Quiz Time! Who is the Mystery Girl?
Dear readers,
Who is the Mystery Girl that writes in The Little Red Notebook
and leads our intrepid sleuth Sarah on this perilous but often funny and exciting journey?
Please provide your answers in the comments section below.
Bonus Question: A nod to our dear Nova and her Halloween Contests
What type of panties am I wearing?
A. Black thong
B. Blue lace cheeky
C. None
D. Orange and Black Stripes
Who is the Mystery Girl that writes in The Little Red Notebook
and leads our intrepid sleuth Sarah on this perilous but often funny and exciting journey?
Please provide your answers in the comments section below.
Bonus Question: A nod to our dear Nova and her Halloween Contests
What type of panties am I wearing?
A. Black thong
B. Blue lace cheeky
C. None
D. Orange and Black Stripes
2 年 前
Now for no panties...I agree with Chan...Ellen likes to keep them as a souvenir (like your happy face panties).
As for the Mystery Girl....Ellen of course comes to mind but no. Jenny ..no although she could have been lurking around when she did deliveries. Clotho...no not the owner of the bookshop but maybe I should ask her....Salem? ...I know she can type with her paws but not sure she can write in the little book....you know...I have to go with the lovely and sexy Nova ...she is a talented questioner and has much experience with games...so Nova is my choice as the Mystery Girl (also befits her personal)