My wild time in Perdido Beach - Part 3 & 4

My Wild time in Period Key - Part Three: “Nico”

I really hope I haven’t just put myself into more trouble. At least I got out alive from those other guys. But, who knows who or what is in this truck. It’s an older truck, but in good shape. There’s a man driving it. I can’t see him real good, even with his windows down, it’s just too dark. The man asks me,

“Are you OK? Why are you out here on the road with no clothes?”

“Well, it’s kind of a long story, sir. But some real jerk ass-holes did this to me, for no good reason. And yes, I’m OK, but I’ve been beaten up pretty good and I’m really tired and cold.” I pleaded my case briefly. Then he says,

“Hang on.. I may have something…” He’s looking behind the seats for something, “…yes, here we go. You can put this on..” And he handed me a large size t-shirt, which I put on immediately and thanked him for it, but he had not invited me into his truck yet. I was hoping he would ask if he could give me a lift.

“How old are you, boy?” I liked that he was cautious.

“I’m 15 sir.” Well, I was almost 15. “Sir, I would really appreciate you giving me a ride home.. would that be possible..” And he interrupts,

“Where do you live?” Then I told him..

“Period Key? Thats like 40 miles from here.” Well, I guess that answers part of that question. Then he says,

“Come on. You tell me where to go when we get there, I’ll take you… its ok, get in.” I was apprehensive, but I was very grateful and relieved that some normalcy might be returning to my day.. or night.

“Thank you, sir, so very much.” He was looking me over,

“Boy k**, you look like you got pulled through the wringer.” The dome light in his truck came on when I opened the door. He could see me, and I got a look at him. He was a stocky guy, but not fat. Clean and well groomed, no facial hair. He seemed hispanic, and there was a slight accent. He had on a tank top t-shirt that revealed a bit of his chest, and his chest was very hairy… bushy even. His arms were similar.. very hairy, and muscular. He was in shape.

He began to drive. He was already headed in the right direction to go to Perdido Key, so we just went forward. The t-shirt he gave me was plenty long enough to cover my privates, but not much more than that. As we drove, there wasn’t a lot of talking, but he asked questions from time to time.

He had his window open, and, ordinarily, the cool breeze would have been nice, but for some reason I was shivering like a chihuahua, and couldn’t stop…

“Are you ok my friend? You are shaking badly..” He was genuinely concerned.

“Yes sir, uh maybe if you roll your window up.. “ He did, but it didn’t help. I didn’t know why I was shaking so bad. I thought I might shake to pieces.

“Do you feel sick? Do you have a fever?” He asked, and just then he put his right hand on my bare leg, just above my knee. His hand was a bit corse or callus, but very warm. And the instant he touch my leg, I stopped shivering. It was like someone had put an electric blanket around me. I settled right down. And he said,

“Your skin feels a little cool to the touch. I’m sorry I don’t have anything else for you to wear.”

“It’s ok,” I said, “Actually I feel a lot better all of a sudden…. Your hand is very warm.” So, he kept his hand where he put it, just above my knee.

“I’m glad to hear that,” he says as he gives my leg a little bit of a rub, “you had me worried. I live in this direction. I can stop and go in my place and get you more to wear before I take you home.”

Oh wow, what a life saver this guy is turning out to be, “Thank you so much, that would be great.”

“Is my hand still warm for you?” It was… it felt great. “I can move it if you like…?”

“No, you’re fine.. it settled me right down when you touched me.” I could hear the words coming out of my mouth, but they weren’t matching my thoughts. I was thinking ‘why am I so ok with his hand on my leg?’ And I felt very odd for feeling that way. A total stranger has his hand on me, and I’m ok with that.

“Oh, thats good. I’d turn my heater on if it was working… sorry my friend.” As he gave my leg a little squeeze and a rub and moved his hand a little higher up my leg, and then held it there. “.. you know, you are pretty lucky I came along to find you. Better than the police I think, huh?” I agreed,

“Yes, much better.” Just then he began to rub my leg a little again. It was feeling nice. In fact, very nice. Something was coming over me. I was becoming very relaxed, and I could feel my cock start to stiffen. Why was I getting horny? But I was going with it.

