It was late spring in the year of 1968, and the weather in New Jersey was unseasonably cool. This was particularly true in Princeton. Thus, the two women waiting at the passenger terminal at Princeton Airport had been obliged to wear light jackets when venturing from home.
The two women varied widely in age, yet there was a definite similarity in their appearances that spoke mute testimony to their being related. And indeed they
were. The tall, statuesque, gray-haired elderly woman was Agatha Etheridge, wife
of the late, renown chemist, Dr. Percival Etheridge, and now the
sixty-four-year-old matriarch of the Etheridge family. Beside her, the buxom,
forty-two-year-old brunette was Martha Etheridge, her daughter-in-law, the widow
of her son, the late, noted psychologist, Dr. Fenton Etheridge.
Clearly, the two women were awaiting a visitor. They were standing at Gate 12,
where the deplaning passengers of Flight 201, would
emerge. They were waiting for the only surviving male Etheridge. This was Marcus
Etheridge, the twenty-four-year-old adopted son of Martha Etheridge and grandson to Agatha
Etheridge. His plane had just arrived.
Marcus had been gone for two years after finishing medical school at Harvard University. He was going to be a psychiatrist like his father, and He had attended several prestigious universities
in the ivy leauge, princeton, and Yale, and had earned his advanced degree in
psychiatry at Harvard University. Now, he was finally returning home to open up a psychiatric
Thus, grandmother and mother were quite excited at finally being reunited with
their beloved grandson, son, and nephew after so long an absence.
The elderly society matron, Agatha, whose lined face beneath her heavy makeup
Bespoke her old age, but whose carriage was queenly and whose heavily buxom,
still shapely form was shown off to advantage in a clingy, black evening dress,
misty sheer black hose, and black high heels, now said, "Where is the dear boy? I see the
passengers coming from the holding area now."
Her busty daughter-in-law, well turned out in a gray skirt and blazer, smoky
gray hose and dark gray pumps, not to mention a fawn sweater that was stretched
tightly over a bosom of simply mountainous proportions, despite the restrictive
brassier she wore beneath, replied, "Patience,'s a big of those new Boeing 747s. We'll have to look sharp for him in that
mob of passengers."
Then Martha cried, "There he is--there's Marcus!"
Agatha looked in the direction Martha was pointing. Neither grandmother nor
mother at first recognized the burly, black, chisel-featured young man
walking toward them attired in a charcoal gray double-breasted suit. His
complexion was dark brown. His eyes were dark brown and oblique with a
peculiarly piercing power in their gaze.
"It is my little Marcus--but how he's grown!" Martha Etheridge cried, staring at her
approaching son. "He's a man now--and the image of his biological father. The very image!
For a moment...I thought..."
"I know," her elderly mother-in-law finished for her, her eyes too fixed on the
figure of her grandson. "I miss him so--just as I know you miss Fenton. But at least we have a
reminder of them in young Marcus."
"Oh, we do!" Martha replied, gushing, staring at her son who was rapidly closing
the distance between himself and his three womenfolk. "I'm so glad he's home!"
"As am I," replied her gray-haired mother.
"Hello, Mother...Grandmother..." Marcus smiled.
"Come here this instant, young man, and give your mother a kiss," Martha said
with a mock frown, opening up her arms.
"And don't forget your grandmother, either, when you're passing out those
kisses," Agatha lovingly admonished her grandson as he now embraced and kissed
his mother.
For a time, hugging and kissing his two female relatives, grandmother and mother
completely consumed the young man's attention. Finally his mother handed him a
handkerchief. "Now, dear, wipe that lipstick off your face," she told him,
maternally. "My, I guess we did overdo the welcome, dear. You're all flushed!"
"Now, now," Agatha admonished. "Marcus has had a long trip, and he's just tired."
Indeed, the young man's manner was visibly agitated from the experience of
kissing and embracing his mother and grandmother. As he wiped their lipstick
from his lips and cheeks, he took a deep breath that seemed to settle him
A close and impartial observer would have noticed that the young man was
quivering slightly--and that he carefully buttoned the bottom button of his
suitcoat to prevent his female relatives from espying the state of his tented trousers.
But his paternal grandmother and mother were oblivious to anything but the joy
of reuniting with their sole male family member.
