As told in the past 3d and warnings, this channel (your channel...not mine!)is under stealing once again; the videos I uploaded with a lot of effort and dedication are constantly uploaded at least on 10 stealer sites. I am really tired about this so as promised TheNylonChannel will delete all videos, just pics will remain on line. Real friends can get in touch me trou TheNylonChannel's Blog, where you can ask and comment abt my decision. I think no other work will be done by me on porn. I'm too much disgusted so if anyone of you would like nylons video in HQ just ask me and will find the right way to trade. I'd like to thank all for friendship and Webmaster for effort nd support.
Bye guys
14 年 前
I got a question: There was one video with a cougar in a leopard print dress who seduced a young dude. Would you mind sending me that video some how?