What Slutty Saturday means...

I get in moods. Yeah, I know, you are all laughing, going, "no Shit, you're a woman". Haha. Yes, I get those moods too. The ones I can't explain. But I also get in behavior moods. Take today for instance, I have been drinking Sangria since breakfast. No lie. Had to take an Uber to the liquor store because neither of us could drive. Do you know the looks we got, stumbling out of there with a case of wine? (or the look I got a little bit ago when he was passed out and I took an Uber back, just in case I don't sleep tonight, and got more Sangria? Ok, it could have been that I was wearing one of his wrinkled button downs from the floor, a pair of shorts you couldn't tell I had on, and nothing else, not even shoes. But hey, a quick titty flash and they let me buy more anyway!). But that is not the point of this post. I am writing this because I got a lot of questions about my slutty Saturday status message and what exactly is a Slutty Saturday.

I woke up Saturday in this guy's bed. Truthfully, I had no clue what his name was or if I even knew it. I wasn't sure if I had started out in his bed, or ended up there. I just didn't remember, and didn't care. Didn't really spend time trying to figure it out. I got up to go pee and realized he must not have been too big or too good because I wasn't sore at all. (kind of a good telltale, just saying) I am sitting there on this guy's toilet, completely naked, and half awake and knowing I got fucked but not really feeling it. I got up to go back to bed and I pass by this other bedroom and just decide, "what the hell." I had no ties to the other guy that I knew of. So I wander into his roommates bedroom and go lift the covers and crawl in. The guy is still sound asleep, until I pull his cock full on into my mouth! Funny thing about guys. I don't know if he knows I was with his roommate, or anything about me. But a guy finds a naked girl in his bed, his cock in her mouth, and you know what? He doesn't ask any questions. We literally didn't speak. I crawled up on top of him, put my hand on his chest and rode him until he came. Then he flipped me over, I spread my legs and he crawled between them for one more. When he was done, I slipped out of the room and back into the room where I assumed my clothes were. He woke up as I opened the door and said good morning, so I figured I might as well remember him, and I climbed back in his bed, initiated some foreplay so he wouldn't question why I was so wet (you know, 2 loads will do that to you), and then put my hands on his shoulders and my feet up in the air as he climbed on for another round. He gets down and I head back to the bathroom with my clothes to get dressed. I order an Uber and send a message to this 44 yr old single guy I know, "you still like it when I'm messy?"

By the time my Uber arrives, I have my answer and I change the address and head over to his place. He greets me at the door with a smile, kisses me, and asks me how many as I see his cock growing in his pants. We head for his bed. When he kisses me goodbye I realize it's not even noon yet, and that's guy number three. I think about all the school work I have to do.....and decide to blow it off...I am already hungry. I hit up another guy I know and ask him if he wants to buy me lunch....and by the time I see the clock strike 1 am I have guy number 6 asleep with his hand on my boob.

By about 4:30 am I still can't really sleep. I slip out and hop in this car that has shown up to pick me up. It's a guy I feel comfortable with. I knew his wife was out of town ahead of him for the holidays and he had asked me come over. I fell asleep hard in his car and then in his bed. There is something that I find so exciting but also so comforting about laying my head down on a wife's pillow. I know that's bad, but I have been doing it for years and I have always liked the feeling. I have an alarm set on my phone for Sunday mornings. I know my mom is going to call and ask me how I liked the message every Sunday. So by the time I wake up, pee, and crawl back in bed, I have just enough time to get the service up on YouTube before the guy who gave me a place to sleep rams his married cock deep up my ass. I'm on all fours, hair pulled back, cock going in my out hole and trying desperately to remember anything the pastor says about the disciple Peter so I can regurgitate it to my mom in a couple of hours. We go out for coffee and bagels (eat in the car) and come back to his house. He has friends coming over to watch football. I take my mom's call while holding onto some the penis of some guy I just met, stroking it so he is ready to cum when I put my mouth on it after I hang up. After football I go home and change clothes finally and end up at an ex-gfs apartment having sex with her before falling asleep in her arms.

So that's what I call a Slutty Saturday - 6 beds, 6 guys, double digit loads of cum in my pussy, and no shower.
Sunday, Sinful Sunday is anal while watching church, naked with a man while talking to my mom, sex with married men, and gay sex.

And all of it because I woke up in a mood on Saturday morning.....I just wanted to fuck and keep fucking.


发布者 megscheerfun
4 年 前
megscheerfun 出版商 2 年 前
cocksucker868 : haha so clever
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cocksucker868 2 年 前
Was that wrinkle button down 136?
littlewanker 3 年 前
I can only dream about being guy no 7 emptying my balls deep inside you. Such a good girl you are
I love these stories, next time you get in a mood, I'm flying down to texas!
megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
tastetester769 : I didn't say I was touching myself right now? Oh, wait, I get it. Oooops, blonde moment.
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tastetester769 4 年 前
megscheerfun : See?  That's what we all love about you, you're amazingly in touch with your nature
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megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
tastetester769 : I would say "ouch" but that is just a pretty fair comment. Lol
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tastetester769 4 年 前
I don't think that it's all about Saturday, I think you're just slutty 
bigdeal2334 4 年 前
Love it.. what a dirty little slutttt... Love the honesty
megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
Thank you so much!
Kissableking 4 年 前
Sounds like a great Saturday to me 
Cool slut. How often do you get in this mood. Not often enough for you slut, isnt it?
megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
Gonger : Thank you!
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pp1053 4 年 前
damn.... wished i could have been one of those guy..... sounds like u had a good day
Gonger 4 年 前
Haha amazing slutty job
beachcocknballz 4 年 前
Sounds like an awesome day!  Way to tame all those cocks!
megscheerfun : Always a pleasure sweetheart, and thank you for sharing and posting! 
Many happy ball drainings to you today Megan!  
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megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
SirNsideU : Hey there, thank you! Great message. Based on the party last night I am well on my way to another weekend like that! Thank you.
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Good gawd Megan! What a fantastic, cum drenched, slutty entry in your 'Stories' section! I love it! I did notice that you omitted "1 Girl" from your tally of partners that day though. Understandable when you're out there, horny, hungover, dazed and hopping from one cock to another as you were. I'm dropping this comment on a Saturday and hope you have (yet another) super-slutty Saturday today!  
megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
roccop122 : lol. thanks. Wait till you hear about my recent birthday
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roccop122 4 年 前
Best story ever...or at least today..
megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
BigTonyGuy : Well I hope to bestoy that honor on you some day!!! You sound like so much fun!
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BigTonyGuy 4 年 前
you are the most perfect slut I've ever known and it would be an honor to cum inside you 
Grandon 4 年 前
megscheerfun : I hope to and if it would happen i just got one thing to say: clear your schedule!!
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megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
Grandon : hope you get the chance some day!!! i know you would be fun
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Grandon 4 年 前
megscheerfun : yeah I just have so much envy inside of me, all these guys and i live to far awat. My penis is getting sad - he wants to be inside of you girl.
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megscheerfun 出版商 4 年 前
Grandon : trying my best!
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Grandon 4 年 前
You are truly living life! :grinning: 
goldenboy002 4 年 前
awesome! am jealous of any one of those guys!
Stanroads 4 年 前
I might have to make a pit stop one day ? 