"It's a shame your Grandmother Edna couldn't be here to greet you as well,"
Martha mentioned. She referred to her own mother, Frank's sixty-two-year-old
maternal grandmother. "But she's at a Daughters of the American Revolution
convention in Baltimore. She sends her love."
"Well, I'm sorry to miss her," Marcus said, returning his mother's handkerchief
to her.
"Are you hungry, Marcus?" Marthe asked changing the subject. "Your grandmother
booked a reservation at the Princeton Park Plaza Hotel restaurant!"
"That's wonderful!" Marcus smiled his appreciation to his paternal grandmother,
who smiled back.
"I thought for your first night back home we'd celebrate a bit," she told him.
Now, she consulted a thin, expensive gold wristwatch. "In fact, we'd better
collect your bags and be on our way. We only have twenty minutes until our
In fact, it was nearly a half hour later before the four Etherideges were able
to arrive at the hotel restaurant. However, Agatha was well-known in Princeton
society and the mater d' was most understanding. Soon, Marcus, his mother,
Martha, and his paternal grandmother, Agatha, were seated around a table in the
hotel's main dining room, enjoying a festive repast.
Unnoticed by his womenfolk, Marcus had been covertly eyeing them. His covert
stares were oddly intense.
There was his middle-aged white adopted mother, a brunette whose slightly olive complexion
bespoke some Mediterranean blood somewhere in the family. Instead of a hat, she
wore a fashionable red satin and lace turban that covered most of her hair,
which was raven black with just a trace of gray. Her face was angular, with high
cheekbones and a dimpled chin. Her eyes were deep black and large, with heavy
lips, giving her a slight gypsy-like appearance, while her thick, bee-stung lips
were sensual. Most noticeable about her was her extraordinarily large bosom--his
mother's breasts were two massive white mounds stretching her thin sweater. Those
magnificent breasts were shaped into twin cones by her brassier--a 44D-cup at
least. Marcus's eyes lingered at his mother's big bosom.
Then there was his elderly grandmother--and Marcus seemed most agitated when he
covertly eyed her. Her face was lean, and lined, with an aristocratic nose and
sharp chin. But her lips were full and ripe, and her eyes, as blue as the sky,
were lively and well as lovely. She wore her hair, once black but now dark gray,
in an attractive coiffeur atop her head. Despite the lines on her forehead, and
crow's feet at her eyes, and slight double chin, hers was still a striking
visage. Like her aunt, she had a large bosom, only even larger, a 48-D cup at
least. His grandmother's massive white mounds seemed ready to burst out from her
somewhat low-cut gown.
The young black man, who seemed oddly agitated by his mother and grandmother's
caressing words and looks, spoke. "Well, I brought back presents for
both of you."
"Well, I think it's just the loveliest thought," Martha said.
"I agree," Agatha added, beaming at her grandson. "It's a very tender
thought--giving each of us our own little reunion."
Strangely, the buxom elderly matron's words seemed to agitate her grandson. But
he managed to suppress his reaction. "So, Mother," Marcus said, changing the
subject adroitly, "is the old house still standing?"
With that, his mother replied. In the middle of her talk, Marcus dropped his
fork. With a muttered apology, he dived under the table to retrieve it. His
mother and grandmother had moved on to other topics, and ignored the incident.
But the fork-dropping was no accident. It was quite deliberate.
As his grandmother and mother talked above the table, beneath the table, hidden
by the red velvet tablecloth, Marcus was not searching for his fork. He was
instead staring avidly at two pairs of shapely white leggs in sheer nylon
stockings and spiked high heels--the nylon stockinged legs and high heel-shod feet of
his middle-aged mother--and his elderly grandmother...
The young black man's eyes glittered strangely as he ogled his adopted white mother's--and his
White grandmother's--shapely knees, curving calves, and trim ankles, all smooth and
glossy in sheer nylon stockings, their stockinged feet arched prettily in high
heeled pumps. The sight of those shapely white legs in sheer hose and high
heels galvanized him and remind him that he had been a black c***d adopted by a white family.
For, in fact, Frank was in the grip of a intense sexual fever jungle, excitement. His secret fetish,
for...white leggs in black nylon stockings... White leggs in black nylons
accidentally formed as a boy spying on his mother and grandmother dressing. As
he ogled his his mother's and his grandmother's legs in nylon stockings and
their feet in high heels, he analyzed his fetish reaction professionally and
clinically, as his psychiatric training had taught him to. Even so, he still
felt the hot fever of his fetish for hose and high heels rise in him.
