When 2 worlds collide pt V

Danielle blew out her smoke seductively as she spoke. I was instantly captivated by this absolutely fucking beautifull woman. Trying harder than ever to look as feminine as possible. Looking pretty fucking hot too, this was a new emotion. And i was terrified by quite how seriously undeniably turned on i was. Trying to breath as i caught myself gazing longingly into her eyes. The queue had moved forward a little. The thuding beat of the music inside was getting increasingly laudable. After a few perfect drags on her cigerrette she passed it to me. Strangely as i was smoking. To this very day still unsure why? i put mine out and took the smoke from her gratefully. Gazing constantly and longingly into her eyes. Looking back it was as if i knew, as if, where i to take my eyes away, should i be careless enough to loose her gaze. This moment would be gone. Never to return. She smirked wryly. Keeping my gaze. I was lost in her gaze. Momentarily, instantaneously infactuated.
'Come on Missy'. This could not be happening! My first time out. Like out out! Alone! Frightened! Nervous! Dolled up to the absolute nines! I smiled nervously and moved to beside her. Her two friends looked at me a moment but seemed engroced in their own conversation which settled me somehow.
'Come on' she beconed again. Holding out a perfectly manicured hand. I took her warm hand happily. Not knowing how hard to squeeze! I wanted to cuddle myself into her. But we walked in together like we had known oneanother for years. My heart was absolutely pounding. She seemed very familier with the doorman and the lady taking our entrance fee. Eventually i plucked up the courage. Oh dear reader i knew instinctively that this moment meant something. Please dont ask me why or how. Sometimes we just know!
'You are so beautiful Dannielle' i said rather lamely. Concentrating more on my actual voice than anything else. I had whurlygigged. I had dreamed. Envisaged. Imagined this moment all my life. It felt as if she knew? No i checked myself, i must be too high. Too drunk. This cannot.... This could, this would change everything. Every single gorgeous fear and desire, each and every denial and compulsion erupting inside my sexy sissy soul right now. Here! Trying to hold myself. I knew i looked good. Well, not in comparison to this Goddess! But in comparison to the other Trannies i had been studying and trying to ever so shyly flirt with all night. I thought of home. I thought about Emma, the day, this day. So planned, yet so absolutely random. About all the timesi had stolen girlfriends, wives, Aunties, friends wives tights, shoes and knickers. About all the times i had rubbed myself off in them.
'Oh i know sweetie. Thankyou. Wait here a moment' she instructed before having a quick chat to her allmost equally attractive friends. All the time glancing back to me, as if to reassure me? Jesus i wasnt going anywhere! As i waited in the clubs busy entrance, time and people were passing in a blur. As the music boomed i took in her physical beauty! Everybody who walked by did the same. Danielle was, believe me beyond stunning! Wearing 6 or even 7 inch strapy heels, i noticed even her feet were devine! Immaculately manicured! Her heels where strappy and black and very classy. She wore skin tight black silky, shiny pants that stopped slightly above her slender ankles. One could just make out the bottom of a tattoo teasing from her left calf just about visible. She was blonde, she exuded class. Her top was white and armless. Hugging her perfect figure with an altarneck it looked like a sort of basque, her bronze skin just slightly visible either side of her naval above her trousers and perfect hips. She was made up like a Victorias secret model. What the F*** was she doing with me? Her eyes were bluey green i had noticed in the queue. She even smelt expensive! I could make out her black silken bra through her white top. Her bum was pert and pertruded delightfully. Her cleavage was something else! She walked eventually back towards me. I was sure she was going to wish me well and dissapear into the music imside. But no! To my eternal delight she smiled the sassiest, warmest full smile at me.
'Shall we go inside sweetie?' She put her gorgeous arm gently, yet purpousfully around my waste and led me to the cloakroom. Now the dress i was wearing, as i said was teeny tiny. She could sense my apprehension at taking off my jacket. I knew she could.
'Oh come on Missy' she allmost took it off for me. She seemed pleased with my dress. She must know i thought. She handed the coat in for me and kept the ticket. We got some drinks and sat down at a table in a quietish part of this wickedly wonderful nightclub! I couldn't take it all in. I could not take my eyes or my energy off her! She was beyond stunning.
'So how long have you been a ....' she enquired.
'A ?' I interupted miling
'A sissy. How long have you beena sissy baby?' Oh i allmost spat out my drink. Choking on my embarrassment! Was it that obvious!
'How long have you been a sissy sweetie?' Before i could answer or hide my blushes she continued. Even her voice was sublime. 'Its okay, i love crossdressers. Trannys. But especially sissys. Sexy sissys anyway.' SHe leant towards me and whispered in my ear. 'Would you like to be MY sissy sweetie?' She breathed into my ear and nibbled my lobe. This could not be hapoenning! This was beyond my wildest wildest dreams! I was speechless. Budging closer towards me she teased into my ear. 'Cat got your tong baby girl?' I let out a whimper. Ever so slightly. I nuzzled into her Plucking up courage.
'Yes Danielle. Nothing would make me happier' my voice sounded softer than ever. I was in heaven.
'Good girl. From this moment on your new name is sissy. Is that okay sissy' she stroaked my cheek with one hand and put her other on my thigh opening my legs and placing my right thigh ion top of hers. Our faces where inches from eachothers. She continued. 'You must call me Mistress. Or Miss Danielle at all times. Is that okay!?' i nodded. 'Wherever, whenever. And i will take full care of you my sexy little girl'
We had 2 or 3 more drinks and i revealed my truth to her with every question she asked.
All of a sudden, out of the blue she proclaimed.
'I am not fucking around you know.' I hoped not! 'You will start hormones tomorrow. We will get you some real tities like mine soon enough sissy. I see you like them. You will live with me. You will serve me. You will love me wont you baby!'
'Yes Miss Danielle. .......

发布者 Rebekalee
3 年 前