think twice after this one but so far I haven’t ..
Here's How The Encounter went! AND every word is TRUE!!

I was on one of the most popular adult hookup sites and chatting about being pegged in a chat room.... Then out of the blue I go t an instant message from a woman who I didn’t even know was in the chat room... Her first message said..... “So you’d let me fuck you up the ass with a strap on?” I replied... “If That’s what you want to do... YES!” She responded..... “That’s it? Nothing else? Just Fuck you up the ass and leave? “ I responded.... “If that’s what you want to do..... YES!” She asked me my address, I told her and she said..... I’ll be there in about 30 minutes...

Sure enough, about 30 minutes later she pulled into my driveway, and knocked on my front door... I opened the door and invited her in. Naturally, she hesitated and said "show me your strap on first."
I went into my bedroom and as soon as she saw me walk out with it she walked in closed the door and headed to me.. I asked if she wanted to talk, maybe introduce ourselves to each other and she just grabbed the strap on and said let me see your ass. I pulled down my pants and turned around. She began to unbutton her shirt. so I striped naked and got on my knees as she unbuttoned her pants. I moved in closer to give her oral and she pushed me away and just asked me to show her how it straps on.
I did and As soon as she saw the big thick rubber cock she was now in total control of she grabbed it with one hand and wagged it like "O, I am going to pound this bitch's ass with this monster.. She said “Lay face down on the bed!" I laid on my bed and she wasted no time spreading my legs and climbing on top of me. She said " Where's your lube?
I pointed to the nightstand drawer that I pulled the strap on out of and left open. She pressed the tip to my ass and squeezed a big gob of lube in me.. At first I thought it might be her first time and didn't know how much to use as I felt the cold lube filling my ass deeply...

I would soon find out that I was wrong.. She knew exactly how much I was going to need because she was about to pound the fuck out of me and knew I was going to need all of it.
it quickly became clear that this wasn't her first time because she knew how to work it. Gently pressing it in and pulling it out. Slowly working it deeper and deeper till she was balls deep. I felt her hands grab my waist and started with a few full warm up strokes.
It was then that my feelings were just tossed out the window and warm up time is over. I can only imagine the thought in her head was something along the lines of..
" He said I can just walk in and fuck his ass and leave so here it comes! it's been a long week so I'm going to take it out on his ass. I'm gonna fuck this bitch like a two dollar whore!!
She laid on top of me and slid her hands under me up my chest and latched on to my shoulders. She pried my legs apart with her knees and latched onto my calves with her feet and pushed my feet together which propped my ass up a little more to give her full access and gain traction and also kept me from being able to slide out from under her... I was now face down... ASS UP and couldn't move an inch in any direction except closer and closer to the head board of my bed as she gained speed and intensity..
Soon the slapping sound of someone getting pounded in the ass began echoing in the room..
It always turned me on in the past but this was the first time that it was my ass that was getting pounded. I laid there face down as a total stranger now has me pinned down on my bed, pile driving my ass like a jack hammer.
My strap on is a 7" long 3" thick life like rubber cock. I have an average size cock but this one makes my dick look tiny. So I am now taking more cock than I have ever fucked anyone with and MUCH harder than I have ever fucked a woman up the ass.
It wasn't long before she was pounding me so hard that I can feel the balls slamming up against my ass. I can't lie it hurt and I was glad that she didn't have any more cock to shove in my ass because it was bottoming out and I don't think I could have taken another inch and she didn't seem to care anyway.
My thoughts of "Hmm, it seems like this girl knows how to peg a guy! quickly shifted to " Holy shit! I’m getting prison r4ped.

I started seeing the edge of the bed inching closer so I grabbed the sheets with both hands which ended up as more resistance to fuck me harder and I eventually had to grab the mattress because I was now looking down at the floor because she was actually fucking me right off the bed!
My mind was too busy hoping I wasn't going to end up in the hospital with a big rubber dick and balls stuffed in my ass and a very embarrassing story to even consider cumming and I couldn't grab my dick if I wanted to because I needed both hands to hold on.
The resistance of me holding on to the edge of the bed resulted in her gaining leverage and my ass was now taking the full impact of every her every thrust and she was now literally fucking each breath out of me, so now I was actually gasping for each breath, hearing her pelvis slapping against my ass in unison with each full stroke of that big dick in my ass and the sound of my voice now helplessly letting out a huh.. Huh... Huh.. simultaneously.... Only turned her on even more,
I can only assume that it was clear to her that she was in total control and we both knew that there wasn’t much I could do but hold on tight until SHE was done fucking ...
She let out a sigh or two of frustration, I’m assuming because she must have been getting exhausted by now but was so close to cumming and she was determined to cum! I have no idea how she still had the energy but she kept on pounding away.....
Well I must have let out a grunt or two when I started feeling the big rubber balls slamming furiously against my ass, because she stopped for a second to ask if she was hurting me. However, I don't think she really cared because I tried to say "NOT REALLY" but before I said "not" She must have only heard "Naah" before ramming it in so hard that she actually pounded the rest of my reply out of me before I finished and went right back to pounding as hard as ever. So “Not really” only came out as.....
“Nah...slap...Uhh.. Slap...Uhh.. Slap... .Uhh...
I could only assume that it didn’t matter what I said... Even if I had been able to say.. Yes... You are! I think her only response would have been something to the effect of....
“ Quit whining like a bitch. I asked if I could fuck you? You agreed to let me fuck you, Which makes you my bitch! So you really don’t have any say in the matter... I was just being nice by asking.... All you have to do is lay there and get fucked until I cum..... So shut up and take it, Bitch!..”