I shifted my leg toward him just a bit, widening the gap between my legs, as if to tell him, ‘it’s ok. Keep doing that.’.

He rubbed my leg again, this time coming to rest on my upper thigh. It was very nice and I sank down in my seat just a bit, and shifted my leg toward him another inch or two.

“We have a ways to go. I could turn on the radio with some music, if you like…?” He was trying very hard to be pleasing.

“Thank you, but everything is just great like this.” I didn’t want anything to change.

He smiled and agreed with me, “Yes, the nights are really nice this time of year..” My cock was getting harder by the seconds, and I really didn’t expect that… and it was beginning to show under the t-shirt. Just then, he moved his hand a little higher, and I opened my leg up a little more.

He gave me a little squeeze where his hand rested. It was still very warm and nice on my skin. My cock was filling fast. The intermittent streetlights would illuminate the cab of the truck, and you could easily see my erection under my t-shirt. And, yes, he was looking. Every time we went under a street light, he looked over at my crotch.

Then, I felt his hand move higher up on my thigh. Now he was almost at my balls. I opened my leg a little more, and then significantly more. My cock was all the way hard and making a tent in the t-shirt. He moved his hand further up my leg… This time, I could feel his pinky finger touch my balls.. and he just held his hand there. I slouched in the seat a little more, and that made his hand even higher on my thigh. Now his fingers were in the crevice between my thigh and my balls. It was feeling amazing. It was like his hand was an electronic source of heat.

I shouldn’t have been feeling this way after what I just went through, but something came over me, and suddenly I felt feverishly flush with desire, and I didn’t care anymore. I wanted something to happen, but I wasn’t going to rush it. My attitude was ‘to hell with it.’

I know he felt my balls on the back of his fingers. He gave another little squeeze. Just then...... I opened my leg as far as I could this time, and my knee was on now top of his right leg. He began to rub my thigh up and down, brushing my balls slightly with each time. Surely he knew by now that I was wanting it.

He keeps looking at my erection.. finally he moves his hand as far up my leg as he can go, and the back of his entire hand is brushing against my balls and cock. At this point, I pull the bottom of my t-shirt up, revealing my crotch completely…. I wanted him to see me now.

“Oh wow,” he said, amazed. “That is really something! You are obviously feeling better…” Yes, I was..

“Yes, I’m feeling pretty good right now..” I pull his hand just slightly onto my cock. He gets the hint and grabs the base of it.. and I lean up and get a lot closer to him, and I say in almost a whisper,

“Do you want to fuck me?” His grip on my cock grew tighter..

“Uh..… Yes, I do… I really do.. if you want to as well!” Then I let him have it, and I whispered right in his ear as I grabbed his crotch,

“I do.. I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me really bad…” I think I could feel his heart beating faster right through his clothes..

“We are very close to my place now.” I laid my head on his shoulder and continued rubbing his quickly stiffening cock.

He was driving much faster now, and his cock was a solid piece of iron, bulging from his pants. It felt like it was a very fat cock, but I didn’t give a shit. I just wanted it in my ass, fucking my eyes out. (How odd, after everything that had happened).

We arrive at his place, a small modest house with two bedrooms and one bath, but I didn’t take much time to look around… we got right down to it.

I pull off the t-shirt he gave me and he got undressed in a hurry.. I could see him clearly now. His legs, arms and chest were very hairy, but not his back or his butt, so much. He was muscular and not so stocky after all.. and OMG, his cock was fat as a beer can.. honestly.

I walked up to him, grabbed his cock with one hand, started rubbing his chest with the other, and we leaned into each other, as our cocks were poking at each of us, and he leaned down and we started to kiss… and we kissed. Deep tongue kissing… we just kept on kissing. Slowly making our way to the bedroom and onto the bed. At this time, I slowly slid my head down his chest. He smelled like he had just had a shower, and I found myself sucking his fat cock with a fury. It was so fat it wouldn’t really fit much in my mouth, but I licked and sucked on the shaft… up and down. Then we got into a 69 position… OMG. That was amazing. He was sucking my cock like it had never been sucked before….

