Hall of Dolls
This is a trance that I wrote. Read at your own risk.
I want you to imagine something for me.
I want you to imagine yourself on a flight of ten steps.
At the bottom of these steps, I want you to imagine a big comfortable pillow that is your favorite color.
As I count downward from ten to zero I want you to imagine yourself walking down the stairs.
When I reach zero I want you to imagine yourself sinking into the comfortable pillow and deep into trance.
I want you to begin to feel a tingling sensation starting at your toes and working its way upwards over your ankles and into your shins
The sensation continues upwards over your shins, past your knees, and stopping at your thighs growing stronger as it moves upwards
The sensation moves over your thighs, into your groin, and stops at your waist
The sensation flows upwards into your belly, past your abdomen and into your chest
Can you feel the sensation?
The sensation continues upwards brushing over your nipples, past your shoulders and stopping at the bottom of your neck
Now I want you to imagine the sensation splitting into three different parts becoming stronger as they do so
The one sensation stays at your neck the other two go to each of your shoulders
The sensation at your right shoulder moves down consuming your arm quickly
The sensation at your left shoulder moves down and consumes your arm quickly
The sensation at your neck consumes the rest of you body
Now I want you to imagine something for me. I want you to imagine a hall of dolls both male and female. I want you to think and concentrate pulling all of your personalities into a different doll. Males become Ken dolls and females become Barbie dolls. Good now I want you to begin dressing these dolls up in your mind. As you relax and drift deeper into trance. You will start to think of their personality quicks, whether they are domiant or submissive, you will begin to fill in their lives. Now I want you to invision them in you head coming to life. Walking, talking, and behaving as you think they would. I want these images and this knowledge to be burned into your subconcious. So, that you will be able to pull up such details when asked. In fact you will make a list of these personalities for future reference. You are going to now be given a trigger that will return you to this state of mind. That trigger is "Hall of Dolls" and it will bring you deeper each time it is said or read.
More and more awake
More and more aware of your surroundings
Eyes blinking
More and more awake
Wide awake
I want you to imagine something for me.
I want you to imagine yourself on a flight of ten steps.
At the bottom of these steps, I want you to imagine a big comfortable pillow that is your favorite color.
As I count downward from ten to zero I want you to imagine yourself walking down the stairs.
When I reach zero I want you to imagine yourself sinking into the comfortable pillow and deep into trance.
I want you to begin to feel a tingling sensation starting at your toes and working its way upwards over your ankles and into your shins
The sensation continues upwards over your shins, past your knees, and stopping at your thighs growing stronger as it moves upwards
The sensation moves over your thighs, into your groin, and stops at your waist
The sensation flows upwards into your belly, past your abdomen and into your chest
Can you feel the sensation?
The sensation continues upwards brushing over your nipples, past your shoulders and stopping at the bottom of your neck
Now I want you to imagine the sensation splitting into three different parts becoming stronger as they do so
The one sensation stays at your neck the other two go to each of your shoulders
The sensation at your right shoulder moves down consuming your arm quickly
The sensation at your left shoulder moves down and consumes your arm quickly
The sensation at your neck consumes the rest of you body
Now I want you to imagine something for me. I want you to imagine a hall of dolls both male and female. I want you to think and concentrate pulling all of your personalities into a different doll. Males become Ken dolls and females become Barbie dolls. Good now I want you to begin dressing these dolls up in your mind. As you relax and drift deeper into trance. You will start to think of their personality quicks, whether they are domiant or submissive, you will begin to fill in their lives. Now I want you to invision them in you head coming to life. Walking, talking, and behaving as you think they would. I want these images and this knowledge to be burned into your subconcious. So, that you will be able to pull up such details when asked. In fact you will make a list of these personalities for future reference. You are going to now be given a trigger that will return you to this state of mind. That trigger is "Hall of Dolls" and it will bring you deeper each time it is said or read.
More and more awake
More and more aware of your surroundings
Eyes blinking
More and more awake
Wide awake
10 年 前