His middle-aged mother's legs, were lusciously, heavily curved. Those maternal
legs glowed in sheer, smoky gray shaded nylon stockings, her alluringly curved
dark hosed legs rendered even more shapely by the high heels of her black pumps.
Then, his elderly grandmother's legs in sheer hose and high heels...
Marcus felt his heart pound in his chest as he stared at the legs of his gray-haired white grandmothers, beautifully shaped legs despite her age, legs that
glittered darkly in the ultra-sheer, misty black tinted nylon stockings she
wore, her stockinged feet arched exquisitely in stiletto-heeled black opera
pumps. The very thought that those glossy, sheer stockinged legs were those of
his own elderly grandmother made the young man almost glow with a strange,
bizarre jungle fever arousal, That secret attraction, he had always felt, knowing thet he was a black man in a white family.
Beneath the table, Marcus gazed at his elderly grandmother's legs in the sheer
nylon stockings...
Beneath the table, Marcus gazed at his elderly grandmother's legs in sheer nylon
stockings. His temples pounded with his black rage, fetishistic, feverous arousal.
Yes...after years, he still was aroused by his own aunt's, his own
mother's, even his own grandmother's white legs in hose and heels...only now it was
different...he could do more than just secretly ogle them...he would possess
them...he had found a way...a very special way...
Then, suddenly, his elderly grandmother crossed her nylon stockinged legs before
his eyes. The confined space beneath the table filled with the electric whisper
of those elderly legs in those sheer stockings rubbing together. It was a
black dick-hardening sound. His elderly grandmother's dress hem slipped on the smooth
film of her stockings and suddenly Frank could see high up his grandmother's
dress, could espy her heavy, nyloned thighs, up to the very tops of her
stockings, and even beyond...her snowy upper thighs above the dark stocking
Sweat beaded on his forehead as he stared at the taut, welted tops of his
grandmother's nylon stockings so high up her thighs. He could even see the
chrome buckles of her garter belt suspenders clipped to those stocking tops. The
sight of his grandmother's elderly upper thighs in stocking tops and suspenders
made the young black man tremble, hard. Almost involuntarily, his right hand rose and
began to reach toward his grandmother's crossed nyloned knees...
"Son?" his mother's voice floated down to him from the table above. "What are
you searching for down there--buried treasure?"
The young black man popped up into his seat, fork in hand. "I just found it," he
"Marcus, are you all right, dear?" his mother asked him. "You're sweating."
"Well, it's a bit warm down there," Marcus temporized.
"Well, dear boy, you need a new fork," his grandmother intervened, signaling to
the waiter.
The three resumed their meal.
At the home of Martha Etheridge, the grandfather clock in the foyer chimed
eleven times.
In the guest bedroom a floor above, Marcus heard those chimes, for he was still
wide awake. He had tossed and turned for hours, and finally gave up and switched
on his bedside lamp.
The young black man was suffering from a combination of jet lag from his transoceanic
plane travel and excitement...excitement over his re-awakened desires and
obsessions, desires and obsessions he had thought he'd left behind two years ago
when he left this house to study...desires and obsessions that seemed
even stronger in him now. He tossed and turned in bed for hours, while visions
of his aunt, his mother, and his grandmother danced in his head, especially
visions of how their white leggs in nylons and high heeled pumps had looked under the
table...finally, Marcus clicked on his bedside table lamp and slipped out of bed.
Padding on bare feet in his striped silk pajama bottoms, Marcus crossed the
bedroom to where his luggage sat. Only his suitcase had been opened; his trunks
were still securely strapped. Marcus planned to spend only a little while at his
mother's house; he had already made plans to go apartment hunting soon. Of
course, he also needed to go office-hunting as well, unless he received a good
offer from an established psychiatric firm...
Marcus quickly unstrapped one of his large trunks. He heaved the lid open. He
pressed a hidden button, and the solid-looking inside lid popped open to reveal
a commodious interior. Rummaging in that secret compartment, Marcus withdrew a
coffee-table-sized hardbacked volume and returned to bed with it.
Marcus stared at the cover of the book. It displayed a large colored illustration
of an elderly white woman wearing only a black garter belt, black nylon stockings, and
black high-heeled pumps standing beside an ornate canopy bed staring down at a
naked adolescent black boy with a loving smile on her face. The naked black boy was staring
at the elderly woman in garter belt, stockings, and pumps, her sagging, elderly
breasts and gray-haired pussy all exposed to him, with wonder on his freckled
face. The title of the book was
“My Grandmother's Garter Belt”.