“I can’t wait anymore…” he said, “I don’t have anything but vaseline.. is that ok?” I was so impressed that he even asked…

“Oh god yes… just hurry and fuck me!” He was gone to the bathroom only a few seconds. He came back with the whole jar of Vaseline, and then slathered a big glob of it in my ass, and on his cock.. I was on my knees with my butt hiked up for him………. And he slowly pushed his cock into my ass.. it went in so nice and smooth.

“Does it hurt? I can go real slow..?” I was fucking loving it.

“No it doesn’t hurt at all.. just use me!” But it did hurt, and badly. Though earlier I was previously reamed out by 5 other guys. I guess that made it a bit easier, and this time I was enjoying it. This man made me feel safe.

He began to pound my ass. Holding my hips so firmly in his rough hands and smashing his pelvis into my butt. His cock was feeling amazing now, and my cock was staying hard as rock. He was going really fast for awhile, and then slowed, and as he adjusted himself somewhat, he hit something inside of me that made me squirt like a garden hose all over his bedspread. My cock continued to stay hard. This was the most erotic and hot experience I had ever had… well, for a 14 year old boy, there’s not a lot of experience to compare with..

It didn’t take him long till he was getting close to cuming. His speed was fast, then really fast, then brutally fast…. And suddenly he slowed and took a very moderate pace all the way to his orgasm which was only seconds away… but I wanted to see him cum,

“When you get there, pull it out and cum on my face.. I want to taste it.”

Well, that tipped him over the edge… “OK, here I cum…. Oh SHIT…. FUUUUCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!” And he exploded a fountain of cum all over my face and chest, and it just kept coming. One squirt after the next. He must have shot 15 times, each one a long white ribbon of gooey lust. I’ve still to this day, never seen anything like this guys ejaculation. Except maybe the big ugly guy in the car, from earlier that night. But I didn’t actually see that one, and I wasn’t enjoying it either (or was I), so I’m not counting it (or am I).

It was funny, but we never actually said our names to each other. We laughed about that while resting side by side in the bed after our sex. But I told him my name was Joey, and he said his name was Nico.

“I like that name.” I said, lying there drenched in his cum, as he held me close, not minding that cum was getting all over him too..... and then realizing how worried my aunt and uncle must be....

“Oh shit, what time is it?”

“Almost ten o’clock - we should get you home, huh?” Nico said as he goes to find me something to wear.

He finds some sweatpants, and I can wear those with that t-shirt he already gave me. They’re big on me but they’ll do.

As he’s driving me home, he expresses some concerns he has,

“You know, Joey, There is a big age difference between us. I am 42…you are 14. A lot of people wouldn’t understand our connection, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeh, I understand. I mean, I see the news about all those priests who m***** young alter boys… I know that what we did is i*****l, whether I am consenting or not.” Listen to me, all smart for a k**. “But, you don’t have to worry, Nico. I’m not telling a soul about my day today. I won’t tell even my dog about you and I. This is between us.. this is our thing, and I want it to remain private.” Nico let out a sigh of relief,

“Glad to hear you say that. I want you to know though, that I would love to see you again, that is, if you want to.” I was glad to hear him say that, and I told him,

“I do, I really do. But I need a few days to recover from today (and the other day).” I really did. While I was in the bathroom at Nico’s place, I had a good look at myself, and I was bruised from head to toe. My mouth was swollen, I was a mess. I still hadn’t told him exactly why I was like that. I figured I would eventually.

So, I directed Nico to the specific driveway to my Aunt’s, and when we got there, I had him drop me off without pulling all the way up to the house. I told him that I thought it was best if my aunt and uncle didn’t meet him…. At least not this way. I just didn’t want anything to happen to him after he was so kind to me. During the whole drive home, I was trying to come up with my story of what had happened to me, to tell aunt Gayle and uncle Max. I decided that it was best to tell the truth, except for the sex parts. I could make the story work by just leaving out the parts about those guys essentially r****g me. I just didn’t want that out there. Besides I was too young for anything close to that kind of behavior or experience. So that’s what I was going to stick to.

