Quiz Time! Who is the Mystery Girl?

Dear readers,

Who is the Mystery Girl that writes in The Little Red Notebook
and leads our intrepid sleuth Sarah on this perilous but often funny and exciting journey?

Please provide your answers in the comments section below.

Bonus Question: A nod to our dear Nova and her Halloween Contests

What type of panties am I wearing?

A. Black thong
B. Blue lace cheeky
C. None
D. Orange and Black Stripes
发布者 Catwomanmeows
2 年 前
Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
Meow.  So before I walk into your classroom each day, I shall remove them first.  :smile:
sapholover 2 年 前
Catwomanmeows : I was just referring to your underpants, Sarah. Not your whole body. Let say I have a selective «dirty mind». 😉😝
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Catwomanmeows : was that you there...I thought it Jenny
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Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
sapholover : Sapholover!!!  I never knew you had such a dirty mind.  I only go naked in the shower.  I'm a good kitty.  As for your choice of the Mystery Girl, I like the idea.  Meow.
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Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
DrWhoWhatandWhere : Holy over analysis, Batman!  While you were busy typing this, I was stripping behind you and rubbing myself.  When you stopped, I stopped.  Meow.
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Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
DrWhoWhatandWhere : Maybe in your dreams, meow.
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sapholover 2 年 前
To answer the first question, Sarah, I think the most logical choice would be Clotho. After all, it is this bookseller who initiated this saga tinged with mystery, dreaminess, without forgetting, of course, a good dose of playful eroticism. But, as you know much better than I do, literature, especially good literature, is not just a matter of logic. As for the second question, to which there can be no good answer, in the sense that no one can really guess which underwear the author of the question is wearing or not wearing, I will confide in Dame Chance and will carry my choice on C. No panties.
Well...as far as the Blue Lace panties...never. And the Organ and Black Stripes, that would be what Nova would wear (wait, unless you are wearing Nova's panties!. As for the Black thong..that is a possibility especially if you were at a business meeting with Ellen..or better yet, a dinner with her after a long day of work and you knowing she will invide you back to her palce for a nightcap. How would you know to wear the thong...you wouldn't but you have an assortment of panties of all times in your bottom desk drawer (I have peeked in there when I needed to see Ellen and the office was empty.

Now for no panties...I agree with Chan...Ellen likes to keep them as a souvenir  (like your happy face panties).

As for the Mystery Girl....Ellen of course comes to mind but no. Jenny ..no although she could have been lurking around when she did deliveries. Clotho...no not the owner of the bookshop but maybe I should ask her....Salem? ...I know she can type with her paws but not sure she can write in the little book....you know...I have to go with the lovely and sexy Nova ...she is a talented questioner and has much experience with games...so Nova is my choice as the Mystery Girl (also befits her personal)
What about the panties with the smiley face on them
foundnemo04 2 年 前
Catwomanmeows : that's me....trying to put a smile on someone's face :smile:
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Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
Good choice!  I can see Ellen writing in the notebook making me find myself in the process.
Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
I should have known I cannot trick my Prof Zhou.  I like going to your classes with no panties.  I hope you do not report me.  :smile:
Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
foundnemo04 : Typical Nemo, always bending the rules of the game.  You make me smile  :smile:
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bianca44 2 年 前
Catwomanmeows : We should try to rekindle those memories...
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foundnemo04 2 年 前
E. pink pair of French knickers 
SeaStories1983 2 年 前
A. . . for the moment.
Catwomanmeows 出版商 2 年 前
bianca44 : I do remember you taking French courses online.  And how we casually talked to each other till you had to join the class.  Sweet memories.  You are that girl, Ellen.
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bianca44 2 年 前
I'm guessing from the allusions to dreaming in French, the mystery girl is me.  (And I want to be that girl.)
bianca44 2 年 前
You always wear a black thong to the office ...