My view was limited to the floor and a digital alarm clock that I had to look up to see so I know that for a few minutes more than an hour I laid there face down holding on for deal life as this woman fucked me like a cheap whore!
Then without warning she slammed it in so hard and deep and held it there that I thought she was tryin to get the balls in too. She held it there and tightened her grip on me so hard that it was painfully obvious that I could NOT have physically fight her off me if I wanted to.
I was a little confused when I felt her legs start shivering so hard that she shook the whole bed. Her finger nails digging deeper into my shoulders. I felt her breath panting in my ear so I turned my head to see what was about to happen next.
She was completely exhausted and whispered in my ear with her teeth clenched tight.... " I'm CUMMMMING" but .....
With her jaw clinched, her demonic tone was more like " I'm fucking CUMMING! so don't you fucking move until I’m finished......BITCH!!!
I laid there and hoped it wasn't going to last long because I could feel the balls slowly slipping deeper between my ass cheeks. I am now taking quick shallow breaths and holding each one to take my mind off the pain she is inflicting on my ass.. If she could have actually been pumping cum in me that long I can only guess that she would have dumped almost a pint of cum in my ass..
More than a few MINUTES later she went limp and laid there on top of me.
No kiss on the back of the neck! not even a thanks for letting me use your ass bitch!
Then Without warning,.! She just pushed off me without the slightest regard for my now sore, gaping ass. yanking the fat rubber cock out of me so fast that I'm pretty sure it made a slurping sound on its way out and I felt a rush of cool air freely flowing deep in my ass.... it was a completely new feeling that I know i’ve never felt before..
I remember thinking, Is it possible that my ass gaping so much that cool air is freely flowing in and out like a wing tunnel. If it is? I hope it isn't that noticeable that she is standing over me looking into a gaping hole where my tight ass was just an hour ago..
It turns out that it was because I tried to clinch and know that I couldn’t close my ass completely no matter how hard I tried...
I quickly felt this rush of humiliation knowing that she was standing over me and thinking.... “Holy shit,,, Look at what I did to that slut’s ass....
But after letting a woman have what she wanted and actually having the most intense orgasm I’ve ever seen a woman have.. I kept thinking .... Damn! after cumming like that... I’ll bet she will be willing to do just about ANYTHING in return,,,, UNITL......
I heard the thump of that big strap on dick hit the floor and the sound of her getting dressed. I looked back in disbelief that she was really just going to leave after abusing my ass that hard for over an hour.
" I asked, that's it?" she quickly replied "Yup!" and pulled her pants up. Realizing that I never had the chance to cum and she didn't even care to ask. If that wasn’t enough, She wouldn't even look at my face because she preferred to stare at my ass. I now truly knew the feeling of being used as a cum slut and actually felt more like a whore that wasn't getting paid.
A little let down that I didn’t cum and she clearly didn’t care... But, Also turned on at the same time. . I asked her again " THAT’S IT? You REALLY came over here to fuck me up the ass for an hour until you cum and you really are going to just get dressed and leave? LIkE I’M JUST A CHEAP WHORE??? " She smiled and said "Yup, THANKS WHORE!
Then quickly continued to finish getting dressed. The whole time staring at my ass. The amazed look on her face as I pushed myself off my bed made it obvious that she could see a gaping hole where my tight ass used to be. She proudly pointed and said your ass is really drooling lube!!
I nonchalantly asked “ It is? “. while trying to play off the wave of shame that was rushing over me. She pointed, giggled and said "YEA,. IT looks more like a REALLY SLOPPY PUSSY than an asshole!”
Trying to hide my feelings of humiliation I handed her a permanent marker and said if you are just going to use me like a whore you might as well humiliate me like one.
She wrote on my ass, "Karen fucked me up the ass like a whore" Took a couple pics for bragging rights. Then she walked out of my room. I tried to follow her to the front door to see if she wanted to stay or come fuck me again and I was forced to stop as she swung my front door wide open so If I tried to follow her anymore I would be risking a neighbor seeing me. Still naked with my humiliation still written on my ass, I accepted the fact that I just got pumped and was now being dumped as she refused any offer to see or hear from me again. "Nope! I'm good.. BYE! As she closed the door and drove away....

