Get lost angry girl!!

Dead ass. No job for 18 months n before worked 2 of 6 months..part time!!! With 2 teens n short paying ex, I supported them. Now both outta work but only a bit for me. Still she buys shit...clothes etc. Curb n save i say. Even after $140 dinner for my b*o n helping pay for my son, she wants to go clubbing. No money left n what i have has to last!
1:30 am.....she comes home drunk. sleep on couch? Not her....she fights with me...punch to nuts....slap my face! I still do nothing cuz i ain't going to jail. I ask her k**s to help her get!
Takes my guitar...acoustic from my departed dad...slams to the ground!
Finally she leaves. Im moving out today!
And 14 hours before we had killer always. Great deep throat blowie! Was gonna get nasty last nite....oh well. I got amped (was good before she came home). Now i am lit!!! Me n my cock....n Xhamster. Will have to do until i find a good woman. No need to jump into any wrong choices. More!!!
发布者 ladonin
11 年 前