My aunt and uncle were so very relieved that I had returned and was still… alive, that they had no problem accepting my story of why I was out so late. I did admit to the beer drinking, but not the pot smoking. They did ask repeatedly if these “guys” had done anything sexually to me, and I assured them they had not. They wanted to know who they were though, but I explained I couldn’t really remember anyone of their names… that I thought they may have kept them from me on purpose, knowing they were going to give me a hard time (a ‘hard’ time.. HA). Then they pressed me for who brought me home. I told them a real nice man in a late model pickup, saw me and stopped, and that he had these clothes I was wearing in his truck and gave them to me. They wanted to know his name, so they could thank him somehow. I explained that I had no idea where he lived or anything much about him, but I did get his first name. I told them his name was “Charley”…. Oh, yeh… his name was definitely “Charley”.


My Wild Fall in Period Key - Part Four: Aunt Gayle

Needless to say, the events of the past few days had my head spinning, but I was ok. There was never any sign of emotional trauma after effects or anything. Not then… not now. Quite the opposite, in fact, I still to this day, fantasize about all of it, and you’ve only gotten part of the story to this point. The remaining parts are very interesting, to say the least. For instance, the day of my birthday celebration (not my actual birthday).

The following week my aunt Gayle said she wanted to do something nice for me, for my birthday. Even though my birthday wasn’t until January. She said, “but you’ll be back home then...let’s celebrate while you’re here.

It’s important to note that Aunt Gayle is about 42 at this time. Stood 5’4” to my 5’… I may have been 5’2” or so, not sure. (I later grow to 6’1”)

Aunt Gayle was gorgeous and hot. She had a body like a hooker..large pouty breast..a natural blonde… an ass that made you hurt to see it. Especially with those sixties style Capris.. tight slacks, and sometime yoga pants.. [squirt]

She was my mom’s younger sister.

Now, uncle Max’s job kept him in Mobile a lot, so he wasn’t home much during the week. Mobile was about 2 hour drive from their beach house, but he would stay at their house in Mobile, so he wouldn’t have to make that commute everyday.

So, aunt Gayle had arranged for us to go to dinner for a birthday celebration. It was a weeknight, so uncle Max would not join us. She told me to wear something nice, but where we were going wasn’t a formal dress-up place. Well, I had some khaki pants that were very tight, and probably a little less discreet than my jeans, but I thought, what the hell, so I squeezed into those. I remember they felt really good, and looked good on me, but the flap that covers the fly zipper was pressed back so that the zipper was showing all the time. I didn’t want that, but I was running a little late getting ready.

I go downstairs and my aunt was in the kitchen, so I go into the kitchen and she sees how tight my pants are and says “your flap is creased open.”

I said “yeh, I tried to fix that but couldn’t get it to stay. I was gonna ask you if……”

She says “oh I know how to fix that.”

So she gets a rag, wets it with hot water, comes over to me, and proceeds to press and rub this hot wet rag down and along the length of the fly flap to try to get it to stay closed.

I’m like, “Heyyy, whoa...aunt Gayle, there’s no need to do that, I’ll....”

“Nonsense. These pants look good on you. I can fix this.”

“Well, uh, ok….”

She’s rubbing down on the’s getting wet, but mainly, she’s rubbing on the base of my penis with every stroke downward. She’s doing it quite hard too, and before I know it, my 7.5” cock starts getting very hard and beginning to show.

She says, “it just takes some constant pressure and it should help..”

Well, my flap was straightening out some, but my crotch was getting wetter and my cock was almost fully erect and definitely showing through my wet trousers. I mean, it was obvious at this point.

Aunt Gayle notices the result of her efforts and steps back and stares at my crotch. Her eyes got big, and her mouth dropped open some. My cock was so hard and showing so pronounced through the wet material, that you could see the rim of the head.

