My First BBC Pt 8

I’m not sure how long we slept. I woke up hearing voices and music. I was snuggled up tight to Derek with a leg and an arm on top of him and a sheet over the both of us. He was asleep while I lay there a moment taking in the sounds. I got up to the window which was right there above the headboard and opened the blind to look out. Down in the lit parking lot were a number of people leaning against their cars and others in front of them on the lot. Smoke blown out from lungs was easily seen in the light. Probably some beer drinking going on. It was like a like a small tailgate party or something. I stepped off the bed and went to the door. I could hear voices in the apartment and of course some rap music. I went over and sat next to Derek and nudged him. He woke up. I whispered “Hey. Get up. I gotta pee” He slowly sat up, turned the lamp on and we got dressed. Out into the hallway we went. As I looked out into the living room, someone new looked in at us and said Hey! We stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. I sat down to pee. “Who’s that out there?” “Aww that’s Rodney’s boy Mugs. He cool” Then Rodney peed while I brushed the tangles out and brushed my teeth. Out we went in the living room. There was Mugs. Actually Mugsy. He was short n stocky and not much to look at. “This your online girl D?” Who else knew about me? “She fine bruh!” I realized my nipples were still on and tried to hide them. Shoulda put my bra on dammit! “D…got some good smoke here. Little bit a hash.” Hash. Never had it before but I knew it was something that will chill you the fuck out. “Let’s do it.” D said. Us three sat on the couch while Mugsy got on his knees on the other side of the coffee table. He produced a piece of foil and opened it up. I had never seen anything like it. A small dark cube. He pulled out a small white onyx pipe and a knife and cut off a small piece, put it in the pipe and handed it my way. I just shook my head and sat further back into my cushion. Rodney took it and a lighter and fired it up. He drew in a big hit, held it, then raised his head up and exhaled towards the ceiling. The smell was so much different and better from marijuana. He then handed to me and again I shook my head. I wasn’t sure about this at all. Derek took it and lit up and let it out. They agreed it was some good shit. Mugsy tapped the pipe and cut off another piece and said “ You gonna try this? I think you gonna love it.” “C’mon babe. I got ya” Derek reassured me. Somehow this guy was suddenly my protector. I scooted up and took the bowl and lighter. Here goes nothing or everything I thought to myself. I drew in the hash smoke and held it. The taste was pleasant. The aftertaste even better. I handed it to whoever and Mugsy says “Finish it up girl” I put it to my lips and fired it up watching it glow. A big big hit. I put my hand out for someone to take it and buried my head into Derek’s side and coughed repeatedly. They just laughed. “You ok?” I was ok except suddenly I realized my perception was rapidly changing; declining. I was seriously stoned. Like majorly fucked up! The boys kept talking while I was silent. I had quickly drifted into a place I wasn’t liking. I was lucent. Every sound was reverbed. I felt a paranoia creeping in. I felt my heart elevated a bit. Now I was where no one could help me. Relax Carrie. Fucking relax. And relax I did. I had to. My heart had slowed and I was beyond the rush. Then the door thingy was pushed.

I leaned into Derek but he got up to get the door, leaving me on the couch. The door opens and in walks 4,5,6; not really sure how many people. Things got loud quick. Someone let out “So this is the girl huh?” And then I heard rich bitch. And then the room was full. My man was up n about. I was in isolation getting a stare down. Two black bitches straight outa the hood were eyeing me up and giving me their snarled looks. Head to toe ghetto from the extensions n braids n glue on temple curls to their plastic Shoe City heels. I came to the sudden realization that I was who they came to see. I heard Derek asked “How’s that pussy bruh?” Both him n Rodney giving them the you know what’s up! “Like fire! Head game too.” Everything was fair game in this world. A world I had no intention or interest of ever belonging to, yet here I was. My day gone to complete shit. Stoned and suddenly alone amongst a crowd of strangers. I was close to tears. Paralyzed in my seat. A despair was setting in. Somebody save me please. Derek decided to look at me and hastily came over and picked me up and led me to his room. The door shut and the floodgate of tears let loose. “Omg. I am so sorry.” I didn’t respond. I couldn’t speak. I crawled under the sheet, went fetal and sobbed uncontrollably. I had never been in this darkest place of the mind. I had crashed and was burning. Derek layed on top of the sheet holding me and comforting me. I said nothing. I wanted to silently scream. I was a wore out mess and I drifted into a heavy sleep.

At what time I do not know, the door to my room was opened and I heard voices all around me. I felt the sheet ripped away from my body. I turned and could see 3 figures around me. A light from out the room gave a little light. I then felt my shorts pulled swiftly from my body. Oh fuck! I tried to get up and as my body rose up it was quickly driven into the mattress. Someone was suddenly between my legs and pushing themselves into me. I let out a scream. A hand silenced me. My arms were grabbed, pulled to the edges and sat on. I was getting fucked. Violated. I couldn’t tell who he was. I only knew that he was deep inside me and pounding me. I could smell his nasty alcohol breath. I turned my head each way. It was the black bitches holding me down. Calling me white trash n skank Ho. And spitting at me in my hair and face. I was helpless and started to cry. “Bitch is cryin! Serves you right. Don’t you be coming here again.” It didn’t last long but long enough. He grunted and emptied himself into me. He got up and his bitches went with him. Out they went as the door shut. I was in the most fucked up day ever. I stumbled to the door and quietly locked it. Found my shorts and the sheet and lay back down. I was wide awake but dare not go out there even though the place was quiet. I found my phone. Hubby had texted me a dozen times and called me multiple others. What lies would I tell him now? I lay there for hours thinking and waiting for the sun to come up. I couldn’t go to the police. I wanted no one, especially hubby to find out. My marriage would be over. My reputation in jeopardy. I wasn’t harmed or hurt I told myself. This was all a bad idea. A lesson to be learned. Don’t you ever put yourself in harm’s way again. I had it all figured out. Yea right.

The sun came up and I gathered up my belongings. I opened the door and walked softly into the living room. Derek was sound asleep on the couch. Rodney? No idea. I checked and double checked that I had everything. Opened the door into the outside hallway and descended the stairs. Got to my car and drove away never to return. I felt then as I do now, that it could have been so much worse. A lot of first that night and mostly not good. I’m still here and finally telling this one story. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Love to all, Carrie
发布者 ZibertyNC2
1 年 前
petenga 2 月 前
It was scary but exciting to know that yo girl was completely fed, blacked. Any recent bbc encounters?
ZibertyNC2 出版商 5 月 前
Rabbyrob69 : Thank you for your comments!
回答 原始评论
Rabbyrob69 5 月 前
Sexy, scary & authentic in equal measures - thank you for posting this. 
msholly 7 月 前
Wow Carrie, scary and well written, thank you ❤️
Tinashideout 9 月 前
Very lot and exciting
SicMic64 1 年 前
great story babe thanks for sharing 💋
ZibertyNC2 出版商 1 年 前
Amber1998 1 年 前
ZibertyNC2 : My pleasure 🌹
回答 原始评论
ssivalingam 1 年 前
Thanks for sharing
OMK60050 1 年 前
Yes, great writing!
ZibertyNC2 出版商 1 年 前
Amber1998 : Thank you Amber! Appreciate it 
回答 原始评论
Amber1998 1 年 前
Fantastic work Carrie….thanks for sharing 🌹❤️🌹