It was a pornographic, photo-illustrated novel that was sold openly (along with
many others) in the liberated, freewheeling Ivy league world. Frank had bought it
at an "Erotic book-Shop" at Harvard. It had caught his eye due to its graphic
emphasis on stocking and lingerie fetishism and on interracial sex and gerontophilia--the
perverted sexual desire of the young for the elderly--topics Frank found
intensely interesting.
Now, staring at the color photograph of the dark gray-haired matron wearing only
the black garter belt, nylons, and pumps, Marcus felt his already erecting black dick
stir in his pajamas. He sighed and opened the book.
Inside, the text, described how naughty young Hansen had been caught
peeping at his elderly grandmother, as she undressed for bed. It struck a chord.
As a young black boy, Frank, himself, out of c***dish curiosity, had spied on his
White mother and grandaunt and grandmother as they dressed; indeed, his studies in
psychology convinced him it was the sight of them in their lingerie and
stockings the the fact that he was black and they were white, that had fostered his current fetishes. Thus, this particular tale hit
quite close to home...
Caught, the boy was scolded by his imperious, aristocratic grandmother. There
was a highly erotic photograph of the haughty, aged matron wearing nothing but a
shiny silk dressing gown over glossy seamed nylon stockings and glittering black
high-heeled pumps, scolding her abash grandson.
Staring at the photograph of the elderly but voluptuous woman, Marcus felt
himself suddenly have an erection. He read the text, which described how the young lad
was made to confess his sins to his grandmother. Trembling, the boy admitted he
often spied on his grandmother to see her wearing garters and hosiery.
Imperiously, the elderly woman decreed that her grandson required a spanking
then and there. She ordered him to bend over her laps--her nylon stockinged lap.
She helped her grandson strip and patted her nylon stockinged thighs, ordering
him to bend over for his spanking. Then she took up a paddle.
Marcus read:
He envisioned the bizarre fetish tableau, the naked boy d****d over his
grandmother's nylon stockinged thighs...
With a groan and a shiver, the adolescent boy leaned his naked body over,
holding onto the side of the bed. Slowly, he assumed the spanking position,
easing his tummy and c***dish loins down until they were resting on top of his
Grandmother's nylon stockinged thighs. His weight rested on his Grandmother's
nyloned thighs now. He quivered as he felt his boyish phallus press against his
Grandmother's sheer stockinged thighs. His Grandmother's thighs were warm
beneath the filmy stockings. Involuntarily, his dick begin to throb with
arousal as it pressed again his Grandmother's smooth, silky nylon stockings
…Marcus stared at the erotic pornographic photograph again...again, he saw the
boy on the bed, his elderly grandmother straddling his naked body...the boy's
stiffened dick thrusting up into that old pussy...the boy's naked hips held
firmly in the slick-smooth embrace of those elderly nylon stockinged thighs...
The pornographic image made Marcus's head swim. The sight of that stiff, boyish
dick thrusting into that elderly, gray-haired pussy galvanized him...his
perverted desires were fully arosed now, secret, forbidden i****t desires,
desires spiced with the mysterious allue of white leggs in sheer black seamed stockings and silken lingerie.
Marcus sighed, soulfully. Sheer nylon hose...high heels...and hot pussy...the
fantastic fetish combination--shapely legs in sheer nylon stockings...those
nylon stockinged legs spreading for him...revealing the furry pussy...the mount
of Venus...
Marcus felt the hot flush radiate throughout his body...
Sheer stockings...furry pussies...entering those pussies...
His heart pounded.
He imagined his own white grandmother, Agatha, with her dress off...wearing only a
black garter belt, nylon stockings, and pumps...
Hot, hot fucking...fetish fucking..i****t fucking...deep, deep thrusts into hot
pussy Paradise...lovely legs in sheer nylon stockings wrapping around him as he
thrust and thrust...
Hot fucking...
His own white mother...
His own white grandmother...
Slowly, the image before him he was the little boy and it was his
white grandmother, Agatha, in black garter belt, nylons, and pumps straddling
Yes...It was his stiff, swollen black dick his own white grandmother was riding...his black hands
were stroking his elderly grandmother's slick-smooth sheer nylon stockinged
white thighs as his throbbing black dick thrust up into her hot, steamy, gray-haired was he fucking his own gray-haired, sixty-year-old white grandmother, hard
and deep...