We both stood there silent while she continued to stare for at least a full minute. The more she stared, the more hard and turned on I became.

Then she breaks silence, and says, “well, I… think that…. will be…. just….fine .”

She sort of awkwardly turned away and went back to what she was doing. Clearing her throat she says, “I’ll be ready in just a bit. I want to change my clothes, but I’ll be quick.”

I thanked her for what she did, and she said, “you are so welcome, baby.”

Hmm… she had not called me ‘Baby’ before… I don’t think. But I new I was definitely erect and showing… did it have an effect on her? I didn’t know yet, but I was hoping so (A young boys mind will wonder). Either way, I wasn’t going to worry about it too much. I mean, surely nothing could possibly happen. She’s my aunt, for Pete’s sake. This is taboo at all corners of the globe, and if something like what I was thinking ever happened, and was found out about, we would both be outed from the family… and worse.

Aunt Gayle finally came out dressed and ready to go, and.. OMG! She looked great. She had some spandex like leggings that left nothing to the imagination of her shape. And her shape was righteous!! Also, a Tight top that accentuated her boobs… I think I almost drooled when I saw her, and began to wonder if she wore that outfit for me, or was she going to wear it anyway….. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

“Wow, you look awesome aunt Gayle!”

“Why, thank you Baby!” She replied… and there’s that ‘Baby’ again…. I liked it.

Well, my erection never receded through the course of our ride to the restaurant, dinner and beyond. I was showing like crazy and I could NOT get my cock to settle down. Aunt Gayle was looking at it every chance she got. She saw me catching her staring at it a few times, too. The restaurant we went to was pretty classy and the food was excellent. It was a semi dark lit environment. There was a Jazz trio playing softly in the distance. It was a great romantic setup, and when Gayle ordered champagne, I figured something was up (besides my cock).

“Joey, dear, have you ever had champagne before?”

“Sure. Well, once or twice,” I replied.

“Well, you’ll just have to join me in a toast.” She said. “After all, you don’t turn 15 everyday.”

“Im not 15 yet, but I’m game… hit me!” I was feeling a bit daring. She laughed and poured, and we drank to my birthday. She asked me tons of questions about a lot of things. How school was, do I have a girlfriend at home, and then she asked if I considered the trip down to visit them an adventure. I thought to myself, ‘if you only knew aunt Gayle… if you only knew.’ But, I answered, “Yes, I think its a pretty cool adventure.. It’s the first time I had traveled so far by myself.”

“Did you meet any interesting people on the bus?” She asked. I almost choked.

“I guess so, just ordinary folks…” lying through me teeth.

By the time we were mid way through dinner, I was on my 3rd glass of champagne, and really feeling it. She kept refilling my glass, too. What does that tell you?

It was getting close to 10pm and there were a few people having a dance over by the trio. Noticing this, aunt Gayle says, “Oh Joey, lets have a dance..”

“I doubt I’m any good at it, but…”

“Oh, nonsense. You’ll be fine.” She says.

It was a slow song, so we got on the dance floor and she put her hands on my shoulders, and I had mine on her waist. Her boobs were pressing firmly against my chest, and those things were quite rigid. I felt my cock go to 110% just then.

“Ahhhh, this is nice, isn’t it…” as she pulled me a little closer to her, and her head went to the side of mine.

I whispered to myself… or I intended to whispered to myself, but I actually spoke out in a whisper, “Really fucking nice!”

“Joey!?!” She said as she smiled… “Oh, sorry..” I said. Then she laughed a bit and pulled me even closer to her. Now our bodies were pressed against each other. I could feel my cock throbbing against her, at about her hips level. I hugged her tighter around her waist and squeezed a bit…

“Mmmmmm.” She let out a sigh.

The signs were coming at me a dozen a minute, and they were all good. But I was still apprehensive. Though the hormones were over powering any rational or responsible thought I may have tried to have.

She had to be feeling my cock pressing against her, because I was really pushing it on her, but she wasn’t pulling away at all. Just then, I gave her a little kiss on her neck….