I went back to my room and laid back on my bed and laid there naked and still feeling a steady flow of lube freely running out of my ass like I just got fucked by a horse and pumped full of cum.
For the first time knowing what it feels like to be used like a cheap piece of fuck meat and even though, I did agree to let her just fuck me and leave, I never imagined a woman actually would. I just thought she was just keeping her options open so I wouldn't be expecting a blow job or something in return. But NOPE! .... She really just wanted to use a guy like a cum slut and she had NO hard feelings or remorse about doing it.....
I think it was how smug she was about just using me and left me laying there like a used condom that made me feel so cheap and used.
I know that some men are usually known for not showing any remorse for using a woman like a cum receptacle, I just couldn't believe she proudly emphasized it as she closed the door behind her by giving me a smirk as if to say Hey! I just needed a cheap piece of ass, I used you like a cheap whore and now I'm leaving. It’s not my problem if you feel like a dirty whore.... You willingly let total strangers come over and fuck you up the ass within the first ten minutes. Face it, You're a whore, So you might as well get used to being used like one! I got what I wanted... Thanks! For the free piece of ass, SLUT! You won't be hearing from me again. Your ass is all worn the fuck out now... What would I want with it now.! But thanks!

It was all I could think of as I laid there .......
Recolecting the wave of emotions I was feeling when I played out the evening in my head..
Wow, In about two hours time. I got an instant message from a total stranger got fucked up the ass for over an hour and then used as her cum slut.... and just like that she is gone before the lube stopped running out..
The only way she could have possibly made me feel more like a real whore is if she stuffed a one dollar bill in my ass on her way out..
Now even though I couldn't get over how proud she seemed about doing and saying everything she possibly could to humiliate me and make me feel as much like a whore as she possibly could..... And though I am laying here now truly knowing how a real whore feels like after being used.......
Less than ten minutes after she left as I'm still laying there with lube still drooling out of my ass. As cheap and humiliated as I felt.
I couldn't help but think, Damn! I wish she brought a girlfriend or two to fuck me for another hour. Maybe a gang bang?

So, what does everyone think?
Should I just admit that I like being used like a whore?
9 年 前
mrstuffanothapus 出版商 7 月 前
I wasn't HER man... I was just a cheap slut she found on the internet..  She humped me and dumped me like a 2 dollar whore
Peter-for-TS 7 月 前
dezzzie : wish more women would do anal sex with there men !!
回答 原始评论
sammi3301 2 年 前
waw that is so fucking hot I would love to have a woman use me like a whore and fuck me deep and hard I had a woman fuck me with 8" strap on and I was screaming like a bitch asking her to fuck me harder deeper faster 
mrstuffanothapus 出版商 2 年 前
dezzzie : I absolutely LOVE how she used me...  I wish more women were comfortable using men like cheap fuck sluts when they feel the urge to.....   I never thought I could possibly feel so helpless but once she got going....  It was clear that she only had one thing on her mind... TO fuck me until SHE came her brains out......   I literally could NOT have physically fought her off of me if I tried....  And since I was too busy gasping for each..breath..  I'm not sure I could have even yelled " STOP" but even if I could....  I wasn't 100% sure she would have....  I remembered thinking .... Even If I could have said a word ...  What if she didn't care and just kept pounding the fuck out of me....  I wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it except that from that point until she decided to stop....  I would have to accept that I was from that point on ... Actually being .R^*p3d.   So, I just held on and let her finish...   That was the longest hour of sex I will ever remember.. ....    There was NO mistaking who was who's bitch afterwards......   I got fucked harder, longer.. and with a much bigger dick than I have ever fucked a woman with..  And when she was done... She had no problem leaving me feeling like a cheap cum bucket whore..
回答 原始评论
dezzzie 2 年 前
I think you have no choice but to admit it . The rules were laid out and you had agreed to them. Love the way she used you !
jg06830 2 年 前
Damn this is so hot. J now have a new fantasy to live out
SancheZ069 3 年 前
Hot ?
bluframe : Both JR and I have very similar feelings. When my husband was alive we would peg him at least 2 -3 times a week. To be honest I LOVED watching JR really giving his shithole a working over while I watched and rubbed myself while I smoked. JR just has the hips and build for driving a strap on and it was so damn sexy watching her. Obviously with that amount of use we stretched his shit hole out pretty good and could use bigger and bigger strap ons. For us the sexiest thing was getting the head past the sphincter muscle. JR being a sadistic bitch would just hold it there so as to cause maximum pain before just plunging into him. She was able to get off quite easily pegging him, for me it was harder which just meant longer fucking. 
The mental side of it is so important. Standing there with a big fucking toys dangling between our legs while we verbally and physically absued him was a huge power trip. XXX Katie & JR
回答 原始评论
daddydon1 4 年 前
one of my best orgasms is be pegged by daddys girls. I've cum time after time while they pegged daddy
wildthang69 5 年 前
love being strapon fucked
mowgli53 5 年 前
bluframe : Reading your comment gives me a thrill knowing that there are women out there that strap-on fuck to get themselves off. Thank you for sharing. Would love to be friends on here if you would send a frined request please.
回答 原始评论
stilworks 7 年 前
that's hot and so are you
loloneparis 7 年 前
mmm, so horny story
mrstuffanothapus 出版商 7 年 前
If that was too long winded of a response.. I was being a little sarcastic when I said I was disappointed when she did just what she asked for and only wanted to do.. I did feel a little disappointed at first, as it quickly became clear when I heard the 'THUMP" of the dong hit the floor and her pulling her pants up that I was just used as a fuck hole and cum dump for a woman. That's when the realization that I really was just fucked and was being dumped like a real whore..
If women could actually shoot cum, She would have pumped me full.. I've never seen a woman cum so hard for so long. If I was taking a real dick, it would have been the equivalent of about ten to twenty loads of cum dumped in my ass.
Yes, I felt like a cheap used whore when she rammed the dong balls deep in me and held it the and whispered "I'm cumming" as she held me in a death grip for at least a few minutes and then unlovingly just yanked it out so fast it had to make an actual slurping noise..
after she left, I laid on my bed and without looking in the mirror I was pretty sure by the cool draft that my ass was a gaping hole for the rest of the night..
I want more women to use me like that.. I want to find myself left bent over the hood of a car as one is walking away before I have a chance to pull my pants up. Or bent over the toiler in the stall of a woman's public bathroom getting fucked and hoping other women don't come in as she swings the stall door open and see her walk out as she pulls her skirt down over here dick and me still bent over with a sloppy gaping hole... The new girl says if she doesn't get a piece, she will be glad to let everyone in the bar know what she saw..
The first passes the strap on to the second and says " the whore's all yours.. I'm done. His cunt is a little loose but he's a good piece of ass.

