Once Upon A Time A Hamster---
A long time ago in the Olden Times, there was a young Hamster from Amsterdam, the year of 2007 at there computer thinking how they could have a way to Share the Enjoyment they were having with there friends.
It came to him; yes; a Web site to share there interest in the Nude Form of Humans. The site would be for Fun; R and R from the daily grind; Sharing Vids and Pictures; plus a Blog for there stories to share with Friends with the commen intrest. Also a Chat area for there commutation with each other. With the ture meaning of Fellowship with All.
Well;from that time thing have changed from the Good to the not so good. There has been Darkness falling on the site from the Dark Shadow people causing Havoc among the members. Sewing there Negative feelings causing one to go against another. At times for no real reason for they Spread Falsehoods to cause the disorder between members. Wanting it There way or No way. Very sad for the Whole site. Causing the unrest for some members for there leaving. This makes the Dark Shadow Ones Happy; as they have carried out there Dispicable deed. Also to cut down the Puropse the Hamster had in mind when first started.
A possable way to prevent the Dark Side from getting even a Biger hold on the site is to say; This is Say Enough. I have always been told that; Right is Might and Might is Right. With the Light from Mebmers for the Good the Darkness is Overcome and Dissipated. The Need is to become Strong and help others to stand together against the Dark. To have a Positive effect for the Site.
As the Negative or Minus is Only a Single Straight Line going in one direction or the other. For the Positive or Plus side there are 5 parts to this. You have Lines that cross each other inturn can be as 4 lines then you have the 5th as the Center Hub that connect the All making it 5 parts. In-turn 5 parts togethere are Greater than the 1 single line that; in time becomes Overcome by the other.
I feel we need to Stand and help others to have the Dark turned away and have the Light back where is was ment to be.
This is Solely My Opinion. All comments are welcome.
Thank you. Louis
12 年 前
Congratulations for being a part of the history of the hamster,
you are one,of the best people, on this site, and I'm proud to be your friend, Luca
is normal for a big site with a good community,
xham has also a free "shape", so competitors
are free to be here and try to fight us.
Look at them as "workers".
Often the "darks" are just doing their duty,
their work.
Is the price of freedom.
An old man said to me :
"If there aren't problems, I begin to be scared!"
Nice blogpost!
Positive is the way i would like it to be!
I stand by your side!
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