The pretenses for most of not all of the United States’ foreign wars have barely held water over the years and proved more often than not to being mere war profiteering exercises for the United States of America’s military industrial complex and its cronies, who reap $2,000,000,000,000.00 in yearly tax revenues for the design, build, and distribution of military grade war machines. Gangstalking is the new act of war by a bloodthirsty, murderous, and complicit United States Congress. The same military industrial complex reaps new revenues to create various surveillance, tracking, and location mechanisms, all of which are used as weapons against targeted individuals when they are out and about. Untold thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals have been injured, rendered ineffective in society, or killed because of the covert, incompetent, and cowardly legislative acts of Congress over the past twenty years. The United States Federal Government should ratify a binding resolution designating itself a terrorist state.
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