As a relatively progressive Democrat, I sometimes wonder what realm I am wandering in here. You all probably don't fit into any one pigeonhole like "moderate conservative" or "conservative Democrat." In discussions with my more ardent environmental activist friends, and my more cynical demi-Goth son, the disappointment in Biden is palpable. The problem is, as emigre69 indicates, that we put far too much on the shoulders of one man to pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. Our system is supposed to work as a balancing act between three separate but ostensibly equal arms of governance. That a long standing plot on the part of the Repugs to completely upend that balance is beginning to bear fruit. should not surprise us . . but so many people want to go out only every four years to vote, pay no attention to all the other legislative and administrative elections at the state and local level, and wonder why any initiative founders on the various veto points built into our system of government, from the Senate tradition of filibuster to the stacking of the decks against innovative vital candidates or third parties by the national and state level party hierarchies. This is a participatory sport folks. . . and while you all are paying attention on this forum, I fear the great bulk of people who are not. . .
2 年 前
At this point, the more rational Republicans are not in the ascendancy within the party, and I suspect that party will actually end up splitting. Whether that bodes well for the country remains to be seen. . . because the MAGA contingent is so far off the charts in their fanaticism, I think they are ready to bite anyone on the leg that they disagree with. Stay tuned.
That said. . . I vote regularly, at all levels: federal, state, local. So-o-o critical. Thanks!