mrstuffanothapus 出版商 7 年 前
Yes, I said she could fuck me and leave. I just didn't think she actually would be so blunt about it.
It was hot as hell and humiliating at the same time.
I never thought a woman could make me feel like such a cheap cum slut. I can still remember the smirk on her face as I watched her quickly get dressed while pointing at my ass and giggling that it looked like a sloppy pussy. Then just say"Thanks whore" and leave.
I offered an easy piece of ass and she took it. If I don't expect to be used like a cum slut, I shouldn't be offering to let total strangers fuck me like one.
I just thought that an easy piece of ass might be something to come back for more. Even if I never got as much as a reach around. She could have come back and fucked me again or at least say she was going to.
I just wish there were more women like her.
Thanks for inviting me to read your story. I thought you did a great job. I'm a little confused though because you seemed disappointed that she didnt want to stay, that she didnt make you cum, that her only motivation was to fuck you and then leave when your initial discussion with her was agreed to be just that. She even asked, "nothing else?" and you were said, "if that is all you want, then sure"

I have lots of experience fucking one man's ass, my hubby's. I love him immensely and seriously cannot get enough of the pleasure of sticking a strapon cock into his ass and then grabbing his hips, smacking his ass, reaching under and playing with his nipples, leaning over his back so he can feel my tits when I kiss his neck or whisper in his ear. I want him to enjoy the experience as much as I do, both physically and psychologically, but I'll be perfectly honest with you, there are times that I really dont give a shit if he cums, I just want to get myself off. Sometimes it happens quickly and sometimes much longer but regardless, there is nothing quite like doin' your man. In my case, he knows what it does for me physically, he knows I need it mentally and that I equally thrill in looking at him later on with a grin that says, yeah, I fucked your ass, and there's nothing quite like it for this woman to feel incredible about herself.
Bettsportler 7 年 前
divadannette : Omg made me so hard wish you would do the same to me!!!
回答 原始评论
mrstuffanothapus 出版商 7 年 前
Nope, I asked her if she wanted come back another day and use me again. She just said proudly said. Nope! See ya! And left me standing in my house still completely naked with a sloppy gaping ass.
She clearly had no remorse for leaving me feeling like a cheap whore!
uc18345 7 年 前
Have you met her again, this time with some friends of her?
uc18345 7 年 前
I wish that happen to me too
hereforyou9 7 年 前
nice story, have you met her again ?
Mmmm love it! I would enjoy using you entirely!