First taste of cum
Many years had passed since my first sexual encounter with a male. In those years I had fantasised continuously about sucking cock again and though very nervous I knew ultimately I wanted cock inside me too. I had dressed in lingerie whenever I could, taking items from girlfriends and friends mothers or sisters and it always increased my longing to be a girl and have a lover.
The internet was in its infancy and totally unreliable to meet genuine guys (god how much I wish it had been what it is now) so found myself on telephone messaging dating. After several weeks of dealing with timewasters I found myself texting with an older guy (which was always my fantasy) who was widowed and I think just needed some sexual release.
We arranged a meet. He picked me up in his car and we drove to a quiet country road. I could tell he was as nervous as me, possibly more so as we parked up. My excitement got the better of me and I reached for his crotch. He sighed as I rubbed his flaccid cock through his clothes and started to harden to my touch. my urge to taste cock again after years was overwhelming though so I wasting no time in releasing his cock from his trousers and underwear. He wasn't hugely endowed but I just wanted to suck on it so badly. He was fully hard by now from my slow wanking so I happily dropped my he into his lap and opened my mouth to receive him. The taste of cock again took me instantly back to my first lover and I started greedily slurping and sucking. He was obviously enjoying as his cock pulsed in my mouth and remained rock hard. I wanted suck it all night but my eagerness to taste it and his lack of recent sex meant he tasted five minutes before he exploded into my mouth. The release was obviously huge for him as he jerked and groaned as he shot into my greedy mouth. I didn't move as I sucked every drop from his softening cock, my head spinning from the first taste of anothers cum. I obviously swallowed every drop and licked his cock clean before thanking him and being dropped back home feeling like I had rediscovered my true calling.
We met once more. I visited him at home so was able to dress in a gorgeous bra and panties set I had stolen. He sat in an armchair as I slowly sucked him off. It was far more relaxed and I took more time and again ended up swallowing his cum but it was not as intense as our first encounter. I knew that ultimately I wanted a more dominant partner.
The internet was in its infancy and totally unreliable to meet genuine guys (god how much I wish it had been what it is now) so found myself on telephone messaging dating. After several weeks of dealing with timewasters I found myself texting with an older guy (which was always my fantasy) who was widowed and I think just needed some sexual release.
We arranged a meet. He picked me up in his car and we drove to a quiet country road. I could tell he was as nervous as me, possibly more so as we parked up. My excitement got the better of me and I reached for his crotch. He sighed as I rubbed his flaccid cock through his clothes and started to harden to my touch. my urge to taste cock again after years was overwhelming though so I wasting no time in releasing his cock from his trousers and underwear. He wasn't hugely endowed but I just wanted to suck on it so badly. He was fully hard by now from my slow wanking so I happily dropped my he into his lap and opened my mouth to receive him. The taste of cock again took me instantly back to my first lover and I started greedily slurping and sucking. He was obviously enjoying as his cock pulsed in my mouth and remained rock hard. I wanted suck it all night but my eagerness to taste it and his lack of recent sex meant he tasted five minutes before he exploded into my mouth. The release was obviously huge for him as he jerked and groaned as he shot into my greedy mouth. I didn't move as I sucked every drop from his softening cock, my head spinning from the first taste of anothers cum. I obviously swallowed every drop and licked his cock clean before thanking him and being dropped back home feeling like I had rediscovered my true calling.
We met once more. I visited him at home so was able to dress in a gorgeous bra and panties set I had stolen. He sat in an armchair as I slowly sucked him off. It was far more relaxed and I took more time and again ended up swallowing his cum but it was not as intense as our first encounter. I knew that ultimately I wanted a more dominant partner.
5 年 前