“Oh my, OK… Maybe we should take our seat.” She said and I followed her back to our table. Uh Oh, should I not have kissed her neck? Looking down as we walked, I saw that I had a big wet spot in my pants, at the end of my stiff dick from pre-cum. It must have been just flowing out. Aunt Gayle noticed this as well, and smiled at me. But I thought maybe I had gone too far with the kiss on her neck.

“Would you like some more champagne?” She asked…

“Sure! Fix me up!”

“You know Joey, I think you are going to make some young sweet girl very happy one day.” She said, looking me in the eyes. This told me that I had, indeed, gone too far on the dance floor, and this was her way of taming me down, OR, it was a test to hear what my response would be to “make a girl happy one day.” So I replied,

“Well, that would be nice. I hope so, but what makes you say that?”

“Oh, I just know, trust me… I can tell… uh huh… oh yeh…. I can tell…” Then she flags a waiter.. “Can we get another bottle of this please.” Pointing at the empty bottle of champagne. The waiter gave me a suspicious look, like, ‘are you old enough to drink’, then walked off.

I was pretty tipsy already. She was doing pretty good and didn’t seemed drunk at all, but I was game for more.

Then I asked a genius question, “So, tell me, what is a good age for me to get married? How old were you and uncle Max when ya’ll got hitched?” Well, she started going on about what she thought about when people should marry, and the story of how and when her and Max got married.

You see, I think she got worried that I would fall for her, being so young and impressionable as I was, and I kinda was falling for her, but only in a lustful way……. Surely I could never come between her and Max. And I think she realized that and relaxed.

Then, another glass of champagne later, we’re back on the dance floor for another slow song. Jeeezz, I don’t know how much more my dick can take, without some kind of release. She had a sexual aura that was keeping me horny as fuck.

This time we started out holding each other close… very close. I was holding her tight as we moved and my cock was pressing her hard and her tits were pressing against my chest firmly. I got bold, and slid my hand down to her butt and kept it there. Just as she started to say something,

“Uh, Joey… honey… uh…”

Then I grabbed her gently by the back of her head and pulled her in for a deep French kiss… shoving my tongue all the way in her mouth, and stopping her from talking. I could feel her try to pull away a little, but when I didn’t relent, she relaxed and joined me in the kiss……….. I thought I was going to spew right then. I began to rub and squeeze her ass with great intent…. Then finally the kiss stopped and she just looked at me for a sec.

“Do you wanna go back to the house?” She asked.

“As quickly as possible.” I answered in a whisper.

We got the check, paid and we were off in a flash.

The whole way home, which took only about 10 minutes, we didn’t speak a word, but I had my hands ALL OVER HER SINFUL BODY. She could barely drive. She was reaching over rubbing my cock furiously.

Was it the alcohol talking? Nah. The alcohol was simply the ice breaker.

When we pulled up to the house, we got out and ran up the steps and hurried inside, going straight to the bedroom. Both of us disrobing as we went…….

Then we were both nude. Her body was amazing. Perky, firm, and natural tits. And not a pudgy place on her. A nice round shelf butt… I mean.. OMG! She coulda been a porn star.

My cock was twitching from excitement, and super anxious to thrust into her… but I was going to give her lots of warm-up and started to go down on her as we got on the bed, and she stopped me and said,

“Joey, baby, we have plenty of time for foreplay later. Just fuck me! Fuck me right now!!”

HOLY FUCKING GOD! — So I got on top of her and she guided me into her cunt with ease… and just then I started fucking her with everything I had. OMG! It felt so amazing, I couldn’t believe it. It didn’t take me even 3 minutes to cum. But I just kept on going. My cock was not going down for nothin….

“Joey, did you just cum baby?”

“Yes, is that ok?”

“Oh God, yes. But its ok if you need to stop.”

“I don’t need to stop……. Is that ok?”

“OH FUCK YES! Fuck me baby…. ” She was lost in passion and so was I.

I was slamming her as hard and as fast as I could for the next 20 minutes. Gayle was gasping sighs of pleasure, and letting out momentary screams, telling me to fuck her, “Fuck me… oh God Fuck me, fuck me hard!!!!!!” She had her legs wrapped around me tightly.. pulling me into her.

