You Choose The Picture; He Masturbates To It

I have been neglecting the interactive part of this community a bit lately, for which I apologize. This site has been a great resource for sub-hub and I though he's been doing a lot more unsupervised stroking than I'd like. As autumn is coming to our neck of the woods, I figured it was time to turn-over a new leaf :)

So, I created an image gallery: You choose the image he cums to this week!.

Over the next 7 days, I will monitor the gallery. I will use the comments, votes, and image views, along with any PM's (which get extra weight). At the end of the 7 days, sub-hub will have a supervised stroke session and tribute the image you choose!

I will video the event and we'll see how adventurous we get about sharing (I'm thinking only stills, but we'll see).

Vote often and comment much for your favorite picture (I think I've been quite kind with the options)!

发布者 isaccs77
12 年 前
S-Teo 9 年 前
Another contest, Miss?
My vote is for the first pic in the pantied men collection. its a big dick inside sheer panties. Or he can stroke to any pic of me. If you choose me tell me which one and why. This is exciting
The first pic in the pantied men collection. its a nice big cock inside sheer panties. Or he can stroke to any pic of me. If you choose me tell me which one and why. Have fun
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