In his mind's eye,
Marcus pictured his own elderly paternal white grandmother, she had looked he had been ogling her nylon
stockinged legs beneath the table that her legs had glowed in
those bewitching black nylons. Those elderly, but shapely grandmotherly white legs so
smooth and glossy in those whisper-sheer, black-tinted nylon stockings...
Now, he imagined his own white grandmother, Agatha, with her dress off, wearing only
black garter belt, nylon stockings, and pumps...her elderly legs glossy and
smooth in sheer black nylons...laying before him on the bed...her stockinged
legs spread wide...her gray-haired pussy exposed to his eyes...
Yes...He could imagine his big black dick, stiff and swollen, lunging into her gladly as he assented. Marcus had mastered a very special hypnotic
technique, one he had discovered whilst researching historical papers on
hypnotism. It had been an obscure, originally banned, pamphlet on mesmerism
published in the Eighteenth century by an equally obscure occultist where Frank
had stumbled on the secret of what he termed ultra-hypnotism.
This was a technique in which subjects are hypnotized with both mesmeric
technique and the force of the hypnotist's mind. In short, mind control. By
forcing the will of the mind on the subject, the hypnotist could force the
subject to bend to the hypnotist's will. This turned the hypnotized subject into
the complete slave of the hypnotist...the subject could be made to do anything
the hypnotist commanded...and the subject would do so slavishly, with total and
abject obedience...
Of course, this was contrary to all accepted theory on hypnotism-that the
subject couldn't be made to do anything he or she was not willing to do while
awake. But Marcus's secret research proved that the technique worked...and worked
incredibly well.
Marcus had started out hypnotizing test subjects and having them do things that
were contrary to their natures-having a religious man curse God, having a young
mother spit on a photograph of her c***d, and so on. And then Marcus had realized
that he would use ultra-hypnosis to mesmerize subjects-certain, special
subjects-to act out his deeply supressed, bizarre and fetishistic interracial sexual
He could make any white woman his slave...his secret white sex slave...
Laying in the bed, glancing at a passage on using hand gestures to transfix the
subjects eyes and hypnotize them, Marcus recalled his experiment on his
landlady, a busty, sixty-five-year-old matron who tidied up his rooms. After Marcus mastered ultra-hypnosis, he made it a point to be in his
residence when Helen, the landlady, a gray-haired, sixty-one-year-old
grandmother of six, arrived one day...
The elderly grandmother, Helen, was the first...
"Yes. Helen," he had said, firmly. "You are completely in my will
obey me..."
"Now, Helen...take off your panties..." Marcus commanded the elderly hypnotized
The sixty-one-year-old matron stood before him. The busty old woman was wearing
only her white brassier and panties. Her dress, stockings, girdle, and pumps lay
d****d over a nearby chair.
"I am your Master, Helen...and you will obey your Master..."
Marcus was making slow, magnetic passes before Helen's half-closed eyes. Her eyes
were glazed, unblinking. She was deeply hypnotized.
Marcus had hypnotized the elderly matron and had commanded her to undress. Helen
had obeyed her young black hypnotist...totally under his power now...and totally
unable to resist...
"Now, Helen...take off your panties..." Marcus commanded the elderly hypnotized
white woman.
"Yes...Master..." the mesmerized matron murmered.
Marcus's heart had hammered as he watched the old woman's lined hands slip down
to grasp the waistband of her white satin panties. Awake, the respectable
matron, grandmother of six, and wife of a goverment official, would not so much
as take off her coat in Marcus's presence because of his color. But now she was his object, hypnotized
white slave...
Slowly, those elderly, age-spotted hands pushed the white satin undies down her
wide, fleshy sixty-five-year-old, Helen was quite buxom with a
Rubenesque, overripe figure, reminding him of his grandmother, Agatha...Frank
felt his blood boil...Now those scanty undies slipped down Helga's elderly
legs...long, heavily curved legs...legs that also resembled his Grandmother
Agatha's legs...
Now Marcus satred at the elderly matron's exposed pussy. Her mount of Venus was
covered with soft, curly hair the same steel-gray color as the hair on her head.
