To My friends at xhamster
Yes after 3 years of posting photos and stories someone got there ass all out of shape and got xhamster to delete my screen name. I even sent them a email to try and get my profile back and was not able to do so. So if you run across my new screen name and still wish to be friends then feel free to send a invite and if I run across any of my friends here I will do the same. I am in the process of uploading photos and videos at this time and hope to be back up and running soon. Now for the bad news. I will post some photos under a lock and key for my friends only and that way the people that do not wish to see my photos then want have to. I do not post NAKED u******e photos of girls or guys but for some reason some people think they are GOD and that they know everything and for that reason I will decide who gets the password and who does not. I remember most of my friends and will try to add as quick as I can
Thanks to you all
Poppy and Candy
Thanks to you all
Poppy and Candy
11 年 前