After those 20 minutes we slowed a little bit and changed positions to doggie style (my personal favorite and her’s too).

“Oh God Joey, your cock is so big! You feel sooooo gooooood”

Fuck! I was loving it. I mean, yeh, I get off on getting fucked in the ass cause I love that too, but this…. This was the money… this was unbelievable.


It was my Aunt!!! I was fucking my aunt. And I was fucking her hard. My aunt’s pussy was so fucking wet, you wouldn’t believe it. It was a fucking juice factory.

So another 20 minutes or so goes by as I fuck her from behind and tell her how amazing her pussy feels to my cock. Then she gets on top of me and rides my cock like a jack-rabbit on a vibrating bed in a cheap motel. This takes me to my next climax.

“I’m gonna cum again, oh god.. I’m getting close.” I tell her. And she says,

“I want to see it!”

Well, that did it for me. That pushed me over the edge and I was about to spew. “Here I cum..” She got off of me and watched as my cock began to shoot long forceful flowing ribbons of milky lust juice all over her tits.

“Oh… MY…. GOD!!! Joey!?!?!?!”

Just then, I put her on her back and began to eat her pussy with a vengeance.

“OH MY GOD….. JOEY!!!!!”

I ate her gooey pussy for the next hour …without let up. By then I was hard again and got right back inside of her and just kept on going for another hour.

I’m guessing on the times, but we got back from the restaurant at just after 1am, and we didn’t stop and sleep until almost 6am.

After 11am I was awakened by her bringing me a cup of coffee, she says,

“Do you like coffee, I forgot to ask..?”

“Coffee sounds real good to me right now” I say as I sit up and take the cup from her.

“Oh my God, Joey… last night… What did we do?”

“I guess we were kinda drunk, huh..?” I answered, as my head began to ache from a fuzzy hangover.

“Drunk? I don’t think you were drunk.. you were fucking my brains out last night!!!..” She expressed as she sat on the bed next to me.

“Well, we did drink 2 bottles of champagne.”

“Do you remember everything about last night?”

“Yes I do… in great detail.” I said, and we both laughed.

I could tell she was feeling guilty and maybe even confused. So I asked her,

“Are you OK, aunt Gayle?”

“Look, you might as well drop the auntie part… and no, I mean, I don’t know.” as she laughed at the same time. “I have never had sex with a nephew before..” She said and we both laughed.

“Well, first of all, last night was totally incredible, and secondly, I enjoy calling you Auntie Gayle..” I smirked. “If you’re feeling guilty or worried about it..” And I looked her in the eye, “I will never tell anyone about this… no one ever! This belongs to nobody but you and I. Besides, I love uncle Max too, and the both of you as a couple…well, I would never want that to change… so, if that’s what is weighing on your mind, then no worries. My lips are sealed! - No matter how many more times this happens.”

Just then, she leaned in and kissed me on the mouth….. then another kiss, and another….. and…. Here we go again. I was all the way hard in a flash. Aunt Gayle only had her robe on, so access was quick and easy, so we fucked for another hour or so. At this point, we are both really hungry.

So, Gayle throws some sandwiches together in the kitchen and we sit and eat, and she asked me,

“Are you going to be able to be calm and cool around me when your uncle is here?

“Oh sure, sure…Yes… I’m sure I can..” I answered.

“Even if he is just in the other room, we have to be cool. We can’t take the kind of chance of him walking in, seeing us doing something, when we thought he couldn’t see us..”

“No, no, I agree. I can be cool with the best of them… you do NOT have to worry.” I reassured her, and she seemed to be satisfied with my reply. And I would seriously follow through on that, because I want repeats of what had happened, so I’m not going to do anything to screw it up.

