My lists. And contact for hand me downs

I came up with to list for Amazon I’m going to put links in where people can changing what they want. The small list is Jasmine merely asking for help so I can make content for everyone to enjoy instead of loading my old stuff dock found in my dropbox I haven’t used in a while. But the smallest list is just a guide and really the main things I need to be able to make what I want to make is a dildo and a wig at the very least.quite frankly I will take any hand me downs or used toys Gladly if someone would offer. And the big list is just a bunch of stuff that I would like but really I don’t expect anyone to get that expensive stuff. I would be happy just being able to make some content and do some live cams so I can get more stuff to make more content on my only eventually but I need some help here. Anything and don’t think I’m asking for freebies I will make you a custom content that’s yours and you can upload it or whatever and I will try to follow your orders to the T. Anyway thank you for your time reading this sorry I’m horrible at trying to talk through text and I know that sounds horrible. Links will be down below and My KiK

small list.

Big list

KiK username
发布者 Celestep9719
3 年 前
Pat2610 3 年 前