Cleansing my soul

i know its not sexual. but i need to write this. i loathe this world i live in. all the division, all the war, all the blaming and the lack of freedom we have. it has made me very sad, very depressed and losing hope fast. i just wish there was somewhere i could go to escape all this madness in the world. a oasis of love, of compassion, of acceptance and of serenity. where race does not matter, where politics are a foreign concept, where any kind of divisiveness is not allowed, where we love each other for what's in our heart and soul. where someone's love is accepted and spread throughout. no system of oppressed and oppressor, no left or right wing theories. just pure love. love of fellow human, love of laughter, love of the beauty of ones soul, love of the tenderness and compassion of one's spirit.

i'm looking for a haven to share with people who.have love, kindness and generosity in their heart. it could be platonic, it could be sexual, it could be romantic, it could be something without a label. as long as your soul is free from maliciousness and division and you have nothing but love in your heart for your fellow human being, my hand would reach out to you. please take my hand.

i thank all who has read this. i wish you all happiness.
1 年 前