
Ever since integrating into the world as an independent adult, I've identified as a feminist. I've learned a bit about feminism growing up, but it wasn't until I began entering the world as my own, individual person, that I ever felt much of a connection to this so-called 'feminism'.

But then, I grew up. I entered the real world. I learned of injustices ranging from severe human rights violations, down to subtle differences in social acknowledgment.

I began hearing of atrocities happening around the world, while also becoming more and more aware of when people treat me differently than a male counterpart.

And, to be honest? I'm tired. I'm tired of explaining why that joke just isn't funny. I'm tired of explaining why his advances are inappropriate. I'm tired of explaining why progress doesn't negate the fact that there's still work to be done. I'm tired of keeping my composure during someone's inappropriate behavior. I'm tired of justifying why bodily autonomy is so important to me. I'm tired of holding my tongue while his eyes slide over my body, as if I'm a piece of meat being considered in a market.

I'm tired of explaining that, no, feminism isn't about hating men. I'm tired of breaking down the need for feminism to someone who has no interest in actually hearing them. I'm tired of having to demonstrate that feminists care about issues involving men as well. I'm tired of having to prove why my experience does, in fact, matter.

I want to scream- How do you know? Why don't you care? How can you justify that? What do you feel that you are owed by us?
发布者 CrispyTime
2 年 前