Biology behind cuckolding

Anonymous asked:
I think cuckolding is a blessing to inferior men. Back in the old days, women simply mated with superior men and the inferior men watched them mate from a distance while hiding, nowadays inferior men actually have a chance to mate and get married and have a family. But women still have those needs to mate with a superior male so cuckolding is a win win for everyone. The inferior male gets to keep the woman he loves, and she gets to be fucked by a superior male.

There is basic biology behind it. Fifty thousand years ago women had agency in who they elected to mate with. We were a rather promiscuous group of creatures, without social constructs like marriage. Humans as a whole have disproportionately large cocks compared to their body size. Numerous studies have concluded the size was likely an attraction for mating, and the head - with the pronounced ridge - was evolutionarily designed to remove semen left by another male.

One thousand years ago men might arrive at your village. You’d either defend it or lose your home and your women. Within the village you might even lose your place to a more genetically viable partner.

We’ve only been civilized for roughly 5% of our time on the planet. As much as we’d all like to sip wine and say we’re no longer primates, it’s just not true.

You make an excellent point - where is the harm if you keep the woman you love and her needs are met?
发布者 exoticcpl
10 年 前
fistncider 9 年 前
Love the story.