What does it mean to be a Daddy Dom .

I've noticed that a lot of people don't know, or have a totally wrong idea about a Daddy Dom.
So I'll try to explain what it means too me , to be a Daddy Dom.

A Daddy Dom is in general looking for someone much younger. ( but this is certainly not a requirement , because it is not really about age , but the underlying thought and mindset ).
( Often hidden in the mindset is : that a Daddy Dom wants/seeks a bond that is for life , where he does not want to be the person who stays behind alone later in life ) .
A Daddy Dom wants to be a kind of teacher, who can help, support, and guide his "Little Girl", while his Little Girl grows .
That growth is not in height, and not in age, but growing in life as a person.
A Daddy Dom is proud when his Little Girl does something right, achieves something, succeeds in something, achieves a goal.
But a Daddy Dom also enjoys the mistakes, blunders, and bad sides of his Little Girl.
Because that's when the Daddy Dom can teach his Little Girl something, help with something, support her, or punish her.
Almost every Daddy Dom is 100% faithful, because his Little Girl is the most important thing in his life.
A Daddy Dom wants to see his Little Girl laugh , enjoy , and be happy , and when she is sad he wants to be there to comfort her.
But above all, he wants to protect her.
There's a but.
A Daddy Dom is often a Dom at first.
So he is strict , has strict rules , tells what is and is not allowed , or exactly what should or should not be done .
A Daddy Dom is often a control freak, who has his own opinion about everything, and wants to learn / give this info to his Little Girl.
It's up to his Little Girl, whether she wants to listen to it or not. (Brat/Princess)
If she complies, he'll stay in the Daddy role.
But if his Little Girl goes against it , then the Dominant comes up , and sees it as a challenge to teach his Little Girl something, explain it, or give her punishment for it .
In general, a Daddy Dom is not a sadist or masochist.

This is who I am, what I'm looking for, and broadly a Daddy Dom, in general.

发布者 18-plus
3 年 前