Rain during a heatwave


I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.

As you know, Lisa and I have been lovers for over four years, starting back in high-school. Even though we're both adults now, we still live at home. (Seriously.. have you seen the cost of rent in southern California? A 900 square foot STUDIO apartment STARTS at $2500 per month!)


During Pride Month, Lisa's parents found some pictures of us at an event (that a friend posted without us knowing). Her parents (just like my mom and my step-dad) are born-again Christians (BAC). They are "tolerable" of this "lifestyle"... just NOT under their roof.

So, Lisa's parents unleashed fire and brimstone on her.. absolutelycrushing her soul. Then they told my parents, who TRIED the same speech on me. I may be a petite girl, but I don't back down when I know I'm right... and I don't back down to "Godly" BACs. I threw their hypocritical words back in their faces. I then drove over to Lisa's, gave her parents my own fire and brimstone speech. After all was said and done, all four parents decided they didn't want us under their roofs.

I truly have no problem with this, other than the timing. I make damn good money (along with babysitting on the side?) and had been saving money... just in case of a "rainy day." Well, it's storming right now... but clear skies are ahead.

I secured a two year lease on a two bedroom apartment a couple of cities over. I had my lawyer friend look over the lease beforehand, and it's pretty good! I paid for the entire first year in advance and that saved me three months rent!

Lisa and I are already moved-in, for the most part. We're picking-up a few possessions from our parent's house tomorrow while they're at work. New furniture is being delivered to us on Friday. And on Saturday, we return to our soon-to-be former parent's places to pick-up Bobby (that'swhy I got a two bedroom apartment). Yes.. he received the same gawd-awful speech that we did (as a preventative measure). Bobby knows the plan... He'll tell his parents about his Pride and will leave with us to live with us. I've already started the legal paperwork for us to be his legal guardians. I know his parents won't fight us on this.. only because I know they won't want me to reveal any of THEIR sordid past to their fellow church members?

Anyway, it's gonna be a rough transition period as I immediately become a "parent." At least Bobby is on summer break, so that will make everyone adapting to this new living arrangement much easier.

So, I hope this explains why we haven't chatted much. You may see Lisa on-line much more than me (she has her chats, I have mine). Please be patient if you see that green dot next to our names.

Thank you for understanding!

发布者 LynnAndLisa
7 月 前
inconnu57 16 天 前
ben j espère pour vous que tout va s arranger avec vos parents respectifs ...
easylover6 20 天 前
Best wishes, from me too!
Knoepf 2 月 前
Best wishes!
LeoShaker 4 月 前
All I can say is that I wish you success in your adventure of living in your own apartment........... I know it can be expensive.
lizzielez 6 月 前
I admire you. Not only for standing up for both, but for being true to yourself, no mater the cost. I wish you the best.
gosunsgo9 6 月 前
happy you will overcome
Rabbyrob69 6 月 前
Pragmatism in today's world is a must for the inner resolve to tackle situations like this with a positive outcome. Be well all three and know that even wrapped in anonymity here, is strangers have your back..
oldjacker67 7 月 前
Good for you sticking up for Lisa and Bobby. You're true to who are. Got to love your parents and I'm sure you do but it's your life not theirs. I look forward to hearing about how things progress. 
Sorry to hear both your parents are not accepting of your life choices. You appear to be a very wise and prudent young lady. It seem in the long run this is best for all..good luck to you all