So, a little while after we eat, she gets a call from Uncle Max,

“Oh, hey dear…. Yes.. all is good here…….. Yes, we had a great dinner last night,” and she proceeded to give him all the general info leaving out details of course, or anything that was sexual, “No, Joey is out on the deck right now..” Looking at me with her finger to her lips like ’ssssshhhh’… I’m in my boxer briefs and suddenly have a hard-on. I stand up and go to her and stand right next to her as she’s talking to uncle Max. Then I pull my underwear down, revealing my hard-on, and Gayle starts jacking my cock while talking. Then she says to Max,

“Oh, no….” At that moment, she takes my cock in her mouth, and sucks it a bit, but very quietly…. Then she pauses, and I hear her say, “no, I’m just finishing up a sandwich…” Which is true, kinda…..

Her conversation continues for another couple of minutes while she rubs my cock. When she hangs up with Max, she tells me that my uncle won’t be able to get back to the beach this weekend because of business and his car needs work. Then she smiled at me real big and says,

“Well, it’s just the two of us this weekend. I wonder what we will find to do.” And we both laughed, but then she started sucking me again. AND, again, we were back in the bed.

It was only 3pm in the afternoon, at this rate we were going to fuck about 6 times before the day was over, and we did. One of those times being on the beach, on a blanket, having some beers.

We were just sitting there admiring the stars, and then, aunt Gayle asked me if I had ever smoked pot before. I admitted to her that I had….. then she lit up a joint.

“AUNT GAYLE!!!” I don’t know why I acted so shocked, but she handed the joint to me for a hit, and I took a hit, and before long I was horny again… I told her too,

“The last time I smoked pot, it made me SUPER horny..”

“It makes me horny too. In fact, I’ve done some pretty crazy stuff being stoned before…” she confessed.

“Like what?” I wanted to know if what she had done was anywhere close to as radical as what I had just done a couple of weeks ago… I was in serious doubt that it would be though.

“Oh no… no true confessions from me… you’ll think I am just horrible.” She said

“Hey, I’ve dome some pretty wild stuff too.”

“You?!? At the ripe and experienced age of 14?!?” As she looked at me carefully, and with a smile.

I didn’t say anything else, just then. But we continued to smoke more of the joint and proceeded to get quite stoned.

We began to make out. I rolled over to kiss her and we got wrapped up in each others’ arms and legs. We were getting very heated up. There was only a little light from one of the nearby condos, so it was quite dark where we were, up near the dune’s edge.

I began to press her for more on her wild adventures she had alluded to,

“So, tell me… just how wild is Aunty Gayle?” We both laughed, and she said,

“Oh Joey, are you sure you want to know? You may not like what you hear… it may shock you, and what will you think of me then..?”

Then I told her, “I’m more worried about what you will think of me if I tell you the things that I have done.”

“Well, as you know, now… I could go to jail for having sex with you..”

“Yeh… that makes me think about those people at the restaurant. I mean, they saw us dancing and kissing, and I know I don’t look 21…. Do you think anyone recognized you in there?” I asked.

“I went to the restroom several times, and made sure I didn’t see anyone I knew. If I had, we would have left right after dinner. Besides, Neither I or Max have ever been to that restaurant.”

Well, she didn’t seem to eager to reveal her sordid adventures with me, so I didn’t push it, and allowed the subject to change back to the pleasure at hand. But, before long we were both getting super hot and horny. She got on her knees, slipping her shorts down, and I entered her from behind. It was very straight-forward… she just rolled over and offered her ass to me… so I fucked it for about 10 minutes, when she started to get worried about someone she knew seeing her doing this on the beach… even though it was very dark… but I can see her point too… so we stopped and ran back to the house, and went straight to bed… continuing our pleasurable activities….

I must have cum 8 times that day… I was feeling completely elated, satisfied.. etc.. you name it. I was definitely falling for Aunt Gayle, but not in an inconvenient way. I knew my place, and I would never forget it. She just has an amazing aura. She’s sweet, naughty, happy, sultry, enticing, willing… the adjectives just keep coming. She offered her body up like a woman who can’t say no… and I later found out just how incapable she was of saying ‘no’.
发布者 caleom69
3 年 前
letusbe123 2 年 前
I sure hope he tells Aunty about Charley/