Bitter-Sweet Cuck Realisation
If you’re a male & it dawns upon you that you’re not the only one who gets horny with the idea of your wife being laid by another man… would you be relieved of your guilt? Would you acknowledge it’s your shit & not hers?
Well, in one of our recent conversations, my husband made some startling revelations about his lived experience of coming to terms with his own sexual preferences & how he was driven to be a cuckold. It wasn’t an easy journey & listening to that wasn’t easy either.. though I was trying to assimilate & make sense of everything that he was expressing. When a person goes through a mixed feeling of jealousy, anger & arousal simultaneously it is difficult to handle that. Let me share how it all began. Around 15 years ago my sisters husband visited our city & stayed with us. I share an amazing friendship bond with him. Back then we lived in a small house so we slept in the same room. Me & my husband on one bed & my sister’s on another. I don’t know how I drifted towards my sister’s husband in my sleep state.. when I woke up in the middle of the night I returned to my husband & that woke him up too… He didn’t sleep for the rest of that night watching over me, shocked & horny at the same time. Back then he was very very possessive of me. He used be jealous even if he saw me talking to another guy. Once when I casually complimented his close friend, he was so upset that he distanced from his friend over this. Later then, another male friend of mine visited our home & my husband made a surprise visit in the middle of the working day … suspecting that I would sleep with my friend. My friend wasn’t there but I remember my husband was anxious, insecure and very very horny. We made out passionately that afternoon. I conceived & we had a *****. Days went by … & after a few years my husband & I were invited for dinner at a family friend’s place. One of the host’s friends was also there too. We got introduced. He had visited alone though he’s a married person. Soon we realised that he was quite lively, had a good sense of humour. After a while I realised that he was secretly glancing at me. My husband didn’t notice that & was very unsuspecting because this guy was quite senior, in his early 60s maybe. He started flirting with me. His advances grew & soon he was patting my back, giving me hi fives & occasionally touching my cheeks in an unsuspecting way. Initially he was cautious, however after a couple drinks he got bolder. By now the host & my husband had both taken notice. I remember the agony on my husband’s face & the dilemma – to react or not. So he hurried with his drink & started winding up to leave. While we exchanged farewells this guy hugged me & said bye. We sat in our car & this guy followed us there as well. He kissed me on my cheek from outside the window & said bye again. My husband was speechless… an awkward silence loomed as we were driving back home. Though it was obvious that my husband didn’t react & chose to let it go … we were thinking hard in our own directions. Finally he broke the silence & said it was all well-meant & harmless as this flirtatious person was way senior in age & stature. I nodded in agreement while I was still processing the chain of events.
This small incidence had stirred our minds.
This was a turning point in my husband’s cuckolding journey. Though it took a lot of time for him to accept the peculiar pleasure that he derived, it wasn’t until another incidence a few years later that he vocalised these things. This time it started with my husband’s office landlord & also his real estate client. In a chance meeting with the landlord client we were having a seemingly harmless conversation. Side glancing in the beginning, he started a flirting game with me & was also observing my husband’s body language. By now my husband had read up on the internet a lot about what was happening to him & when another man used to hit on me.. it had dawned upon him that he was a cuckold. So he started encouraging his client to get pally with me. This guy eventually made a direct offer to my husband– “would you mind sharing your wife with me?” My husband was waiting for this I guess.. When my hubby somewhat hesitantly expressed his desire to share me with his landlord I didn’t know how to react. I just stormed out of the house & got thinking. Honestly I didn’t like that, felt like my modesty was being compromised. However let me confess that there did exist an element of excitement & anticipation within me as well.
Rest is a history & is detailed in my previous story- ‘When I discovered my husband’s a cuckold’ please read up if your interest is still on… Thanks for reading!
Well, in one of our recent conversations, my husband made some startling revelations about his lived experience of coming to terms with his own sexual preferences & how he was driven to be a cuckold. It wasn’t an easy journey & listening to that wasn’t easy either.. though I was trying to assimilate & make sense of everything that he was expressing. When a person goes through a mixed feeling of jealousy, anger & arousal simultaneously it is difficult to handle that. Let me share how it all began. Around 15 years ago my sisters husband visited our city & stayed with us. I share an amazing friendship bond with him. Back then we lived in a small house so we slept in the same room. Me & my husband on one bed & my sister’s on another. I don’t know how I drifted towards my sister’s husband in my sleep state.. when I woke up in the middle of the night I returned to my husband & that woke him up too… He didn’t sleep for the rest of that night watching over me, shocked & horny at the same time. Back then he was very very possessive of me. He used be jealous even if he saw me talking to another guy. Once when I casually complimented his close friend, he was so upset that he distanced from his friend over this. Later then, another male friend of mine visited our home & my husband made a surprise visit in the middle of the working day … suspecting that I would sleep with my friend. My friend wasn’t there but I remember my husband was anxious, insecure and very very horny. We made out passionately that afternoon. I conceived & we had a *****. Days went by … & after a few years my husband & I were invited for dinner at a family friend’s place. One of the host’s friends was also there too. We got introduced. He had visited alone though he’s a married person. Soon we realised that he was quite lively, had a good sense of humour. After a while I realised that he was secretly glancing at me. My husband didn’t notice that & was very unsuspecting because this guy was quite senior, in his early 60s maybe. He started flirting with me. His advances grew & soon he was patting my back, giving me hi fives & occasionally touching my cheeks in an unsuspecting way. Initially he was cautious, however after a couple drinks he got bolder. By now the host & my husband had both taken notice. I remember the agony on my husband’s face & the dilemma – to react or not. So he hurried with his drink & started winding up to leave. While we exchanged farewells this guy hugged me & said bye. We sat in our car & this guy followed us there as well. He kissed me on my cheek from outside the window & said bye again. My husband was speechless… an awkward silence loomed as we were driving back home. Though it was obvious that my husband didn’t react & chose to let it go … we were thinking hard in our own directions. Finally he broke the silence & said it was all well-meant & harmless as this flirtatious person was way senior in age & stature. I nodded in agreement while I was still processing the chain of events.
This small incidence had stirred our minds.
This was a turning point in my husband’s cuckolding journey. Though it took a lot of time for him to accept the peculiar pleasure that he derived, it wasn’t until another incidence a few years later that he vocalised these things. This time it started with my husband’s office landlord & also his real estate client. In a chance meeting with the landlord client we were having a seemingly harmless conversation. Side glancing in the beginning, he started a flirting game with me & was also observing my husband’s body language. By now my husband had read up on the internet a lot about what was happening to him & when another man used to hit on me.. it had dawned upon him that he was a cuckold. So he started encouraging his client to get pally with me. This guy eventually made a direct offer to my husband– “would you mind sharing your wife with me?” My husband was waiting for this I guess.. When my hubby somewhat hesitantly expressed his desire to share me with his landlord I didn’t know how to react. I just stormed out of the house & got thinking. Honestly I didn’t like that, felt like my modesty was being compromised. However let me confess that there did exist an element of excitement & anticipation within me as well.
Rest is a history & is detailed in my previous story- ‘When I discovered my husband’s a cuckold’ please read up if your interest is still on… Thanks for reading!
10 月 前