Marcus could make out the scalloped pink lips of the old woman's labia peeking
beneath the gray pussy hair.
"You have a big pussy, Helen," he had told her, the blood boiling in him. "A big
old pussy. I am going to fuck that pussy, Helen...and you will submit to me..."
"Yes, Master..." Helen had murmered, eyes glazed, deeply hypnotized.
"Now remove your brassier, Helen,"
Marcus commanded the old woman. "Then put on
the items on the bed..."
Marcus glanced at the bed. His heart pounded with anticipation as he gazed at the
items d****d on his bed...a black satin corset...sheer, seamed, smoke-black
tinted nylon stockings...and glittering black pumps...
Soon, Helen sat dressed on the bed, Marcus's experiment with ultra-hypnosis had tuned out
At that moment, he was upheaving his now-naked hips between Helen's heavy thighs
that were sheathed in the sheer, seamed stockings-his naked strong black hips slid up that
smoothed stockinged way-as he thrust his stiff, swollen black dick to the bods into
Helen's sixty-five-year-old pussy-
Above him, the elderly matron groaned, helplessly, as he lunged his steel-stiff
Black dick deep into her old pussy...
Above him, the elderly matron groaned, helplessly, as he thrust his steel-stiff
Black dick deep into her old pussy-he went deep, deep, shudderingly deep into her
elderly cunt-
"Oooohhhh-ooohhhhh-" Helen groaned, her elderly body strapped in the tight black
satin corset quivering from the body-killing thrust of the young man's swollen hard big black dick into her elderly depths. With another groan, she spread her nylon
stockinged thighs even wider, allowing the young black man to penetrate her old pussy
sheath even deeper-
"Take my big black dick-into your old pussy-take it-take it-"
His heart swirling with horny heat, Marcus upheaved his naked black hips again, his naked
Black hips continued rubbing hot against those smoothly stockinged elderly white thighs,
thrusting and thrusting his super-stiff black dick to the deepest depths of Helen's
old but now pliant white pussy-
"Oooohhh-oooohhhhhh-' the elderly white woman groaned feebly, nearly prostrate from
the young black man's breathtakingly deep lunges into her, unable to do anything but
take his hard, devastating fucking of her old, defenseless white pussy-
Marcus was in a hot haze, gloating at his masterful fucking of the hypnotized,
totally subjugated elderly white woman...his hypnotized, captivated, elderly white sex
slave...she had submitted to his hypnotic she was submitting to his
hard black dick...
At his command, the hypnotized, busty old white matron wearing the tight black
satin corset, seamed, smokey grey nylon stockings, and black stilleto pumps, had
straddled his naked black body on the bed. He had compelled her to mount him. With a
powerful thrust, he had entered the old white woman, masterfully, magnificently. Now
the old white woman, at his command, was rising and falling atop him, riding his
stiff, swollen big black dick.
It was glory...pure glory...his depraved fetishes for elderly white women and sheer
stockings and erotic lingerie being sated in this superb manner...The
respectable, gray-haired white matron had looked fantastic in the black satin
corset...especially her elderly white legs had glowed bewitchingly in the sheer,
seamed nylon stockings...his thrusting black dick surged hotly in the old white woman's
deep, hot pussy at the thought of her old but shapely white legs so glossy and smooth
in those smoke-black tinted nylon stockings...his strong black hands moved from the elderly
white matron's satin corseted middle down...down...his strong black hands began to stroke the
elderly white matron's heavy white thighs sheathed in those slick, smooth stockings...his
naked black hips tingled hotly as they rubbed and rubbed against those sheer
stockinged elderly white thighs as he kept lunging and lunging into her now warm,
slippery, compliant old pink pussy...The gray-haired grandmother had yielded totally
to his conquering black dick...she moaned and groaned with seething passion as he
thrust deeper and deeper into her bubbling, gray-haired white pussy...
Yes...sixty-five-year-old Helen had proven to be a fantastic fuck...she so
resembled his grandmother Agatha...would Grandmother Agatha be a fantatsic fuck,
Msrcus awoke from his fevered wet dream. He lay down the volume and
he last...
switched off the bedside lamp. The room plunged into darkness.
Tomorrow... he would begin his carefully planned campaign...and his busty
middle-aged white mother would be the first co[/b]nqu[/b]est[/b]...[/b]

发布者 blkice2u
11 年 前
blkice2u 出版商 11 年 前