Fun Fact #008 - Age is just a number

Time dilation.

A well-known fact among physicists is that a spacer will age slower compared to someone who lives on a planet.

Why? Because a person in space is less affected by gravity, which by extension means that the flow of time is also less affected.
The stronger the gravitational field, the more of an effect it will have upon the fabric of time.

This is the reason why singularities, also known as black holes, are seen as natural time machines; since being present near the event horizon of a singularity causes time to drastically slow down; at the center of a singularity time stops, completely.

Of course, according to Einstein's TR (Theory of Relativity), STR (Theory of Special Relativity), GTR (Theory of General Relativity), and Sergey Fedosin's ESTR (Extended Special Theory of Relativity), all that depends on the point of view.
发布者 AzureCatch22
2 年 前